
AJ Styles Defends After WWE Tapings, Apollo Crews Warns Dolph Ziggler (Video), Fans On 205 Live

- This Fallout video from tonight's WWE SmackDown features Kalisto and Apollo Crews discussing the new attitude from Dolph Ziggler. Kalisto says Ziggler has been their friend since day one but now he's back-stabbed both of them. Crews says Ziggler doesn't want to mess with him because horrible things happen when he gets mad. Crews says Ziggler is going to find out what kind of things happen when you mess with Apollo Crews and his family.

- The dark main event after tonight's WWE tapings in Toledo, Ohio saw WWE Champion AJ Styles retain over John Cena after using a low blow.
- As seen below, 60% of fans on Twitter gave tonight's WWE 205 Live episode a thumbs up with over 2000 votes:

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