
WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Handicap Main Event, New #1 Contender, Jason Jordan, No DQ, More


- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week's #1 contenders main event between Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns, which was crashed by Braun Strowman.

- We're live from the Verizon Center in Washington, DC as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

- We go right to the ring as JoJo introduces RAW General Manager Kurt Angle. He comes out to a pop as the "you suck" chants start up.

Angle welcomes us to RAW. He talks about the personal problem he's been dealing with over the past few months, which was revealed last week when he introduces his "long lost son" Jason Jordan, the newest member of the RAW roster. Angle says he was nervous at first but this has been exciting. Angle says he's been spending time with his son over the past week and Jordan will have his first RAW match tonight. Angle says he's given Jordan the opportunity but it's up to him to make it happen.

Angle also talks about how Braun Strowman interrupted last week's match to determine the SummerSlam opponent for WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. Angle says he has decided that Lesnar will face... the music interrupts Angle and out comes Strowman marching to the ring. Braun says the next words out of Angle's mouth better be his name or else. Braun says he won his match at Great Balls of Fire, unlike Samoa Joe or Roman Reigns. Braun says he does not fear Lesnar, Lesnar fears Braun. Braun says he's going to break Lesnar in half and become the next champion at SummerSlam. The music interrupts and out comes Joe next. Joe is here to make this really simple for Angle and Braun. Joe says fortunately for Braun, they haven't crossed paths much since Joe arrived. Joe introduces himself to Braun, as the man who tamed The Beast and came within seconds of putting him to sleep. Joe says he is the man that does not fear Lesnar. And he definitely does not fear Braun.

Joe says the only reason he's not knocking Braun's teeth out for what he did last week is because he just stopped Reigns from losing to him for the third straight time. Joe tells Angle that we should let Braun and Roman handle their business at SummerSlam but Angle needs to give The Beast to Joe. Reigns' music hits next and out he comes. Reigns says Joe hasn't done anything around here, neither has Braun. Reigns says in 5 years he's been a Tag Team Champion, a United States Champion and a three-time WWE Heavyweight Champion. Reigns says he's won the Royal Rumble, been a part of 5 WrestleMania and 3 of those he main evented. The last one he retired The Undertaker. Reigns asks what Joe and Braun have done here. He'll wait... that's what he thought, they haven't done anything yet. Reigns says now let's show the world what he's about to. Angle gets in between everyone. He says they all make valid points, that's why he's changed his mind again. Angle announces Joe vs. Reigns vs. Braun vs. Lesnar for a Fatal 4 Way at SummerSlam. Oh it's true, it's damn true.

Angle's music hits and he goes to leave but Joe stops him. Joe isn't happy. Angle says we're done here. Joe says he's the only man who should get a shot. Braun doesn't care how many people are involved, all he cares about is piling bodies. Reigns tells Braun to shut up and decks him. Braun grabs them both but Joe and Reigns double team him out of the ring. The assault continues until Braun gets knocked over the barrier. Joe with a cheap shot to Reigns as they go at it now. Joe brings it into the ring. Braun ends up coming in and manhandling Reigns, tossing him. Braun goes for Joe but security hits the ring. Braun destroys them all and tosses one guy high in the air, causing him to hit the floor hard. Joe goes for Braun and applies the Coquina Clutch. The locker room empties out but they can't get Joe to break the hold. Reigns spears Braun and Joe and a few Superstars who were in the way. The ring empties as Braun plants Reigns with a big powerslam and stands tall as his music hits.

- Still to come, Sasha Banks vs. Bayley and The Miztourage vs. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose in a Handicap Match. Also, Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass for the second time. The Finn Balor vs. Elias Samson No DQ match is coming up. We go to commercial.

No DQ Match: Finn Balor vs. Elias Samson

Back from the break and JoJo introduces Elias Samson, who is in the ring with a spotlight and a guitar. Fans start chanting for Finn Balor. Samson dedicates this song to Finn and starts singing. The music eventually interrupts and out comes Balor to a pop.

The bell rings and they go at it. Balor strikes and dropkicks Samson back to the floor as they fight back around the ring. Balor runs around the ring and drops Samson against the barrier for a pop. We go to commercial with Balor standing tall on the floor.

Back from the break and Balor charges Samson into the barrier again. Balor keeps control and brings it back into the ring. Samson misses a clothesline but connects with the next attempt and Balor goes down. Samson goes to work on Balor's shoulder now, which is wrapped in Kinesio tape. Balor looks to fight back but Samson nails a left and drops a knee. Samson asks who wants to walk with Elias as we get a replay. Samson drags Balor to the corner and wraps his arm around the ring post a few times.

Samson grabs a steel chair and brings it into the ring. Balor with a forearm. Samson drops the chair. Balor rocks Samson but Samson grabs him. Balor with double boots to the face. Samson with a thrust in the corner now. Samson with another shot to the injured shoulder. Samson keeps Balor grounded by the shoulder as fans chant Finn's name.

Balor makes another comeback and beats Samson down in the corner for a pop. Balor brings a chair into the ring now. Samson kicks him and Balor drops the chair. Samson picks the chair up and smacks Balor over the back with it. Balor rolls to the floor in pain and Samson stands tall in the ring as fans boo. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Samson sends Balor to the floor. Samson follows and puts Balor's shoulder into the barrier. Back in the ring and Samson hits a shoulder breaker for a 2 count. Samson wedges a steel chair between the turnbuckles in the corner now. Samson tries to send Balor into the chair but Balor counters and puts Samson head-first into the chair.

Balor fights back and drops Samson with the overhead kick. Balor runs into a boot in the corner. Samson tosses Balor to the floor and follows but Balor traps him in the apron cover and works him over. Balor keeps Samson trapped in the cover as the assault continues. Samson drops and disappears under the ring for just a second. He comes back out and Balor delivers a kick from the apron. Balor runs and nails a big dropkick, sending Samson back into the barrier.

Finn brings a steel chair back into the ring as Samson is slow to recover. Balor with several chair shots over the back as fans pop. Balor goes on and dropkicks Samson back into the turnbuckles. Balor goes up top and hits Coup de Grace. The graphics flash and the lights go out. The lights come back on and Bray Wyatt drops Balor with a Sister Abigail in the middle of the ring. Wyatt goes to the corner and turns upside down. Samson crawls over and places his arm over Balor for the pin.

Winner: Elias Samson

- After the bell, Wyatt is still turned upside down in the corner as we go to replays. We come back and the arena is lit up by fireflies now. Wyatt does the spider walk over to Balor and drops down next to him for a few words. Wyatt poses over Balor to end the segment.

- Still to come, Jason Jordan's RAW debut. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see a video on Kurt Angle announcing Jason Jordan as his son on last week's RAW and their post-show interview with Renee Young.

- We go backstage to Renee and Angle now. Renee reveals that Jordan will make his debut against Curt Hawkins. Angle believes Jordan will prove himself to be a successful singles competitor. Angle goes on about having butterflies but he's interrupted by Emma. She wants to know when the focus is going to be put on her. She started the women's revolution and has sat on the sidelines while others that looked up to her, like Sasha Banks, get all the opportunities. Emma says maybe dating Angle's son will get her noticed. Angle puts her in a match against Nia Jax tonight.

- Enzo Amore is shown walking backstage. Big Show stops him and asks if he's sure he wants to do this. Enzo says he needs to do this, he needs to show Cass he made the biggest mistake of his life when he turned on Enzo. Enzo goes on and says he's bringing the fight to Cass tonight, no need for Show to worry. Back to commercial.

Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass

Back from the break and out comes Enzo Amore with a mic. He cuts a promo on his former partner and how he's doing for the fans. The music eventually interrupts and out comes Big Cass.

The bell rings and they go at it. Enzo tries to put up a fight but Cass swats him to the mat early on. Enzo ends up coming off the top but Cass catches him in mid-air and plants him to boos.

Cass keeps control and drops an elbow as the "asshole" chants start up. Cass with a big kick to the ribs. Cass stands tall and mocks Enzo, taking his time with the beatdown. Fans try to rally for Enzo but Cass shuts him down. Enzo keeps fighting back but Cass unloads on him in the corner. Enzo tries to pick himself up but he can't as Cass continues taking his time.

Cass bounces off the rope and floors Enzo with a big boot. Cass covers for the easy win.

Winner: Big Cass

- After the match, Cass stands tall as we get replays. Cass takes Enzo to the corner and talks some trash before sending him to the mat. The music interrupts and out comes Big Show. Cass grabs Enzo and warns Show if he comes any closer he will snap Enzo's neck. Show enters the ring and Cass shoves Enzo into him. Cass hits Show with a big boot and goes to work on him. Cass with the Empire Elbow on Show. Cass hits another Empire Elbow. Cass talks some trash before dropping a third Empire Elbow. Show gets to his knees and fights back but Cass drops him and hits two more Empire Elbows. Cass stomps away now. Cass taunts Show and waits for him to get up. Cass kicks Show in the ribs and sends him back down, continuing the trash talking. Cass with a few more shots before standing tall in the middle of the ring to more boos from the crowd. The referee checks on Show as a few fans check on Enzo, who is still down somewhere. Cass stands tall as his music hits.

- Still to come, tonight's 2-on-3 Handicap Match. Also, Bayley vs. Sasha Banks with a SummerSlam title shot on the line.

- Renee Young is backstage with RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss, asking if she prefers to defend against Sasha or Bayley. Bliss isn't worried about SummerSlam. She says the entire WWE Universe will see a friendship destroyed tonight. Team Gag Reflex will implode, all for a chance to lose to her at SummerSlam. She goes on and says Sasha won't be the winner and Bayley won't be the winner tonight, the real winner will be Bliss. Back to commercial.

Nia Jax vs. Emma

Back from the break and Emma has made her entrance. Nia Jax is out next.

The bell rings and they go at it. Nia overpowers early on and shoves Emma to the mat. Emma looks to come back and goes for the legs but Nia overpowers her again and begins destroying. Nia manhandles Emma a bit and splashes her in the corner before hitting the somersault senton for the easy win.

Winner: Nia Jax

- After the match, Nia leaves as her music plays and the referee checks on Emma.

- Charly Caruso is backstage with Akira Tozawa. We see clips from last week's shows and why Tozawa's shoulder is taped up. Tozawa says we see why he wants a rematch with Ariya Daivari. Titus O'Neil walks up and says he's been looking all over for Tozawa. He knows Tozawa wants payback on Daivari but the shoulder isn't good, it's a liability. Titus says Tozawa can fool a lot of people but he can't fool Titus. Titus says he went to Kurt Angle and WWE Medical to get this match nixed. Tozawa flips out and tells Titus to stay in the back as he apparently heads to the ring. Titus follows as they argue.

Tozawa and Titus walk to the ring now. Tozawa pushes Titus away and looks to warn Titus not to touch him. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Tozawa is doing his "ah!" chant with the crowd. The music hits and out comes WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville. Neville takes credit for all of Tozawa's issues as he walks to the ring. Neville says he tried to warn Tozawa but Tozawa went with the false promises of Titus instead. Neville asks Tozawa where that got him. Neville meets Tozawa in the middle of the ring now. Neville says Tozawa is pathetic, a joke, nothing more than a shell of his former... Tozawa drops Neville and works him over.

Tozawa climbs to the top and hits the diving senton but sells the shoulder injury. Ariya Daivari hits the ring and unloads on Tozawa. Daivari grabs Neville next and plants him hard. Daivari talks some trash and motions for the belt around his waist as he looks down at Tozawa and Neville. He leaves the ring.

- Sasha Banks and Bayley are backstage. They're determined not to let anything come between them and ruin their friendship. Banks can't wait to get her hands on Alexa Bliss and become a four-time champion. Bayley says maybe Sasha needs to focus on tonight's match first. They tease a bit of tension and Bayley says may the best woman win. Sasha agrees and says the best woman will win. Sasha walks off smiling as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what happened earlier with Reigns, Joe and Braun. Cole plugs the SummerSlam Fatal 4 Way with WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar.

- Renee is backstage with Jason Jordan to talk about tonight's debut. Jordan is grateful for the opportunity and since this is the first match since Kurt Angle was revealed to be his father, he realizes all eyes are on him. Jordan admits he has butterflies. Renee points out how Angle said the same thing earlier in their interview. Jordan says Angle being his dad is incredible but unbelievable at the same time. The man he grew up idolizing, his hero... turned out to be his father. Jordan goes on about a dream coming true and how he's overjoyed but right now he's focused on winning his first RAW match.

- We see Dean Ambrose backstage warming up. Seth Rollins is also there. He admits he's kind of excited about teaming up tonight. Rollins wants to come up with a gameplan but Ambrose isn't interested, he's just going out and doing what he does. Rollins says there are 3 guys they have to worry about tonight. Ambrose says Rollins has to worry about just 3 guys but he has to worry about 4. Ambrose walks off.

Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

We go to the ring and out first comes Bayley. The winner of his match will earn a shot at RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam. Bayley poses in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Sasha Banks. The bell rings but before they go at it, the music hits and out comes RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss for commentary. Back and forth to start. They trade moves and pin attempts. Bayley gets some offense going and covers for two straight pin attempts. Sasha cuts her off with a big slap to the chest. Bayley turns it back around and drops Sasha with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Bayley with more offense until Sasha sends her to the floor and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sasha has control of Bayley in the middle of the ring. Bayley ends up driving Sasha face first into the mat to turn it around. They trade counters. Sasha drops Bayley with a knee. Sasha ends up hitting double knees to the back in the corner. Sasha goes on and applies the Banks Statement in the middle of the ring.

Bayley crawls for the bottom rope but Sasha pulls her back. Sasha is forced to change the hold but she still has control. Sasha blocks a Bayley-to-Bayley and nails a strike. They start brawling now. Sasha takes control and hits the double knees to the spine in the corner. Sasha comes off the top with double knees but Bayley moves. Bayley hits a running knee. Sasha hits a Shining Wizard and both go down as fans cheer.

Fans count as they both make it up before the 10 count. They trade shots in the middle of the ring. Bayley stuns Sasha and takes her to the apron. Sasha connects with a kick and drops Bayley from the apron. Fans do dueling chants now. Bayley climbs up for a superplex on Sasha but Sasha resists. Sasha sends Bayley to the mat. Sasha hits the big Frogsplash and covers for a 2 count but Bayley turns that right into a pin of her own for the win.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Bayley

- After the match, Bliss looks on as Bayley recovers and starts smiling. We go to replays. We come back to Sasha looking at Bayley while are both still down on the mat. Bliss makes her way down to the ring from the announce desk. Bliss raises the title to Bayley as Bayley stands in the corner. They face off in the middle of the ring as Bliss keeps the title in the air. Bliss' music hits to end the segment.

- Still to come, The Miztourage vs. Ambrose and Rollins.

- Renee is backstage with Curt Hawkins for comments on the match with Jason Jordan. Hawkins is tired of hearing about Jordan all week and he doesn't care about Jordan. Hawkins is going to give us something else to talk about when he ruins Jordan's big RAW debut. Hawkins says everyone will be talking about him tomorrow.

- Cole leads us to a video package on Special Olympics athlete Cornell Gray. WWE Ambassador Dana Warrior interviews the multi-sport gold medalist. WE come back and see Cornell sitting at ringside for RAW. He gets a pop from the crowd and we go back to commercial.

Curt Hawkins vs. Jason Jordan

Back from the break and out comes Jason Jordan as Curt Hawkins waits in the ring. Jordan hits the ring and Hawkins hits him with a cheap shot before the bell. The referee checks to see if Jordan wants to continue and he's just fired up.

Jordan goes right to work and plants Hawkins on the mat. Jordan with big blows. Jordan keeps control and slams Hawkins again for another pin attempt. We see Kurt Angle backstage watching the match as Jordan continues to dominate Hawkins.

Hawkins tries to disrespect Jordan once again but Jordan manhandles him some more, dropping the straps after a belly-to-belly suplex. Jordan tosses Hawkins again, hitting a spear in the corner. Jordan with more offense before hitting a belly-to-back suplex and a neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Jason Jordan

- After the match, Jordan stands tall as we go to replays.

- The announcers show us the recent happenings between The Revival and The Hardys. We see The Revival walking backstage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Charly Caruso is in the ring to introduce The Revival. She starts with a question but Scott Dawson cuts her off and dismisses her, saying he and Dash Wilder are professional enough to handle this on their own. They talk about how they're here to run the tag team division and how they sent teams like The New Day packing until the music interrupts and out come Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Anderson and Gallows trade words with Dawson and Wilder. The Club declares that The Revival are nerds as they hit the ring for a match.

The Revival vs. The Club

Dawson and Anderson start things off and go at it. Dawson turns it around and in comes Wilder. They work Anderson over and keep him in their corner.

Gallows finally gets the tag and stares down The Revival as he comes in. We see RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus & Cesaro backstage watching the match. Dawson goes at it with Gallows and beats him around. Dash tags in but Gallows clotheslines them both. Gallows fights off both opponents. Anderson comes in to help Gallows clear the ring with clotheslines over the top. Gallows and Anderson stand tall as we go to commercial.

More back and forth after the match. We see Cesaro & Sheamus backstage watching again. Gallows gets a hot tag and unloads on both opponents. It looks like we might get a Boot of Doom but The Revival uses a distraction to turn it back around. The music hits and out comes Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy to a pop.

Fans chant "delete!" as The Hardys appear. This still leads to The Revival taking advantage and hitting a Shatter Machine on Anderson for the pin.

Winners: The Revival

- After the match, The Revival stands tall until The Hardys run down and get the upperhand. It ends with Dash taking finishers from The Hardys. The Revival retreats as Matt and Jeff look on from the ring.

- The Miztourage is backstage getting riled up for tonight's main event. The Miz says they will prove that Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are nothing but a box office bomb waiting to happen. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman plus Jason Jordan on MizTV is set for next week's RAW.

- We see rapper Wale sitting at ringside.

Handicap Match: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas

We go to the ring and out first comes Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins is out next. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out next with Maryse and his partners Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel.

Ambrose starts off with Miz but Axel comes in. Ambrose works over Axel and takes control. Rollins comes in and keeps up the attack on Axel. We see Sheamus and Cesaro backstage watching. Bo comes in but Rollins keeps control and hits a big hip toss. Miz ends up coming in but Rollins fights him off. Ambrose and Rollins continue the teamwork and Miz can't believe it. We go to commercial with Ambrose and Rollins standing tall in the ring while their opponents are out on the floor.

Back from the break and Dallas takes Rollins down. Ambrose waits for the tag but Miz tags in first and stops Rollins. Miz talks trash to Ambrose while working over Rollins. Miz distracts the referee while his partners get cheap shots in.

Miz continues beating Rollins around while talking trash to Ambrose. Miz ends up hitting the backbreaker - neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. Axel tags in for a bit of double teaming on Rollins for a 2 count. Axel keeps Rollins down near their corner now. Ambrose and fans try to rally for Rollins but Axel nails a dropkick and talks some trash. Dallas tags in and drives a bunch of knees into Rollins for a 2 count. Bo with a right hand and more knees. Bo gets aggressive and is warned by the referee. Miz tags back in as the assault on Rollins continues in their corner.

Rollins fights out of the corner and decks all three opponents but Miz drops him with a DDT for a close 2 count as Maryse looks on. Ambrose yells at Rollins to try and get him back into the mat. Miz with the "yes!" kicks to Rollins now. Miz unloads with kicks but misses the last kick as Rollins rolls him for a 2 count. They collide in the middle of the ring and both go down.

Axel tags in and stops Rollins from tagging. Rollins drops Axel and avoids Bo. Ambrose finally gets the tag. He unloads on Axel and Bo. Ambrose knocks Miz off the apron. Ambrose leaps over the top and takes Miz out. Ambrose sends Miz into the timekeeper's area. Ambrose goes back in for a 2 count on Bo. Bo with a forearm. Ambrose bounces back with the big clothesline. Ambrose goes to the top and hits the elbow drop on Bo. Miz breaks the pin. Rollins sends Miz out of the ring. Axel pulls Rollins out of the ring and drives him into the barrier. Bo tags in Axel for some double teaming on Ambrose. Ambrose counters. Axel blocks Dirty Deeds. Miz tags in but Ambrose doesn't see it. Ambrose tosses Axel to the floor. Miz comes from behind with a Skull Crushing Finale on Ambrose for a 2 count as Rollins breaks the pin.

Bo runs in but Rollins sends him into the bottom rope. Rollins goes down. Miz and Ambrose are standing as the legal men now. Ambrose dumps Miz over the top. Ambrose and Rollins run the ropes at the same time and hit suicide dives on their opponents. Miz slid back into the ring and avoided the dives. Miz drops Ambrose with a DDT for a 2 count. Rollins comes off the top with the flying knee to Miz. Ambrose grabs a stunned Miz and hits Dirty Deeds for the pin.

Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

- After the match, Ambrose and Rollins stand tall as Ambrose's music hits. They celebrate a bit before embracing for a second. Rollins offers his fist for a Shield bump but Ambrose rolls out of the ring. Ambrose exits as Rollins looks on from the ring and RAW goes off the air.

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