
Nakamura apologizes to John Cena for dropping him on his head

There was a scary spot towards the end of the Nakamura/Cena match when the former NXT champion dropped Cena right on his head with an exploder suplex, a move that served as the lead-in to the Kinshasa and the subsequent pinfall.

Cena took a nasty bump but he did not look like he suffered any serious injury. When he delivered the AA to Baron Corbin on the announce table, he took his time to recover and stand up, although that could be just selling the fatigue.

After the match ended, the camera clearly picks up Nakamura saying, “I’m sorry,” before shaking Cena’s hand and Cena told the new number one contender, “Don’t be sorry!”

Austin Aries, who recently departed WWE, tweeted to Cena saying at least Nakamura did not break his eye socket too. Nakamura broke Aries’ orbital bone last year, resulting in Aries being on the sidelines for several months.

Kevin Owens also chimed in and told people to chill, seeing the funny side of the story. “Those freaking out over @JohnCena’s rough landing must have missed the fact that he was revealed to be an actual transformer the day before!”

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