- Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens up with the normal intro video.
- We're live from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans with Tom Phillips, JBL and Byron Saxton. They welcome us and hype tonight's show, the final episode before Money In the Bank.
- We go right to the ring as The New Day make their entrance. They've got some help from a Bourbon Street band, The Soul Rebels. Kofi Kingston takes the mic and gets the crowd to give it up for the band. They hype WrestleMania 34 being in NOLA. Xavier Woods comments on The New Day defeating The Usos this Sunday and bringing the titles back to New Orleans as champions at WrestleMania 34. The music interrupts and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos.
The Usos hit the ring and raise the titles in The New Day's face. They've been the ones putting in work and grinding, and they will be the ones to leave with the titles on Sunday. The Breezango music interrupts and out comes Tyler Breeze with Fandango. They hit the ring with mics but are soon interrupted by The Colons coming out. More back and forth on the mic until The New Day music hits and we go to commercial.
The New Day and Breezango vs. The Colons and The Usos
Back from the break and Jimmy Uso wants Kofi to start with him instead of Fandango. Kofi tags in but Jimmy tags out. Epico comes in and goes at it with Kofi. Kofi drops Epico with an elbow for a 2 count. Xavier tag sin and they double team Epico. Woods with a top rope elbow for a 2 count. Fandango gets the tag and goes to work on Epico. Epico tries to roll him up for Fandango blocks it and drops a leg drop for a 2 count.
Breeze tags in for a bit of double teaming and a 2 count. Jey Uso gets the tag and takes control of Breeze coming out of the corner. Jimmy tags in and keeps up the attack in the corner. Primo quickly tags in and decks Breeze before keeping him grounded. Breeze finally gets an opening and in comes Woods. Woods and Breeze double team Primo with Woods powerbombing Breeze onto Primo for a 2 count. Woods keeps control and dropkicks Primo in the back of the neck for a 2 count.
Woods with chops in the corner now. Primo turns it around but wastes a bit of time and runs into a big boot. Woods hits the Honor Roll. Epico comes in but Woods decks him. We get chaos for a minute as the babyfaces clear the ring and celebrate. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and the heels took control during the commercial. Primo works over Breeze now. Epico tags in and comes over the top rope with a senton for a 2 count. Quick tags between The Usos as they double team Breeze now. Jey with a 2 count. Jey with the running Rikishi attack in the corner and some trash talking for a 2 count.
Uso keeps Breeze grounded now. Breeze gets out but Epico tags himself in and stops Breeze from tagging. Epico taunts Fandango and lifts Breeze for a stalling suplex. Breeze kicks out at 2. Epico keeps Breeze down again. Breeze looks to make a tag but Epico catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Epico drops Fandango on the apron with a cheap shot. The Colons look to double team Breeze but he fights them both off. Fans chant for The New Day. Woods gets the hot tag and unloads on both of The Usos as Jimmy tagged in also. Kofi tags in and springboards in, taking out Jimmy. Kofi with the Boom Drop. Uso blocks Trouble In Paradise but Kofi comes right back around and hits it. Jey runs in and breaks the pin.
Fandango takes out Jey but falls to the floor. Primo tags in but Kofi blocks a Backstabber. Woods tags in and goes to the top as Kofi holds Primo. Woods nails the assisted stomp and covers for the pin.
Winners: The New Day and Breezango
- After the match, the babyfaces celebrate as we go to replays. Big E talks some trash as The Usos look on from the stage with the titles.
- Still to come, Charlotte vs. Natalya. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and AJ Styles is backstage talking to Shinsuke Nakamura. An excited Sami Zayn walks up and wants to talk strategy. He leaves and Shinsuke tells AJ he likes Sami.
Dasha Fuentes is backstage with Mojo Rawley. He thanks SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon for giving him an opportunity last week. Mojo says he came up short and gives WWE Champion Jinder Mahal props. Mojo says the loss was devastating and he's been beating himself up all week but part of him is glad he lost because he knows how hard he bounces back from a loss. Mojo gets hype and says the best from him is yet to come. Zack Ryder appears and makes his return. Zack gives him props but says they have unfinished business as a tag team. Mojo agrees and they look happy to be back together.
Naomi vs. Tamina Snuka
We go to the ring and out comes SmackDown Women's Champion Naomi for this non-title match. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Tamina Snuka. The music hits and out comes Lana before the bell hits. The match starts and a "we want Rusev" chant starts. Tamina takes control early on with a big headbutt out of the corner. Tamina works Naomi over and tosses her around the ring. Tamina keeps control as Lana watches from ringside.
Naomi looks to make a comeback and connects with a kick but Tamina drops her with ease after blocking a kick. Tamina takes Naomi back to the corner and beats her down. Tamina with the running Rikishi splash to the face for another 2 count. Tamina keeps Naomi grounded now. Naomi finally counters a move and looks to make her comeback. Naomi with a kick to the face after a counter in the corner. Naomi with more kicks now. Naomi charges but Tamina catches her in mid-air and slams her for another pin attempt. Lana looks on with a serious look on her face.
Tamina goes to the top but Naomi jumps up and kicks her out of nowhere. Naomi pulls Tamina off the top and nails the split-legged moonsault for the win.
Winner: Naomi
- After the match, Naomi stands tall and celebrates but Lana immediately attacks her from behind. Some fans boo. Lana drops Naomi with her version of a fisherman's spinebuster. Lana has the title handed to her and raises it in the air as her music plays. We go to replays and come back to Lana talking trash over Naomi.
- WWE Champion Jinder Mahal is walking backstage with The Singh Brothers. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and out come The Singh Brothers to the stage to introduce Jinder Mahal. The music hits and out comes the WWE Champion.
Jinder and The Singh Brothers hit the ring. There's a large rug covering the center of the ring. Jinder says he will prove how Randy Orton is a coward this Sunday. He mentions how Bob Orton and other stars from the past will be at ringside for Money In the Bank. Jinder talks about how Orton is scared of him and how he will end the Orton name this Sunday. Orton's music hits and Jinder sends The Singh Brothers to meet him at ringside.
Orton runs in from the crowd instead and lays Jinder out with the RKO. Orton slithers out of the ring and celebrates in the crowd as The Singh Brothers check on Jinder.
- Kevin Owens, Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler are backstage. Owens isn't trying to say they should be friends tonight because he doesn't like either partner but he suggests they look out for each other so they can go into Sunday's Ladder Match in better shape.
- Still to come, Charlotte vs. Natalya.
- Back from the break and Renee Young is backstage with Randy Orton. Orton says he said all he has to say in the ring just now. Orton says he will take back what's his in his hometown this Sunday.
Charlotte Flair vs. Natalya
We go to the ring and out first is Natalya. Charlotte Flair is out next as we see the Money In the Bank briefcase hanging above the ring.
Back and forth to start as we see Becky Lynch watching backstage. We go back to commercial with the two trading holds in the ring.
Back from the break and Natalya has Flair in a surfboard submission. Charlotte turns it around and unloads on Natalya. Charlotte goes to the top and nails the moonsault for a close 2 count. We see Carmella and James Ellsworth watching backstage. Charlotte charges int he corner but gets sent to the apron. Charlotte boots Natalya and drops her from the apron. Charlotte goes back to the top but Natalya comes over and turns that into a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count.
We get a replay from the powerbomb. Charlotte fights off a Sharpshooter and ends up dropping Natalya with a boot for another 2 count. Charlotte keeps looking up at the briefcase. Natalya with a roll-up for 2. Charlotte comes back and ends up hitting Natural Selection for the pin.
Winner: Charlotte Flair
- After the match, Charlotte stands tall and points up at the briefcase as her music plays.
- The announcers plug Money In the Bank, Great Balls of Fire and the WWE Network.
- We get another edition of The Fashion Files from Breezango before going to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a WWE Heroes promo. We also see video of a young fan, Jarrius "Little JJ" Robertson, being presented with a WWE Hero Award before SmackDown went on the air. We also see Jarrius and his family sitting at ringside.
- Dasha is backstage with Lana, asking about the controversy she's created as of late. Lana doesn't care what Dasha or the WWE Universe thinks of her. She asks if we saw what she just did to Naomi. Lana says she will shake the world when she crushes Naomi and becomes the new champion on Sunday.
Kevin Owens, Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler vs. AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn
We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens for tonight's main event. Baron Corbin is out next, followed by Dolph Ziggler. Sami Zayn is out first for his team. AJ Styles is out next to a big pop. Shinsuke Nakamura is out last for another big pop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is going at it with Nakamura, trading holds. Nakamura takes Ziggler down and drops knees. Nakamura with good vibrations in the corner. Ziggler comes back and floors Nakamura with a dropkick. Owens tags in and unloads on Nakamura, yelling out about being the champ. Corbin comes right in and keeps up the attack on Nakamura. Corbin beats Nakamura down in the corner and stomps. Corbin talks trash to Sami and yells at the referee.
Ziggler comes back in and takes Nakamura down for a headlock. AJ finally gets a tag and comes in to unload on Ziggler. AJ knocks Corbin off the apron and goes back to work on Ziggler. AJ drops Ziggler into a gutbuster and then knocks Owens off the apron. AJ scoops Ziggler for the fireman's carry neckbreaker. AJ covers for a 2 count but Owens kicks him in the face to break it. Sami comes in and unloads on Owens, sending him to the floor. Sami runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Owens down. The "ole!" chants start up now. Ziggler blocks a Styles Clash and nails a DDT for a 2 count. Corbin comes in and ends up hitting a Deep Six on Sami for a 2 count as Nakamura makes the save. Corbin nails Nakamura and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Owens comes in to keep Sami down. Owens talks some trash to AJ before stomping away on Sami in the corner. Owens goes for the senton but Sami gets his knees up. Owens comes back with a DDT for a 2 count. Corbin tags in and stomps on Sami. Corbin rams Sami back into the corner and works him over, yelling at the referee after a warning. Corbin goes on and stops Sami from making a tag. Owens comes back in and stomps on Sami while Corbin holds him. Owens mounts Sami with strikes now.
Sami nails a Blue Thunderbomb on Owens out of nowhere. Corbin tags in and stops Sami from tagging again. Sami knocks Ziggler off the apron after Corbin whips him into the corner but Corbin splashes him in the corner. Sami manages a big clothesline to Corbin. Sami goes on to dump Corbin over the top rope. Sami jumps for a tag but Ziggler and Owens pull AJ and Nakamura off the apron. There's fighting on the floor now. Corbin knocks AJ off the apron but Sami takes advantage and hits a Helluva Kick for the pin on Corbin.
Winners: Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles
- After the bell, Ziggler immediately attacks AJ and Sami in the ring, unloading on them. Fans chant "yes!" as Owens brings a ladder into the ring. Ziggler and Owens grab the ladder and run it into Sami as he stands up. They also drop AJ with the ladder. Ziggler and Owens look up at the briefcase before having words. Corbin runs in and takes them both down, sending Ziggler out of the ring. Corbin grabs the ladder and decks Owens with it. Ziggler gets on the apron but Corbin knocks him off with the ladder. Corbin positions the ladder and climbs up for the briefcase. Nakamura runs in and pushes the ladder over. Nakamura hits Corbin with a Kinshasa. Nakamura stands the ladder up as fans chant his name. Nakamura climbs up to grab the briefcase while his music hits and fans cheer. SmackDown goes off the air with Nakamura on top of the ladder with the briefcase while the other MITB competitors are down on the floor.