
***EXCLUSIVE*** Tyson Dux Speaks WWE V/S Impact Wrestling, Dream Match, Best Championship Reign, More on POINT BLANK

We recently spoke with Tyson Dux who was the former WWE, Impact Wrestling superstar and works for many independent wrestling promotions. He recently participated on WWE Cruiser-weight classics. You can read the full interview below.

1. 20 years in the wrestling industry, starting of with the training from 3 popular names in wrestling industry Scott D'Amore, Joe E. Legend and Terry Taylor. You debut first under the ring name of Muay Thai Kid. How will you describe your initial days, if I ask you to recall them back?

This business is tough, really tough and with time it changes but remains challenging in new ways.  When I started it was the era of making it real and believable.  Only heavyweights seemed to be working shows so small guys like me (at the time) were thrown around and beat up a ton.  However I wouldn't change a thing.

2. Moving ahead from your initial days to 2004 there is something I could mark as one of the biggest missed opportunity in your life, being injured in one of the longest-running independent wrestling tournaments in the country. Do you think it could have changed your career?

I try not to dwell on the "what could have been"  I'm sure life would be totally different but who's to say.

3. You were part of WWE and Impact Wrestling in a several times. If you could figure it out how will you speak out the changes between both?

WWE is the biggest wrestling company in the world that's the difference haha.  Both have great talent and amazing staff and crew but the difference is the shear size.

4. In the years passed by you were part of many wrestling promotions and its beyond doubt that you have a number good and bad experiences and things which you may haven't expressed till this point of time. Now you are at "Point Blank", you can't miss this opportunity. Shoot out the things which you need to.

Life is good I'm healthy I'm in good shape I'm still going strong.

5. If you are to choose best wrestling promotion which you had worked for which will be your answer and why did you said so?

Hard to choose there are a ton of great companies each very different with a good fan base.

6. Can you point out one person whom you think helped you the most?

This is a business that's a brotherhood.  You can't get by on your own.  Either people are putting you over or teaching you finer parts of the business.  My list is extremely long of people that have been instrumental in my career.  Would be unfair to mention just one.

7. Your championship reigns are one which should be mentioned out. Which was the one you consider the best?

My SMASH title and BCW titles have been my greatest accomplishments because it wasn't given to me.  I had to work hard and put in years of time to get to earn those titles

8. Is there a match you dreamed but couldn't get to it?

No not really I've worked the greatest talent in the world.  There is always going to be new great talent but I'm satisfied with all the people I've gone toe to toe with.

9. You were to retire in 2011 but took good decision to keep it off. The future star of wrestling you think will be and the comment on above incident?

I should have worded it better back then.  I should have said "taking time off" not retiring.  I was in bad shape at the time and needed to to rebound both physically mentally and financially.  Which I did after about a year.

10. Why didn't you go for a full time deal in these 20 years of career?

Timing all comes down to timimg you have to be in the right place at the right time.  That's how this biz works and I haven't been that fortunate yet. 

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