
WWE SmackDown Results - Title Change, Former World Champion Returns, John Cena - Jinder Mahal, More


- Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens live from The Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia.

- We go right to the ring and Greg Hamilton introduces the new WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens.

Owens marches to the ring in a suit as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by JBL and Byron Saxton. Owens brags about once again being our WWE United States Champion. Owens says Battleground proved that good things will happen if you're a good person and your heart is pure. Owens says he took his title back from that thief. Fans start chanting for AJ Styles. Owens says he is reinstating the Kevin Owens United States Title Open Challenge and it begins... next week. Fans boo. Owens says he wouldn't defend his title in front of a bunch of hicks in Virginia. More heat from the crowd. The music interrupts and out comes Styles.

Owens calls for the music to be cut and says AJ better be out here to congratulate him as the better man. Nope. AJ came out here to get his rematch for the title. Owens says he's not defending the title against AJ or anyone tonight. The music interrupts and out comes Chris Jericho to a big return pop. Owens looks shocked.

Jericho walks to the ring with The List as fans pop. Jericho announces his return and fans pop. Welcome back, maaan. Owens wants to know why Jericho is here but Jericho shuts him up. Jericho says the last time he was here, he left on a stretcher thanks to Owens but he is back now. Jericho says he is back to get his rematch for the US Title, right here tonight. AJ says we're all glad Jericho is back but things have changed. AJ says he's the one next in line for a title shot. Jericho asks if AJ is trying to jump ahead of him in line. Jericho does some comedy and adds AJ to The List. Owens has walked up the ramp but Jericho calls him a stupid idiot and asks where he's going. The music interrupts and out comes SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon.

Shane stops Owens on the stage and asks him to hang around because this concerns Owens and the title. Shane says AJ and Jericho both have legit shots at the title. They will get their opportunity but it will be at the same time. Shane announces AJ vs. Jericho vs. Owens in a Triple Threat for tonight's SmackDown. Shane's music hits and Owens isn't happy.

- Shinsuke Nakamura and Baron Corbin are shown walking backstage. We go to commercial.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Baron Corbin

Back from the break and out comes Shinsuke Nakamura to a pop for this rematch from Sunday's Battleground pay-per-view. We see how Nakamura won by DQ on Sunday. Baron Corbin is out next with his Money In the Bank briefcase.

The bell rings and they get a feel for each other before going at it. Nakamura takes control early on as they go to the floor. Corbin counters an attack and flattens Nakamura on the floor. Corbin brings it back into the ring for a 2 count. We go to commercial with Corbin in control.

Back from the break and Corbin remains in control. Nakamura ends up side stepping a charge but Corbin runs right back into the ring. Nakamura catches him and looks to make a comeback. Nakamura with kicks while Corbin is on his knees now. Corbin catches a kick and nails Nakamura in the face. Nakamura strikes back and drops Corbin with a kick. Nakamura drives knees into Corbin now.

Nakamura with the high knee in the corner. Nakamura with another knee from the second rope, nailing Corbin in the jaw. Nakamura covers for a 2 count. Corbin avoids a Kinshasa and a few kicks. Corbin with a big backbreaker for a 2 count. Corbin keeps control and mocks Nakamura, keeping him down on the mat. Corbin ends up missing a clothesline and Nakamura tries to take advantage but Corbin nails Deep Six for another 2 count. Corbin is frustrated now.

Nakamura blocks End of Days and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. It looks like Corbin goes for another low blow but he misses. Nakamura with shots to the knee and the back of the neck. Nakamura nails Kinshasa for the pin.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

- After the match, Nakamura stands tall as his music plays. We go to replays. Nakamura hits the corner to pose as his celebration continues.

- Still to come, a big Triple Threat main event for the US Title. Also, WWE Champion Jinder Mahal will demand a SummerSlam opponent. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Dasha Fuentes is with SmackDown Women's Champion Naomi backstage. She talks about Natalya disrespecting her after the Fatal 5 Way at Battleground and Natalya appears. Natalya gets Dasha to leave and rips Naomi for what she's done to the title, turning it into a toy. She says Naomi doesn't respect the legends who paved the way for her. Natalya says Naomi disgusts her and promises to take the title at SummerSlam, saying she will restore honor to the title. Naomi says Natalya is so stuck in the dirty Dungeon of the past that she can't see this title is now. Naomi says she does have respect but she earned the title and just added her own twist to it. She goes on and says Natalya will be blinded by the glow at SummerSlam if she keeps on. Carmella appears with her Money In the Bank briefcase. She reminds Naomi that she and the contract are just looking to the future.

Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch vs. Lana and Tamina Snuka

We go to the ring and out first comes Charlotte Flair. Becky Lynch is out next. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Lana. Tamina Snuka is out next.

Lana starts off with Becky. Becky grabs her for the submission but Lana resists and immediately tags Tamina in. Tamina goes at it with Becky and avoids the Disarm Her early on. Becky goes for the submission again just a minute later but Tamina drives her back into the corner. Tamina plants Becky on her face and tags in Lana. Lana works Becky around and hits a suplex for a 2 count.

Lana keeps Becky grounded now. Flair reaches for the tag and cheers Becky on. Becky fights up and out but Lana takes her back down. Tamina comes back in for some double teaming. Tamina takes Becky to the corner but Becky gets her elbow up. Tamina catches a kick but Becky hits an enziguri. Charlotte gets the tag and runs over Tamina, then knocks Lana off the apron. Charlotte unloads with chops to Tamina now.

Charlotte does the Flair strut and keeps control until Tamina counters a slam. Tamina with a superkick to knock Charlotte to one knee. Lana tags in but Flair ducks her. Charlotte kicks Tamina out to the floor and turns around with a big boot for Lana. Flair covers Lana for the pin.

Winners: Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch

- After the match, Flair and Becky leave together as Lana sits up in the ring. Tamina is outside of the ring and she's not happy about the loss. Tamina stares Lana down and yells at her. Tamina goes to leave but stops to yell at Lana some more. Lana looks like she might cry. Tamina tells Lana to come on and she does.

- Still to come, Jinder Mahal will demand a new opponent for SummerSlam. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and the announcers show us stills from Sunday's Punjabi Prison match.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Jinder Mahal as Hamilton does the introduction. Mahal comes out by himself, no sign of The Singh Brothers or The Great Khali.

Tom says The Singh Brothers aren't here because of the beatings they took from Randy Orton on Sunday. Jinder takes the mic as fans boo. He says he crushed the legacy of Orton on Sunday as the legend of The Modern Day Maharaja was born. Jinder says Orton agreed to face him on his own turf and hoped to beat him at his own game. Jinder says Orton underestimated him. The "what!?" chants start now. Jinder says he will stay WWE Champion as long as he desires. Jinder demands to know his WWE SummerSlam opponent, who will have their dreams crushed. Jinder demands silence next as he speaks to his people in Punjabi. The music hits and out comes John Cena to the ring.

Jinder doesn't look happy as Cena hits the ring and poses for his fans. Jinder says The Maharaja wasn't finished. Jinder predicts what Cena is going to say... he's John Cena, a 16-time champion, Jinder doesn't deserve to represent 1.3 billion people in India, Jinder needed the help of The Singh Brothers and The Great Khali. Cena tells him to shut his mouth. Cena says Jinder is The Maharaja but he sucks as a mind reader. Cena says he wasn't going to say any of those things. He was going to come out and congratulate Jinder. Cena says he's big on respect and he respects how Jinder is in the best shape of his life, and how the WWE Title means a lot to him, and how Jinder is willing to do anything to keep it. Cena says this is a congratulations and a heads up because they've never formally met. Cena introduces himself and says he doesn't care who Jinder has with him, he's giving Jinder a heads up that whatever he has won't be enough because Jinder has to face Super Cena at SummerSlam, which means Cena is walking out of SummerSlam as a 17-time champion. Cena says it was nice to meet Jinder but Jinder can't see him. Cena calls for the trumpets to play and his music starts up. Cena makes his exit as Jinder talks trash. Cena stops outside of the ring as the music of SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan hits.

Bryan comes out with a mic as his future brother-in-law looks on. Bryan congratulates both men on their wins at Battleground. Bryan says it's clear that Cena is on a quest to make history but unfortunately Cena doesn't make the matches, Bryan and Shane do. Bryan says opportunities are earned here on SmackDown, even if your name is John Cena. Bryan announces Cena vs. Shinsuke Nakamura for next week's SmackDown. The winner of the first-time-ever match will go on to face Jinder at SummerSlam. Bryan gets a "yes!" chant going as his music hits. Cena and Jinder look on.

- Still to come, AJ vs. Jericho vs. Owens. Back to commercial. Also, Sami Zayn and Tye Dillinger vs. Aiden English and Mike Kanellis. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Owens is with Shane backstage, venting about tonight's main event. Owens says it's not right and it's not fair. Shane talks about how all he's worried about is putting on a good show for the SmackDown fans. Owens doesn't give a damn about the fans and he wouldn't give a damn about Shane if he wasn't the boss.

Tye Dillinger and Sami Zayn vs. Aiden English and Mike Kanellis

We go to the ring and Aiden English is in the ring. He sings a song before Mike Kanellis makes his way out with Maria Kanellis. Sami Zayn is out first for his team, followed by Tye Dillinger.

Tye starts off with Aiden and takes control. Sami tags in and we go to commercial as the match is just getting started.

Back from the break and the heels are in control. English works over Sami. We see how Mike & Maria distracted during the break, allowing English to nail a cheap shot on Sami. Mike tags in and takes over, working Sami around the ring. Mike drops Sami with a boot for a 2 count. Mike stomps and tags English back in. Sami fights English off as fans try to rally for him.

Sami sends English through the ropes. Tye finally gets the tag as English runs back in. Tye unloads on English and hits a big backdrop. Mike tags in but Tye drops him and goes to work. Tye mounts Mike in the corner with rights as fans count along. Tye takes English down as he approaches. Tye with more offense. Sami tags in and hits English with a Helluva Kick for the pin.

Winners: Sami Zayn and Tye Dillinger

- After the match, Sami and Tye celebrate as Maria runs her mouth at ringside.

- Still to come, Owens defends his title in a Triple Threat. We see the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions backstage doing a photo shoot. They walk off and head to the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes new SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day. Their intro is interrupted as we hear a bunch of commotion instead. The Usos beat Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods from the back to the stage. They destroy the new champions and use the LED boards. The Usos bring it down the ramp but Big E has recovered as he runs out from the back. They take Big E out and leave him laying with double superkicks. The Usos stand tall after destroying The New Day.

- Renee is backstage with Shinsuke Nakamura to ask him about next week's #1 contenders match with John Cena. Nakamura says Cena can't see him next week, and he will see Jinder at SummerSlam.

Triple Threat for the WWE United States Title: Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and out first comes Chris Jericho for tonight's main event. AJ Styles is out next. New WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens is out next. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and they go at it as the bell rings. AJ and Jericho take Owens to the corner. Owens gets knocked to the floor by Jericho. AJ takes advantage and rolls Jericho up for a 2 count. More counters and pin attempts between AJ and Jericho while Owens is on the floor. Owens runs in and breaks up a pin by AJ. AJ gets tossed. Jericho and Owens stare each other down before going at it. Owens blocks a Codebreaker. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but it's blocked. Jericho nails a dropkick for a 1 count. AJ kicks Jericho after Owens kicks out.

AJ takes Jericho to the corner and works him over. Jericho blocks a suplex by AJ. AJ ends up sending Jericho to the floor. Owens runs over AJ as he turns around. Owens mounts AJ with right hands. Owens talks trash to AJ about being the champ. Owens beats AJ around and whips him hard ribs-first into the corner. Owens keeps up the assault on AJ, keeping him down on the mat. Owens knocks Jericho back off the apron to the floor. Owens with a senton on Styles for another 2 count.

Owens with more offense and a dropkick to Styles for a 2 count. Owens goes to the floor and stomps away on Jericho now. Owens goes back in for AJ but AJ rocks him. Owens drops AJ with a big elbow for another pin attempt. AJ catches Owens in the Calf Crusher as fans pop. Jericho runs in and hits a Lionsault on both opponents to break the hold. Jericho with a 2 count on AJ. All three Superstars are down as we go to commercial.

AJ is in control after the match, fighting both opponents off. Jericho with a big backdrop to AJ. Jericho with shots to AJ before taking him to the top for a superplex. Owens comes over to interrupt the superplex. Owens gets Jericho on his shoulders for an Electric Chair Drop but Jericho brings them down and goes for the Walls of Jericho but it's blocked. Owens drops Jericho with a right hand. Styles dumps AJ over the top rope from the apron. AJ springboards in with the 450 on Jericho but he can't get the pin. Owens runs in and covers Jericho for a 2 count.

AJ brings Owens to the floor and sends him into the barrier. AJ goes back in and calls for a Styles Clash on Jericho but it's blocked. Jericho goes for the Walls on AJ and gets it locked in. Owens breaks it up. Jericho catapults Owens into AJ, knocking AJ out of the ring. Jericho applies the Walls on Owens now as fans cheer. AJ runs in but Jericho breaks the hold and hits AJ with a Codebreaker. Jericho with a close 2 count on AJ.

Fans chant "this is awesome" and do dueling chants now. AJ and Jericho go at it. Owens hits corner cannonballs on both opponents. He charges AJ again but eats a forearm. Jericho drops AJ with an enziguri. Owens drops Jericho with a superkick. AJ drops Owens with a pele kick and they all go down again. Another "this is awesome" chant. Jericho ends up sending AJ to the floor for a nasty fall. Owens superkicks Jericho but he's still standing. Owens with a pop-up powerbomb on Jericho for a close 2 count. Owens can't believe it.

Owens goes up top and hits the Frogsplash on Jericho but AJ breaks the pin, tossing Owens out of the ring. AJ takes the pin for himself and covers Jericho for the win.

Winner and New WWE United States Champion: AJ Styles

- After the match, AJ celebrates and takes his title as his music hits. We get replays. We come back to Owens throwing a fit at ringside by the announcers table. AJ leaves with his title and stops as Owens takes the mic and starts yelling about how everything is unfair. Owens says AJ stole his victory. Owens says he wants his one-on-one rematch next Tuesday night. Whether we idiots like it or not, Owens is taking his title back next week. SmackDown goes off the air with AJ celebrating as Owen's tantrum continues.

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