Kurt Angle To Wrestle Top WWE Superstar, Roman Reigns Lashes Out On Twitter, Noam Dar - Alicia Fox
- Some of our readers may remember a writer by the name of Shawn Moniz. Shawn, a lifelong fan in his early 30's, wrote for the "IWC (Internet Wrestling Community)" and webmastered his own websites for years, and is genuinely one of the nicest guys on the planet. Those who know Shawn agree that he's one of the real good guys of the world and that you really can't find one person to say anything bad about him. Shawn was recently admitted to hospice care after a battle with stage 4 lung cancer. A few of his friends are raising funds to give Shawn a special wrestling-related weekend here soon and to help the family with expenses. You can donate to the campaign on Indiegogo's Generosity platform at this link. You can also e-mail Shawn your well-wishes or letters to tmarc.middleton [at] gmail [dot] com with "For Shawn Moniz" as the subject. The letters will be sent to Shawn's family to print & read, or they will be delivered to Shawn by us in the next week or so.
- Roman Reigns fired back at fans on Twitter yesterday by commenting on an exchange between users. The entire exchange can be seen below:
Do you wrestle , do you stay in the Ring 24/7 ? To say/judge that ? A lot Wrestlers he had Matches with say otherwise and praise him !
— RomanReigns-Empire (@RREmpire_) June 10, 2017
Yeah i know, but you couldn't do any better than a wwe superstar
— Alexia Harrison (@AlexiaHarrison7) June 12, 2017
Lol ok sweetie..here's a tip, some of us don't like @WWE or their bs politics. We're happier where we're at.
— Ian Porter (@HeelDegenerate) June 12, 2017
Let ME give you a tip amateur. @WWE is the Top of the Mountain in Pro Wrestling. A view you'll never deserve or get to enjoy. #Facts https://t.co/sHf9ebYmi7
— Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) June 12, 2017
And your sorry ass was positioned at the top thanks to family.
— Jean Loss Fap (@servinfools) June 13, 2017
You were handed your position. You never earned it.
Yea I guess working my butt off 5 days a week while being away from my wife and kids for the last 7 years is being "handed" it. #DumbAssMark https://t.co/1SlLhPdEjf
— Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) June 13, 2017
How about the other guys that work their butt off and get away from their wife and kids for years too and still jobbing?
— Androctonus (@FX7scorpion) June 13, 2017
Oh yea, ??I forgot they are "jobbing" for free! ??Clueless #DumbAssMark. BTW all our schedules and responsibilities aren't the same. #B2R https://t.co/tbx5BW7Yvl
— Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) June 13, 2017
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