
Big Show Rips WWE Creative Writers And 'Long, Useless, Time-wasting, Bulls--t [TV Taping] Days'

Source: Talk Is Jericho

Recently on Talk Is Jericho, sports entertainment legend Chris Jericho welcomed his favorite tag team partner of all time to the podcast. Well, it's The Big Show. Among many other things, The Big Show talked about how he still enjoys working WWE live events, but hates doing TV tapings.

According to The Big Show, he loves working house shows on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but he hates going to TV tapings.
"I love the live events. I love the Friday, Saturday, Sunday live event shows. I hate TVs. TVs, I just want to bash myself in the head with a hammer because they're just long, useless, time-wasting, bulls--t days where you sit around all friggin day for some idea that absolutely sucks. Debating it for hours and 17,000 inputs. And one or two guys laced up a pair of wrestling boots in their life and know what they're talking about. The others have never laced up a pair and really don't know s--t, but for some reason, they're telling you what to do. So you're just sitting there baffled. We all have that same look at TV, we walk around baffled, going, 'why are we doing this?'

"I like the live events. It's not as crazy. There's not as much B.S. backstage. It's just me and the guys. I like that part and I like getting out and working. I've done a lot of stuff where I go down, I knock somebody out, and I leave. I hate that. I get it. I'm old and beat up and they want to help me out and extend me, but I like getting in the ring."

While The Big Show believes that new talent should be given the television and pay-per-view time, he does not like to wait around all day to ultimately not get used on TV.

"There's a lot of change going on. There's a lot of new talent. There's a lot of new opportunities and I'm okay with that. They should get the TV time. They should get the pay-per-view time. I'm totally fine with that. Just don't make me come to Mondays when I don't have to do anything. That s--t pisses me off. Do you know what I mean? If I'm coming, use me. If not, send me home."

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