
GFW President Ed Nordholm goes in-depth over the Broken gimmick ownership battle

In an Q&A interview with Sports Illustrated, Ed Nordholm, the Executive Vice President of Anthem Sports & Entertainment and President of Global Force Wrestling, went in-depth over the whole Broken Universe gimmick situation, standing his ground saying that Anthem owns the gimmick and there’s nothing the Hardy Boyz can do about it.
Nordholm went over the cease and desist letter that was sent to Ring of Honor preventing the Hardys from using the gimmick after they left the company. He said that Matt, Jeff, and Reby all signed deals that sign over all rights to the intellectual property and “that is the fundamental term of every term for every wrestler on our show, that’s a fundamental term for every wrestler with WWE.”
The GFW President said that the company spent “millions” in producing television last year that incorporated various aspects of the Broken Universe and was not aware that Matt and Jeff paid for some expenses themselves. Regardless if they did, the contracts are crystal clear and does not change anything when it comes to who owns the IP.
Nordholm refused to expand on the WWE e-mail that he published which said that WWE was not interested in getting involved in the legal fight and said that when they asked them if they were interested in negotiating for it, they said no.
When asked if Anthem is ready to get back on the negotiating table with Matt and his family, Nordholm said no. “We’re not going back to it, I’m not interested in opening a new dialogue, I’m not interested in opening another conversation about it. We made our best effort, it didn’t happen, and I’m not going to negotiate all over again.”

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