- Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens up with a promo for Money In the Bank.
- We're live from Rochester, NY with Tom Phillips, JBL and Byron Saxton. We see the women's division in the ring as SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon makes his way out. There's also a podium in the ring.
Shane introduces the Superstars in the ring - Tamina Snuka, Natalya, Carmella, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. James Ellsworth is also there. Shane calls for a drum roll and unveils the white Money In the Bank briefcase that these Superstars will be competing for in the first-ever women's MITB Ladder Match. Shane talks about the match but Ellsworth interrupts him. Ellsworth runs him down and says we already know what will happen at MITB. He hands the mic to Carmella and she talks about how she's going to win but Charlotte shuts her up. Charlotte goes on but Natalya cuts her off. Becky knocks Natalya and accuses her of ripping Bret Hart off. Becky says she will go on to be the first Ms. Money In the Bank. Tamina interrupts and says all they do is talk but she's going to shut them all up in St. Louis. The music interrupts and out comes SmackDown Women's Champion Naomi.
Naomi takes the mic but the music interrupts and out comes Lana for her debut. Shane says this isn't working for him right now. Lana says Naomi can't compete in this match but she can. Natalya laughs but a "yes!" chant breaks out. Naomi is also cracking up at the idea of Lana wrestling. Naomi wants to know who Lana has ever defeated. Lana says she can beat Naomi. They start arguing. Shane says with all due respect, a title match is something she needs to earn. Lana pitches a quick fit and leaves the ring. Some fans boo the decision. Lana storms to the back as a "we want Lana" chant starts. Shane calls for a referee as it's time for a six-woman match. We go to commercial.
Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch and Naomi vs. Natalya, Carmella and Tamina Snuka
Back from the break and Charlotte starts the match with Natalya. Back and forth between the two. Charlotte has words with Carmella. Becky tags in for a bit of double teaming. Becky with a takedown as Natalya tags in Carmella. Fans chant for Becky as they go at it. Becky with several pin attempts in a row. Becky rolls Carmella around the ring several times now. Becky drops Carmella again for a 2 count.
Carmella ends up sending Becky to the floor with a kick. Natalya clotheslines Becky on the floor with a cheap shot. Back to commercial.
More back and forth after the break. Carmella knocks Charlotte off the apron but Becky rolls her up for 2. Naomi finally tags in and unloads on Carmella now. Naomi with the series of kicks and a jawbreaker. Tamina tags in but Naomi rocks her. Naomi with kicks to Tamina now. Tamina lifts Naomi and rams her back into the corner.
Naomi drops Tamina with a kick and springboards in from the apron, hitting a crossbody. Carmella breaks the pin. Flair boots Carmella out of the ring. Tamina holds Flair while Natalya chops her. They double team Charlotte and send her out of the ring. Lana comes walking out now. Naomi fights off Natalya and Tamina. She turns her attention to Lana. Naomi turns back around and kicks Tamina from the apron. Lana takes Naomi's legs out and she goes down on the apron. The distraction leads to Tamina hitting a superkick on Naomi for the win.
Winners: Tamina, Carmella and Natalya
- After the match, Lana looks on as we go to replays. Lana stands behind the winners on the ramp as the two teams face off.
- We see Shane backstage on the phone. He walks into a room and sees the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy. Mojo Rawley walks in. He talks about what the win meant to him and says he thought it would open doors for him but that's not happening. Mojo mentions not being in the Money In the Bank Ladder Match. Mojo says there's one person on this roster that has beaten WWE Champion Jinder Mahal - Mojo. Shane says if Mojo wants in the MITB match, he must defeat his opponent tonight - Jinder. Mojo gets hyped up and says he's ready. He walks off.
- Still to come, Owens vs. Nakamura. Also, Styles vs. Ziggler in a rematch from last week. Back to commercial.
AJ Styles vs. Dolph Ziggler
Back from the break and out first comes AJ Styles to a pop. Dolph Ziggler is out next for a rematch from last week.
Back and forth to start the match. We take an early break.
Back from the break and they're going at it. They trade big shots in the middle of the ring. AJ unloads and blocks a Fame-asser. AJ gets the upperhand but Ziggler gets a close 2 count with his feet on the ropes. Ziggler goes on and connects with the Fame-asser for a 2 count. They go to the top. Ziggler goes for a tornado DDT but AJ counters and sends him to the mat.
Styles decks Ziggler from the apron. Styles goes for a Phenomenal Forearm but it's blocked. More back and forth. They trade pin attempts and Styles hits a Styles Clash in the middle of the ring for the win.
Winner: AJ Styles
- After the match, Styles stands tall as we go to replays.
- The announcers lead us to another episode of The Fashion Files with Breezango. The New Day make a special appearance.
Mojo Rawley vs. Jinder Mahal
We go to the ring and out comes Mojo Rawley as he tries to earn a spot in MITB. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and John Cena's return is confirmed for the July 4th SmackDown. The Singh Brothers come to the stage to introduce the WWE Champion. Out comes Jinder Mahal for this non-title match.
The bell rings and they lock up. Mojo unloads and takes Jinder from corner to corner. Mojo slams Jinder and the champion slides to the apron for a breather. The Singh Brothers come over to check on him. Jinder comes back in and they run the ropes. Mojo takes Jinder down with a shoulder. Jinder goes to the floor for another breather.
Mojo keeps control until one of the Singh Brothers distract him and Jinder turns it around. Jinder works Mojo over until Mojo backdrops him. Mojo makes a comeback with shoulders and a clothesline. Jinder does a rake to the eyes and ends up hitting the Khallas for the win.
Winner: Jinder Mahal
- After the match, Jinder and The Singh Brothers stand tall as we go to replays. They go to the ramp as fans boo. Jinder calls for silence as the modern day Maharaja speaks. Jinder reminds us he's WWE Champion. Fans chant USA now. He cuts a promo on how he will defeat Randy Orton at Money In the Bank in his hometown and then we will have no choice but to accept him. Jinder speaks in Punjabi to end the segment.
- The announcers lead us to a video package on Shinsuke Nakamura.
- We see The New Day walking backstage. Back to commercial.
Renee Young is backstage with Randy Orton for his reaction to Jinder's comments. Orton says at Money In the Bank in two weeks, he won't need to say one word but Jinder will hear him just fine.
The Colons vs. The New Day
We go to the ring and The Colons wait as The New Day comes out for their SmackDown in-ring debuts. They toss boxes of Booty-O's cereal into the crowd. Xavier Woods starts off with Primo. Kofi Kingston watches from ringside. Woods turns it around and unloads on Primo, dropkicking him into the middle rope for a 2 count.
Big E gets the tag and unloads as Epico comes in. Big E applies an abdominal stretch. Primo runs in but Woods meets him and also applies a stretch. Big E and Woods clear the ring and celebrate as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Primo has control of Woods after The Colons took control during the break. Woods tries to make a comeback but Primo sends him to the corner and nails a clothesline. Primo takes him up for a superplex but Woods sends him to the mat. Woods with a missile dropkick now. Kofi and Big E try to rally the crowd.
Big E gets the hot tag and unloads on Epico with suplexes. Big E runs the ropes and hits the splash. Primo charges but Big E dumps him over the top. Woods runs the ropes and nails a dive to Primo. Epico rolls Big E up for a 2 count. Epico with a jawbreaker. Woods tags in and kicks Epico in the face. They hit the Midnight Hour on Epico for the pin.
Winners: The New Day
- After the match, The New Day celebrates until the music interrupts and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos. They call The New Day old news and talk about how they have the whole tag team division on lock. They welcome The New Day to The Usos Penitentiary. The Usos say they can joke just like The New Day can. They start ripping on all three members and how they look. The Usos say there won't be anymore jokes at Money In the Bank.
- Still to come, Owens vs. Nakamura.
- Back from the break and Sami Zayn is backstage with Dasha Fuentes. He mentions being on commentary for tonight's main event. Baron Corbin attacks out of nowhere and destroys Sami, hitting him with a ladder. Corbin says a spot just opened up on commentary.
- We go to Shane in his office. He's on the phone with someone talking about what Corbin just did. Naomi walks in and says she wants Lana at Money In the Bank. Shane says he's dealing with the issues right now and Naomi has no obligation to fight Lana. Naomi says she wants to fight Lana and will even put her title on the line. Shane makes the title match for MITB. Naomi is happy and says Lana better invest in one of those Russian hats because she plans on snatching her bald.
Kevin Owens vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens for this non-title main event.
Back from the break and TJ Perkins is backstage with a promo to hype tonight's WWE 205 Live. Back to the ring and Baron Corbin has joined the announcers for commentary. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next to a big pop.
Back and forth to start. Nakamura sends Owens to the floor and we take a commercial break.
Back from the break and the action has picked up as Owens dominates Nakamura after launching him into the barrier during the commercial. Owens keeps Nakamura grounded now. Owens drops Nakamura with a DDT for a 2 count and goes back to the headlock.
Nakamura nails a big kick after some back and forth. Nakamura makes a comeback now and builds momentum with offense. Nakamura drops Owens with a strike. Nakamura keeps control and places Owens on the top for the running high knee. Nakamura with a 2 count. They end up on top as Owens goes for a superplex. Nakamura fights back. Nakamura knocks Owens off. Owens ends up hitting the corner cannonball. Corbin wonders if it's a marshmallow instead of a cannonball.
Nakamura drops Owens with another kick. Nakamura with the reverse exploder as fans pop. Nakamura waits in the corner and charges for the Kinshasa, nailing it for the non-title win.
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
- After the match, Nakamura stands tall as we go to replays. We come back to Nakamura celebrating until Corbin hits the ring and attacks him from behind. Corbin drops Nakamura with End of Days. We get another replay as Corbin heads to the ramp and Nakamura recovers. Corbin's music hits as the announcers hype Money In the Bank. We get another replay of the End of Days to Nakamura. SmackDown goes off the air with Corbin looking on from the stage as Nakamura is still down in the ring.