Goldberg On Possibly Working A Full-Time WWE Schedule, Respect From Current WWE Stars, More
Source: CBS Sports
Bill Goldberg spoke with Denny Burkholder of CBS Sports before last night's WWE RAW appearance. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:
Possibly working a full-time schedule if he were to win the WWE Universal Title at WrestleMania 33:
"If that were to happen, it depends on your definition of full time. If you have the strap, the WWE title, you gotta be on TV to defend it. I guess we'll cross that bridge if we get there."
Current WWE talents making him feel welcome:
"The respect is unbelievable. I feel like an elder statesman. I'm very happy for the business that such good people are in control of it now. It seems like they're a great group of kids in the locker room. And that's really nice to see, because in past years, that has not always been the case."
His WWE future:
"I'll knock down whatever they put in front of me. I'd like to get the opportunity to wrestle at WrestleMania again, especially since I've only had one. But like I said, the Royal Rumble this weekend, that's what I'm focused on."
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