
IMPACT Wrestling Results, April 13, 2017: Full Episode

Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe & Luster the Legend) vs. Laredo Kid & Garza Jr vs. Decay (“The Monster” Abyss & Crazzy Steve) w/ Rosemary – Three Way Tag Team Match
Garza attempts to tag in Laredo but Rosemary pulls him off the apron.
Luster hits Steve with a big spinebuster.
Abyss connects with a Chokeslam on Luster.
Luster drives Steve into Garza who’s perched in the corner. Reno Scum connects with their double team double foot stomp on Steve to win.
Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell asks Andrew Everett what’s next for him. They’re interrupted by Gregory Shane Helms and Trevor Lee. Helms says Everett still has to prove himself to get another shot at the X-Divison title. Helms tells Everett he’ll be in a fatal 4 way match tonight and Everett suggests that Helms should be one of the competitors! Helms initially denies but changes his mind when Everett makes fun of him for being scared.
Bruce Prichard is in the ring to reveal the results of the vote to crown the number one contender for Lashley’s IMPACT! Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship. “Cowboy” James Storm wins the vote but EC3 comes out instead. EC3 says the vote was rigged but Bruce reminds him that it was his idea to let the fans decide. Bruce tells EC3 to look in a mirror and ask himself what happened to the old, dominant version of EC3. EC3 says he’s going to figure out what he needs to do to reinvent himself and leaves.
KM & Sienna vs. Braxton Sutter & Allie – Mixed Tag Team Match
KM attempts to powerslam Sutter but he avoids it and suplexes KM into the corner turnbuckles.
Sutter tags in Allie and she brings the attack to Sienna. Allie jumps off the second rope but Sienna catches her. KM accidentally trips Sienna and Allie falls onto her for the pinfall!
After the match, fury arrives. It’s Kongo Kong! Sutter attempts to take him out but it’s no use. Kong hits Sutter with a big Samoan Drop, followed by a running senton in the corner. Laurel Van Ness runs to the ring and joins Sienna in a 2 on 1 assault on Allie.
Rosemary vs. Santana Garrett
Garrett attempts numerous pin attempts in the early going.
Rosemary goes for the Red Wedding but Garrett avoids it and hits her with a flurry of clotheslines.
Garrett hits a side Russian legsweep for a near fall. Rosemary connects with Red Wedding to win.
Backstage, Angelina Love says she has no remorse for what she and Davey Richards did to Eddie Edwards and Alisha last week.
Andrew Everett vs. “All Day” Marshe Rockett vs. Suicide vs. Gregory Shane Helms w/ Trevor Lee – Four Way X-Division Match
Helms immediately exits the ring as the match begins but the referee throws out Trevor Lee!
Suicide hits Rockett with the Suicide plunge on the outside. Everett goes for a move of his own but Helms takes out his leg. Helms attempts to roll up Suicide for the quick win but he kicks out.
Everett hits a springboard dropkick on Rockett.
Suicide connects with the Suicide Solution on Everett. Suicide goes for the pin but Helms throws him outside of the ring.
Helms hits Everett with a power move of his own but spends too much time playing to the crowd! Everett hits Helms with an Enzuigiri kick.
Rockett misses a double crossbody attempt. Everett follows up with the Shooting Star Press to win.
After the match, Trevor Lee and Shane Helms attack Everett from behind. Everett turns the tables and hits Lee with a Frankendriver as Helms retreats!
“The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards w/ Angelina Love vs. DJZ
DJZ hits Richards with a dropkick through the ropes to the outside!
DJZ connects with a crossbody for a near fall.
Richards goes for the double foot stomp off the top rope but DJZ avoids it. DJZ connects with the neckbreaker for a near fall. Richards submits DJZ with the ankle lock to win.
After the match, Eddie Edwards runs down to the ring but is held back by security. Alisha is able to get through and brings the fight to Angelina Love before it’s broken up!
We see a promo for the Veterans of War.
Team GOAT (Lashley, Bram, Eli Drake & Tyrus) vs. Team JB (Chris Adonis, Matt Morgan, Alberto El Patron & Magnus) – 4 on 4 Tag Team Match
If Team GOAT loses, Josh Mathews has agreed to leave the broadcast team for good!
Team JB has control going into the first commercial break.
Lashley and Bram double team Adonis on their side of the ring while the referee tries to keep Magnus from getting involved!
Team GOAT dominates Adonis, preventing him from getting the tag.
Drake throws Adonis to the outside and the rest of team GOAT goes on the attack! Drake connects with the Skylord Slam for a near fall.
Tyrus misses a big splash on Adonis, allowing him to tag in Morgan who takes out everybody!
Morgan chokeslams Bram but Tyrus breaks up the pin attempt.
In a huge flurry of action, Lashley hits the Spear on El Patron, Adonis takes out Lashley with a Spinebuster, Drake hits Adonis with a Celtic Cross and Magnus powerbombs Drake!
Magnus locks in the Figure Four leg lock on Drake but Bram breaks it up. Morgan hits Bram with the Carbon Footprint, followed by the elbow drop from Magnus to pick up the win for Team JB!
The IMPACT! Wrestling locker room empties to say their goodbye’s to Josh Mathews!
Next week, IMPACT! Wrestling is live as “Walking Armageddon” Lashley defends the world title against “Cowboy” James Storm, plus two more title matches! Don’t miss it!

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