- Tonight's WWE RAW from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn opens with JoJo introducing the WWE Universal Champion. Brock Lesnar comes out with Paul Heyman to a pop and they are all smiles. Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. They show us highlights from last night's SummerSlam Fatal 4 Way main event.
A big Suplex City chant breaks out as Lesnar and Heyman hit the ring. Heyman begins the grand introduction for his client, talking about how Lesnar won the SummerSlam main event. Heyman warned us what would happen. He told us there was a grand conspiracy against Lesnar and it unfolded in front of our very eyes last night. Heyman calls it a corporately sanctioned felonious assault that took Lesnar out of the equation. Heyman says this was so heinous that for the first time in Lesnar's life, he was taken off the battlefield on a stretcher. Heyman goes on about the match and about how Lesnar pinned Reigns. Heyman continues to praise Lesnar, saying no one in WWE or UFC history can touch him. The music interrupts and out comes Braun Strowman to a pop.
Lesnar and Braun meet in the middle of the ring. Lesnar says he's looking at the champ. Braun goes for a chokeslam but Lesnar slides out. Lesnar runs into a big boot. Braun scoops Lesnar and nails the running powerslam. Braun stands tall as the crowd goes wild. Lesnar is slow to get up as Braun waits. Braun scoops Lesnar and hits another big powerslam. Braun grabs the WWE Universal Title and raises it in the air as Heyman looks on shocked. Braun makes his exit.
- Still to come, Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass in a Brooklyn Street Fight. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see various stills from SummerSlam. We also see a replay of what Braun just did to Lesnar.
Brooklyn Street Fight: Big Cass vs. Enzo Amore
We go to the ring for a Brooklyn Street Fight and out first comes Big Cass. Enzo Amore is out next with a mic. He cuts a promo and grabs a shopping cart full of weapons to get started.
Cass leaves the ring and decks Enzo on the ramp as Enzo tries to swing a kendo stick. Cass uses the shopping cart and knocks Enzo down to ringside now. Cass keeps control and brings Enzo in the ring before retrieving a steel chair from the cart. Cass brings the chair into the ring as Enzo tries to get up. Cass tosses the chair to Enzo and tells him to bring it. Cass floors Enzo with a big boot and some fans boo. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Cass continues to dominate Enzo. Cass works Enzo over in the corner. Enzo looks to get a cheap shot in. Enzo goes for the steel chair but Cass cuts him off. Cass whips Enzo into the corner and follows up with a big splash.
Cass stands tall for more boos. Enzo comes back with a right hand but Cass just unloads on him again. Cass goes for a running big boot but Enzo pulls the top rope down and Cass lands on the floor, possibly hurting his knee. Enzo crawls for the steel chair but here comes Cass to cut him off again. Cass goes for an Empire Elbow but his knee goes out. A trainer ends up coming down to check on Cass as Enzo recovers. The match is called because Cass can't continue.
Winner: Enzo Amore
- After the announcement, Enzo celebrates as his music hits. We get a replay of the potential injury to Cass. Enzo celebrates with some fans at ringside.
- Still to come, new RAW Women's Champion Sasha Banks is here. We see reactions to her win from the media and stars on Twitter.
Emma is backstage with Dana Brooke and she's tired of hearing about Sasha. She rants and says to watch what she does to Nia Jax in their match tonight. Nia appears behind Emma now. Emma goes on dissing Nia until she sees her and asks how long she's been standing there. Nia says the new hashtag after tonight will be "#GiveEmmaCPR." Nia walks off and we go to commercial.
Nia Jax vs. Emma
Back from the break and out first comes Nia Jax. Emma is out next.
The bell rings and Emma unloads on Nia. Nia floors her and drops elbows. Nia sends Emma to the corner and splashes her, sending her to the mat. Jax goes for another running splash but Emma moves out of the way. Emma with a dropkick now.
Nia catches Emma in mid-air and drops her with the Samoan Drop for the easy win.
Winner: Nia Jax
- After the match, Nia stands tall over Emma as her music hits.
- We see Elias walking backstage. Back to commercial.
Elias vs. R-Truth
Back from the break and Elias is in the ring with a spotlight and his guitar. He was going to sing about Brooklyn but they all hate living here, so he's going to sing about his opponent R-Truth. He starts mocking Truth's music and changes his mind, saying it's time for some real music. Elias breaks out into a song but the music interrupts and out comes Truth.
The bell rings and Truth goes to work. Elias fights him off but Truth unloads. Truth catches Elias in a big spinebuster. Elias ends up turning it around with an elbow out of the corner.
Truth goes on and hits the heel kick. Truth backs Elias into the corner and unloads again. Elias with a kick to the gut. Truth keeps coming at him but Elias turns it around and drops Truth for the win.
Winner: Elias
- After the match, Elias stands tall and hits the corner as his music plays.
- Still to come, new champions will be here. Also, Kurt Angle has a surprise for the WWE Universe. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see more stills from SummerSlam.
- We go to the ring and out comes RAW General Manager Kurt Angle to a big pop as the "you suck!" chants start up.
Angle says he promised a surprise tonight. Angle asks fans to join him in welcoming John Cena to RAW for the first time in more than a year. Cena's music hits and out he comes as fans sing their own version of this theme song. Cena hits the ring.
Cena takes the mic and says there's a lot of noise in here tonight. Cena takes it all in as fans go wild with dueling chants. Cena says he saw Angle at SummerSlam and Angle asked him if he would like to come to RAW. Cena immediately said yes, not because SmackDown is bad but because for a long time, he's wanted to stand in this ring on Monday Night RAW and be face to face with a certain WWE Superstar. The music interrupts and out comes Roman Reigns to a mixed reaction.
Reigns stops on the stage and stares down at Cena in the ring, then scans the crowd. Reigns marches to the ring now. Cena says this is Mr. Roman Reigns... exactly who he was looking for. Reigns asks if Cena has been looking for him. Reigns says the only time Cena looks for him is when he runs his mouth on Twitter but now that Cena is in his yard, the question is - will Cena run his mouth to Reigns' face? Fans chant for The Undertaker before Cena can respond. Cena says it looks like the RAW audience can hold a grudge. Cena says the problem is, he didn't come to talk. Cena takes off his shirt and gets ready for a fight as fans pop. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas.
Reigns and Cena stare at The Miztourage as they enter the ring. Miz says this is what a sold out Barclays Center looks like because he wouldn't know. Miz fumbled the name of the arena but Cena corrects him. Miz says Cena always has to make a joke out of everything. Miz mocks Cena and Reigns, then asks how many moments they get. Fans cheer and Miz thanks them. Miz says he's sick of waiting for his moment while undeserving people like Cena and Reigns get moments every week. Fans cheer and a "yes!" chant starts up. Miz says he's going to take his moment right now and ruin theirs. Miz says Angle seems to think RAW needs an addition - Cena. Fans boo. Miz says Angle thinks RAW needs an addition while the Intercontinental Champion rides the pine at SummerSlam. Miz asks the crowd if RAW needs John Cena and they start a "no!" chant up. Cena says he's a man of the people and will show himself out. Miz stops him and says he wasn't done talking to Cena. Cena smiles. Miz continues ranting, turning his attention to Reigns now. Miz rants on the crowd next. Miz goes on about how he's earned it for 12 years, and he wants to know where his moment is. A "you deserve it!" chant starts up.
Cena says Miz deserves a moment so let's give them one. Cena says if Miz wants to be in the main event, he proposes Miz and any one of his lackeys vs. Cena and Reigns. Cena says that's a moment, that's a main event. Miz says that's not a moment for him, it's a moment for Cena. Miz goes on until the music interrupts and out comes Samoa Joe to a pop. Joe takes the mic and says he has a very strong opinion about this whole situation. Joe says if anyone is going to be Miz's partner, it won't be Axel or Dallas, it's going to be him, whether Miz likes it or not. Fans chant for Joe as he stares down Cena and Reigns. The Miztourage is at ringside now. Joe says he's sick and tired of hearing Reigns come out and talk about how this is his yard. Joe says he owns Reigns one-on-one. A "Roman's b---h" chant starts up. Joe turns his attention to Cena and attacks him, taking the fight to the corner. Joe unloads. Dallas hits the ring but Reigns nails him, the same for Axel. Miz runs in but Reigns decks him and tosses him out onto Axel and Dallas. Joe blocks an Attitude Adjustment and applies the Coquina Clutch. Reigns hits a Superman punch to break it, sending Joe out of the ring. Cena and Reigns stand tall in the ring as a "you both suck" chant breaks out. Reigns and Cena stare each other down as Reigns' music hits. Joe talks trash to both of them as The Miztourage looks on.
- Still to come, the new RAW Tag Team Champions are here. Also, the new RAW Women's Champion. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Cole confirms Cena & Reigns vs. Miz & Joe for the main event.
Drew Gulak, Noam Dar, Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese vs. Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Gran Metalik
We go to the ring and all 8 cruiserweights are already out. Drew Gulak starts off with Gran Metalik.
Ariya Daivari and Mustafa Ali go at it next. Ali ends up hitting a crossbody for a 2 count. More back and forth. Noam Dar won't tag himself in. Tony Nese tags in and takes control of Rich Swann as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Gulak has Swann down on the mat. Swann fights back and drops him with a kick to the jaw. Cedric Alexander finally gets the tag and kicks the heels off the apron. Nese is legal now but Cedric takes control of him. Cedric springboards in from the apron for a 2 count as Gulak breaks the pin.
Gulak charges Metalik but gets dumped to the floor. Metalik goes to the top and nails a moonsault to the floor, taking out Gulak and Daivari. Cedric and Nese go at it now. Cedric with a big kick for a 2 count. Cedric hits the Lumbar Check for the pin.
Winners: Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali, Gran Metalik and Rich Swann
- After the match, the winners stand tall together as we go to replays. We come back and the celebration continues as Cedric's music plays.
- Charly Caruso is backstage with new WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville. He talks about winning at SummerSlam until Akira Tozawa and Titus O'Neil interrupt. Titus says they have one word - rematch, which will take place on 205 Live.
- Still to come, our tag team main event plus the new RAW Tag Team Champions. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see more stills from SummerSlam.
- Kurt Angle is backstage when Jason Jordan walks in. Jordan says he doesn't want any special treatment but he wants a match tonight. Angle says The Miz is already in a match tonight. Jason wants Finn Balor. Angle asks if Jordan thinks he's ready for that level of competition. Jordan does. Angle makes the match and wishes him good luck.
- We go to the ring and JoJo introduces the new RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Out they come to a pop.
Rollins talks about how good it feels to be in the ring right now. They got back together, ran the show and now they are the RAW Tag Team Champions. Ambrose admits it feels good and says he never thought this would happen. Rollins says this feels a little like old times. Rollins says it's time to celebrate and the whole Barclays Center is invited. Ambrose says everyone is invited except Sheamus and Cesaro. He knows they're coming for their rematch but everyone knows how he and Rollins roll - they take on anyone, anywhere. The music hits and out come The Hardys to a pop.
Fans chant "delete!" as Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy head to the ring. Jeff says they don't want to end the party before it gets started, they just want to say congratulations. Jeff says they did it. Matt talks about how it can be a "beeaautiful" thing when brothers get on the same page and fight, which is why they came out to issue a challenge. Rollins asks if they're serious, saying they grew up idolizing The Hardys. An "obsolete" chant starts up. Matt says there's a reason they chant - because they have been revolutionizing the tag team division for years and tonight, they want to do it in Brooklyn. Rollins accepts the challenge and here we go.
Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Hardys
A referee runs down and hits the ring for this non-title match. We go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Matt starts off with Ambrose. They go at it until Jeff comes in for a quick double team. Ambrose turns it around and in comes Rollins for a double team. Rollins drops Jeff for a 2 count. We see Cesaro and Sheamus backstage watching the match.
Matt and Jeff with another quick set of tags and a double team. They drive Rollins down hard and Matt covers for a 2 count. Ambrose comes back in and they turn it around with another double team. Ambrose works Matt over but gets kicked. Jeff tags in as does Rollins. Rollins blocks a Twist of Fate. Matt blocks Dirty Deeds. The two teams face off in the middle of the ring before a brawl breaks out. Matt dropkicks Ambrose to the floor. Jeff sends Rollins to the floor. Jeff nails a splash to Rollins on the floor. The Hardys stand tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.
Lots more back and forth between the two teams after the match. Ambrose keeps Jeff grounded but Jeff fights up. Ambrose drops him and covers for a 2 count. Rollins comes in and they double team Jeff again. Rollins keeps Jeff grounded with a headlock. Matt tries to rally fans for Jeff. Ambrose comes back in and keeps up the attack on Jeff, preventing him from making a tag.
Ambrose and Rollins with more frequent tags. Jeff ends up hitting a Whisper In the Wind on both opponents. Matt finally gets the tag. He unloads on Rollins as the "delete!" chants start. Matt with a corner clothesline and a running bulldog. Matt with a 2 count on Rollins. Matt with an elbow from the corner. Rollins blocks a Side Effect. Ambrose is tagged in but Matt doesn't see it. Rollins and Ambrose nail the double team Slingblade but Jeff breaks the pin up. Fans chant "this is awesome" now.
Matt gets sent to the floor, as does Jeff. Rollins and Ambrose run the ropes and nail double suicide dives. Ambrose brings Matt back into the ring but Matt drops him over the top rope. Matt slams Rollins on the apron. Matt goes back in and blocks Dirty Deeds. Ambrose goes for the big rebound clothesline but Matt catches him in a Side Effect for a close 2 count. Matt goes to the top but Ambrose crotches him. Ambrose climbs up but Matt fights back. Ambrose knocks Matt to the mat with a headbutt. Ambrose is forced to jump and roll through. Jeff tags in but Dean doesn't see it. Ambrose goes down with a Twist of Fate. Rollins gets sent to the floor. Jeff goes for a Swanton on Ambrose but he gets his knees up. Jeff blocks Dirty Deeds but Rollins tags in. Rollins hits a jumping knee on Jeff. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Jeff and Rollins covers for the non-title win.
Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
- After the match, the champs stand tall as we go to replays. Ambrose and Rollins stand tall with the titles while The Hardys are still in the ring recovering.
- Cole shows us what happened to earlier between Strowman and Lesnar. It's now confirmed that they will do battle at WWE No Mercy on September 24th in Los Angeles.
- We go backstage to Samoa Joe and The Miztourage. The Miz is talking to Joe like they're buddies but Joe tells him to shut up. Joe tells Axel and Dallas to maintain a constant presence on the outside, while Miz does his unorthodox annoying thing that he does in the ring. That's the gameplan for tonight's main event. They all understand. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and JoJo introduces new RAW Women's Champion Sasha Banks. She hits the ring as we see shots from her win over Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam.
Banks says she may be from Boston but she's left her heart in Brooklyn for the past few years. She mentions how everyone is pulling for WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Banks says what the world doesn't need is a fake goddess and she proved that there is no goddess in WWE last night, just a boss. Banks says she plans on defending her title the right way. She doesn't need to talk her way out of a match, she doesn't need Nia Jax to interfere on her behalf. Sasha talks about how she has all she needs, the fans, but the music interrupts and out comes Bliss.
Bliss speaks from the stage and brings up how Banks has never successfully defended the title, even though she's a four-time champion. They have word and fans chant "you tapped out" at Bliss. Sasha suggests Bliss use her rematch clause right now. Bliss says that's a thought and maybe she should but she's going to go with no. Fans boo. Bliss says none of these Brooklyn fanboys deserve to see an Alexa Bliss championship celebration. Bliss says she's also not in the mood to break Banks' heart. Bliss says she wants her rematch next week. Bliss talks some more trash to end the segment.
- Still to come, tonight's tag team main event.
Jason Jordan vs. Finn Balor
We go to the ring and out comes Jason Jordan. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and we see more stills from SummerSlam. We go to the ring and out comes Finn Balor. They lock up and go at it. Jordan takes Balor down first and tangles with him on the mat. Jordan with a quick pin attempt. They lock up and trade several holds again. Jordan takes Balor down again and wrestles on the mat some more.
Balor eventually nails a dropkick and shuts Jordan's momentum down. Jordan gets up and stares Balor down. Balor kicks Jordan in the gut and works him over for a pin attempt. Balor keeps Jordan grounded now. Jordan gets up and they run the ropes. Jordan catches Balor in mid-air and slams him hard for a 2 count. Balor clotheslines Jordan to the floor. Balor goes for a kick from the apron but Jordan rolls back into the ring. They size each other up again as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Balor focuses on the leg, which is bothering Jordan. Jordan turns it around and slams Balor. Jordan keeps control and hits a butterfly suplex. Jordan keeps Balor grounded now. Balor fights up and blocks another butterfly suplex attempt. Balor turns it around again and dropkicks Jordan. Balor unloads with more offense, going from corner to corner.
Balor sends Jordan to the floor and dropkicks him through the ropes. Balor with a big kick to the face from the apron. Balor brings it back into the ring but Jordan counters and tosses him across the ring. Jordan with the running shoulder in the corner. Balor counters a move for a 2 count. Balor eats an uppercut but drops Jordan with an overhead kick. Balor keeps control but Jordan rams him back into the corner. Jordan rams Balor into another corner and goes for the running thrust but Balor kicks him. Balor with a Slingblade. Balor dropkicks Jordan into the corner. Balor goes to the top for a Coup de Grace and he nails it for the pin.
Winner: Finn Balor
- After the match, Balor stands tall as we go to replays.
- Still to come, our tag team main event.
- Cole sends us to a preview of the new WWE Studios movie on Bruce Lee, which hits theaters on Friday.
John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. The Miz and Samoa Joe
Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. Samoa Joe is out next. John Cena is out first for his team. Graves talks about how this is his first time calling a Cena match. Roman Reigns is out next.
Back from another break and Cena starts with Miz. Cena immediately hits a running bulldog. Miz tags Joe in. The beach ball returns and distracts everyone for a minute. Cena turns around to Joe dropping him. Joe goes to work on Cena and unloads in the corner. Miz tags back in and keeps Cena down. Miz with a running boot to the face. Miz has words with Reigns while Cena recovers on the mat. Miz with another running boot to the face. Fans do the wave in the crowd and it distracts Miz. Cena finally turns it around and plays along with the wave in the crowd. Miz takes advantage and apparently drops Cena for a 2 count as my Sling feed is having difficulties. Joe comes back in and takes over on Cena.
Joe works Cena over in their corner before Miz tags back in. Miz takes his time and drops Cena again for a 2 count. Miz wastes time and talks trash to the crowd. Miz charges in the corner but gets hung up when Cena moves out of the way. Reigns reaches for a tag and Cena finally makes it. Reigns comes in as does Joe.
Reigns unloads on Joe, then knocks Miz off the apron. Reigns with big shots to Joe in the corner. Reigns floors Joe with a big boot. Reigns calls for a Superman punch but Joe side-steps and nails the Uranage for a 2 count. Joe stomps on Reigns and in comes Miz. Miz chokes Reigns on the middle rope and tosses him out to the floor. Dallas runs over and clotheslines Reigns on the floor. Miz brings it back in for a 2 count on Reigns.
Miz with the "yes!" kicks to Reigns now. Reigns ducks the roundhouse and rolls Miz up for a 2 count. Reigns powers up and hits a one-armed powerbomb. Reigns and Miz are both down in the middle of the ring now. Joe tags in and drops an elbow, stopping Reign from tagging. Joe stomps on Reigns now and keeps him grounded. Reigns gets up and fights Joe back but Joe floors him for another 2 count. Miz comes back in and keeps up the attack on Reigns, talking trash to him. Miz turns and taunts Cena while Reigns recovers. Miz sends Reigns to the floor. Reigns ducks a clothesline from Bo and hits a Drive By on Axel. Reigns with a Superman punch. Reigns pulls the top rope down, causing Miz to hit the floor as well.
Reigns finally tags in Cena. Cena unloads on Miz as he comes back in. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Miz rolls to safety as Joe comes in. Joe faces off with Cena. Joe ducks a swing and applies the Coquina Clutch. Reigns accidentally hits Cena with a Superman punch. Joe sends Reigns out but runs the ropes and runs into a right hand from Reigns. Joe falls to the floor with Reigns. Cena is still down from the Reigns punch. Miz sees this and readies for the Skull Crushing Finale. Cena slowly gets up as Miz waits. Cena blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and scoops Miz for an Attitude Adjustment. Cena covers for the pin.
Winners: John Cena and Roman Reigns
- After the match, Cena stands tall as his music hits and Reigns returns to the ring. The referee raises their arms in the middle of the ring. Reigns looks at Cena, who is still clutching his jaw from the Superman punch. Reigns says that was his bad. We go to replays. Cena and Reigns continue staring each other down and mouthing words to each other as RAW goes off the air.