
WLW Upcoming LIVE Pro-Wrestling Event Details

Upcoming Events
  If you attended the last event in Troy, you saw the carnage take place in the main event as Leland Race and Jon Webb defeated Karim Brigante and Jayden Fenix. This lead to Race being able to challenge Brigante for the WLW Heavyweight Title in Richmond as well as Jon Webb (the WLW Jr. Heavyweight Champion) laying out a challenge to defend his title against Jayden Fenix on May 13th!

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Main Event Announced!
  For the first time in WLW History, the WLW Jr. Heavyweight Championship will be defended in the main event as Jon Webb goes head-to-head against Jayden Fenix! At the last event in Troy, Jayden crossed the line and that enraged Webb to the point of the current champion to grant a title shot to Fenix! Now, it will be happening!

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