
NXT stars visit 8-year-old terrorist attack victim at home in Manchester

NXT champion Bobby Roode was joined by SAnitY member Nikki Cross and UK Championship Live star Mark Andrews as they visited the home of a little WWE fan who was injured during the terrorist attack in Manchester while attending the Ariana Grande concert.

Lily Harrison, who is just 8 years old, was hit by flying shrapnel and fractured her shoulderblade when the suicide bomb went off while her mother, Lauren Thorpe, was hit in the thigh by an inch-long bolt.

Ariana Grande, who put up a free benefit show for Manchester alongside with several stars this past Sunday, also visited Lily in the hospital last weekend.

Roode presented Lily with an NXT championship replica title and then all three stars signed it for her as Extreme Rules played on TV in the background.

The scheduled NXT live event in Manchester for today was canceled but NXT’s stars still made it to Manchester to make home and hospital visits and check on those who were affected by the attack.

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