
WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Final SummerSlam Hype, Title Change, New #1 Contender, More

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a lengthy video package looking at the recent feud with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro.
- We're live from the TD Garden in Boston as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.
- We go right to the ring and out comes Dean Ambrose.
Ambrose calls for the music to be cut. He knows everyone is asking what's up with he and Seth Rollins after last week. Ambrose calls Rollins out to the ring and here he comes to another pop.
Ambrose says he's sick and tired of playing the games. He's just going to ask... what is Rollins doing? They have some back and forth before Rollins says they both know that they can run this place if they team up again. Rollins says if Ambrose is willing to put the past in the past, he's done playing games. Rollins offers his fist for a Shield-style bump and fans pop, then a "yes!" chant breaks out. Ambrose takes it all in and thinks about it. Ambrose can't believe this. This leads to another argument between the two. Rollins says maybe this was just a stupid idea, but maybe it wasn't. Rollins gets hype and says no one can touch them. He changes his tune and says maybe too much has happened. He's done playing games. He goes to leave but Ambrose stops him. The crowd pops as they stand in the middle of the ring. Ambrose offers his fist and the crowd pops. Rollins stares at Ambrose.
Rollins raises his fist but stops and goes to leave. Some fans boo. They start shoving each other. Ambrose tackles Rollins and they start going at it. Ambrose mounts Rollins with strikes on the mat. Ambrose gets up and asks Rollins what his problem is. Ambrose goes t leave but Rollins attacks from behind and beats him up. Ambrose tackles Rollins out to the floor but they get hung up on the ropes and it looks bad. They're sitting on the floor when the music hits and out come RAW Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Sheamus.
The champs attack and beat Ambrose down first, tossing him over the barrier. They double team Rollins now, sending him into the barrier. They roll Rollins into the ring and stomp away. The "you look stupid" chants start up. Ambrose finally hits the ring for the save but the numbers game catches up. The babyfaces try for another comeback but get shut down. They finally get up at the same time and unload on the champions. Sheamus gets knocked to the floor. They double team Cesaro and send him over next. Rollins and Ambrose stand tall as the champs recover at ringside. Another "yes!" chant breaks out. They actually do the fist offering one more time. Finally they put their fists together and stand tall for a pop in the middle of the ring. Ambrose's music hits as Cesaro and Sheamus look on from the ramp. The music hits and out comes RAW General Manager Kurt Angle to loud "you suck!" chants. Angle makes Rollins and Ambrose vs. Cesaro and Sheamus for SummerSlam on Sunday.
- Still to come, the SummerSlam Fatal 4 Way participants will be in the ring at the same time, for the first time. Also, Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and the announcers send well wishes to WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair.
#1 Contenders Match: Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks
We go to the ring and out first comes Nia Jax. Sasha Banks is out next to a big hometown pop as Mike Rome does the introduction. Before the bell hits, the music interrupts and out comes RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss. There's a tall lifeguard chair sitting at ringside and she watches the match from there.
The bell rings and Nia floors Sasha to start the match. Nia mocks Sasha and stands tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and they're going at it as Bliss looks on. Nia dumps Sasha to the apron with a headbutt. Nia comes down and Sasha tries to fight for control but Nia grabs her and launches her into the barrier. Sasha hits hard and the referee starts counting. We get replays of the spot and come back to Nia pinning Sasha for a 2 count in the ring. Nia applies a bear hug in the middle of the ring now.
Nia dominates Sasha some more and runs her over. Nia drops a big leg drop but Sasha kicks out at 2. They tangle back & forth and Sasha gets on Nia's back but Nia ends up turning that into a Samoan Drop. Sasha kicks out at 2. Nia shows some frustration before hitting another Samoan Drop. Sasha rolls to the floor for a breather and avoids the pin.
Sasha comes back in for a 2 count. Nia misses an elbow and they both go down. Nia is slow to get up but she gets to her feet first. Bliss looks on as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Nia has Sasha up top for a superplex but Sasha fights her. Sasha goes for the sunset flip powerbomb but Nia hangs on. Sasha ends up hitting the double knees to the gut in the corner but Nia kicks out at 2. Sasha ends up unloading with knees in the corner. Sasha charges but Nia gets her boot up. Sasha gets the Banks Statement applied out of nowhere.
Nia crawls for the bottom rope but Sasha blocks her and tightens the hold. Sasha blocks the counter and drops Nia on her face in the middle of the ring. Sasha gets the hold applied again and tightens it in the middle of the ring. Nia taps and Sasha is going to SummerSlam.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Sasha Banks
- After the match, Sasha's music hits as Bliss looks on from her chair. Sasha stands tall and they stare each other down.
- Kurt Angle is backstage watching and he's excited about how tremendous SummerSlam will be, which is why he's called The Hardys in. He mentions how they won't be able to wrestle The Revival at SummerSlam. The Miztourage walks in to interrupt and the WWE Intercontinental Champion isn't happy about what happened last week with Brock Lesnar. This leads to Miz vs. Jason Jordanbeing made for tonight. A referee walks in and tells Angle that they have a problem with Finn Balorand Bray Wyatt. Angle hurries off and we go back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt brawling backstage. Officials are trying to break it up. Kurt Angle appears and tells them to save it for SummerSlam. Balor doesn't want to wait. Angle tells them SummerSlam is coming early if they don't want to wait. The match will happen tonight.
Elias vs. R-Truth
We go to the ring and Elias is waiting with a spotlight and his guitar. The boos start up. Elias introduces himself and asks who wants to walk with Elias tonight. Elias knocks Fenway Park for more boos. He starts a song and asks everyone to hold their applause. The song brings more boos from the crowd as it knocks Boston. R-Truth's music interrupts and out he comes rapping.
Truth enters the ring but Elias decks him out of nowhere and beats him down before the bell can ring. Elias drops Truth with the Drift Away and stands tall. Elias grabs his guitar and stands over Truth as his theme plays. Elias leaves as we get a replay of what happened.
- Still to come, the SummerSlam main event participants will be in the same ring.
- We see the shark cage hanging above the ring. Big Cass will be here next. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Big Cass to the ring.
Cass starts talking about SummerSlam but fans boo him. He tries again but the boos continue. Cass tries again and now the "you suck" chants start up. Cass keeps trying to talk but the heat continues.
Cass mentions Sunday's match with Big Show next and why Show is suddenly friends with Enzo Amore. Cass says Enzo needs someone to stand up for him backstage when he pisses people off, which seems to be every day now. Cass says Show needs Enzo to help him stay relevant. Cass says Show needs Enzo because there's a new 7 footer on the block and his name is Big Cass, and Show knows he can't beat Cass without Enzo's help. This is why Enzo will be locked in the shark cage on Sunday. Cass says Enzo can run his mouth all he wants on Sunday but he can't get involved, but he will have the best seat in the house to watch Big Show get destroyed.
Cass says he's going to prove to Show, the locker room and everyone around the world that he is the best big man in the game today. Cass says all Enzo can do is sit there and watch... the music interrupts and out comes Enzo. Enzo introduces himself and starts cracking jokes on Cass. Enzo brings out Big Show and they head to the ring together. Cass puts the shark cage between he and Big Show as Show stalks him. Enzo gets on the apron but Cass knocks him off. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows suddenly appear to attack Show but he fights all three opponents off. Show grabs Gallows and Anderson by their throats but Cass makes the save with a big boot. Show gets triple teamed now.
Gallows uses a belt around the wrist to pull Show into the shark cage. Enzo jumps on the apron but Cass launches him off with a big boot. Cass slams the shark cage door onto Show's wrist as Gallows continues to hold it with the belt. The triple team continues as Cass tries to cause an arm injury to prevent a knockout punch on Sunday. Referees hit the ring to stop the assault now. The heels stand tall as Show is checked on and we get replays. Cass leaves as his music plays.
- We see what happened in last week's Last Man Standing main event. Still to come, the SummerSlam main event participants will be in the same ring together. Also tonight - Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt and Akira Tozawa vs. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville with the title on the line. We go to commercial.
WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Akira Tozawa vs. Neville
Back from the break and out comes Akira Tozawa with Titus O'Neil for this SummerSlam match that was moved up. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Rome.
Back and forth to start. They show each other up and are evenly matched early on. Tozawa catches a kick and dropkicks Neville. Tozawa with a chop and more chops. Neville turns it back around with a kick to the gut. Neville keeps control until Tozawa kicks him in the jaw. Tozawa gets the "ah!" chant going for a dive but Neville cuts him off. Tozawa ends up covering for another pin attempt. Neville rolls to the floor to regroup as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Neville drops Tozawa with a big kick in the corner for a 2 count. We see how Neville hit a suplex on the floor during the commercial, right in front of Titus. Neville keeps Tozawa grounded now. Tozawa fights up and drops Neville. They trade strikes. Tozawa hits a kick and misses a kick. Tozawa turns it back around and sends Neville to the floor for a breather. Tozawa runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive, taking Neville down on the floor.
Tozawa goes back into the ring and runs the ropes again, nailing another dive. Tozawa brings it back into the ring for a close 2 count as Titus goes wild. Tozawa ends up hitting a kick to the face and the standing senton. Tozawa goes to the top but Neville cuts him off. Neville climbs up but Tozawa fights back as fans do the "ah!" chant with him. Neville nails a huge superplex but they both land hard on the mat. Titus tries to rally for Tozawa.
They get up and Tozawa boots Neville. Tozawa with more offense, including an enziguri that stuns Neville. Tozawa goes to the top but Neville gets to his feet. Neville uses the referee as a shield and ends up dropping Tozawa into the Rings of Saturn. Tozawa counters and turns it into a close 2 count. Neville sends Tozawa face-first into the turnbuckles. Neville goes to the top for Red Arrow but Tozawa rolls out of the way. Tozawa goes to the top as fans pop. Tozawa hits the big senton bomb for the win and the title.
Winner and New WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Akira Tozawa
- After the match, Titus brings the title in as the celebration begins. Apollo Crews hits the ring to join in on the Titus Worldwide celebration. They lift Tozawa on the shoulders of Titus. We go to replays and come back to Titus Worldwide taking a victory selfie.
- The announcers discuss WWE SummerSlam Week and the WWE Network.
- Back from the break and we see what happened to Big Show at the hands of Big Cass, Gallows and Anderson. Cole questions Show's health going into SummerSlam. We go backstage to Enzo, Show and a trainer. The trainer informs Show that his hand is broken. Show tells the trainer to leave. Enzo apologizes and wants to say forget about SummerSlam. Show stops him and says he's fought bigger and badder, he's not missing SummerSlam. Enzo tells him to look at the bigger picture. Show says he is the bigger picture and Enzo better never forget who he is. Show walks off.
- We get a look back at how Sasha Banks defeated Nia Jax to become the new #1 contender earlier tonight.
Mickie James and Emma are backstage. Emma is looking at social media and isn't happy about how everyone is talking about Sasha. She goes on about how other people get her opportunities, bringing up her #GiveEmmaAChance hashtag. Mickie reminds Emma that she tapped out last week, she didn't get screwed over. Mickie tells Emma to put her phone down, quit complaining on social media and step in the ring with a 6-time women's champion tonight. Emma accepts and walks off.
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
We go to the ring and out first comes Bray Wyatt. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Wyatt waits for his opponent. This is another match that was originally scheduled for Sunday. The music hits and out comes Finn Balor.
The bell rings and they go at it. Balor unloads with knee strikes and applies a headlock. Wyatt charges in the corner but misses. Wyatt turns upside down and charges again. More back and forth between the two. Wyatt misses in the corner again and Balor nails an enziguri. Wyatt drops Balor on the apron with a right hand. Wyatt keeps control and drops Balor again, stopping to pose for a mixed reaction.
Wyatt takes his time working Balor over, talking some trash. Balor gets up and fires away, sending Wyatt to the floor through the second rope. Balor with a dropkick to the floor, knocking Wyatt back. Balor floors Wyatt again from the apron and stands tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Wyatt has Balor grounded. Wyatt keeps control and drives Balor's ribs into his knee for another pin attempt. Wyatt with more offense and another pin attempt after a big clothesline as the frustration starts to show. Balor fights to his feet but Wyatt decks him. Balor connects with the overhead kick and they both go down.
Balor connects with several moves in a row and looks to finally make his comeback. Balor with the dropkick to the head. Balor runs into a boot. Balor drops Wyatt with a running kick for a 2 count. They run the ropes but Wyatt launches himself at Balor and covers for another 2 count. Wyatt goes for the Uranage but Balor counters. Balor hits a Slingblade.
Balor waits for Wyatt to get up. Wyatt side-steps the dropkick and nails a senton for a 2 count. Wyatt ends up doing the upside down taunt in the corner before going for Sister Abigail. Balor blocks it and hits a double stomp. Wyatt goes to the floor for a breather. Balor follows and dropkicks Wyatt into the barrier. Balor brings it back into the ring and goes to the top. Wyatt crotches him. Wyatt drags Balor off the top and hits Sister Abigail in the middle of the ring for the pin.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
- After the match, Wyatt takes it all in as his music hits and we go to replays. Wyatt stands over Balor and smiles. He looks down as Balor is grabbing his ankle. Wyatt lifts Balor and nails another Sister Abigail. Wyatt stands over Balor with his arms out and tells us to follow the buzzards. The graphics flash and the lights go out. The lights hit again and Wyatt is in the ring. Balor is down in the corner. Wyatt has a bucket of something red. Wyatt says this is what happens when you send a boy into the devil's world. Wyatt pours blood all over Balor. Balor rolls around in the red liquid as Wyatt sits in the corner smiling, singing. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see what just happened to Balor. We also see what happened with Rollins, Ambrose, Sheamus and Cesaro earlier tonight in the opening segment.
Mickie James vs. Emma
We go to the ring and Emma waits as Mickie James makes her entrance.
They lock up and go at it. Back and forth for a few minutes. Mickie nails a kick to the face and covers Emma for a 2 count. Emma with an elbow to the face. Mickie cuts the comeback off and climbs to the top. Emma rushes her and causes her to fall off the top, down to the floor. Emma brings Mickie back into the ring and covers for a 2 count.
Emma keeps control and takes Mickie back to the mat. Emma with more offense and a double underhook for a 2 count. Mickie gets a boot up and goes to the ropes but Emma pulls her legs out. Emma with more pin attempts. Mickie ends the sloppy match with a kick for the pin.
Winner: Mickie James
- After the match, Mickie stands tall and celebrates as her music plays.
- The announcers lead us to a preview for The Hitman's Bodyguard movie.
- The Miztourage is backstage walking. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and Charly Caruso stops Finn Balor coming out of Kurt Angle's locker room. Charly asks what the meeting was all about. Balor says he spoke to Angle and got his rematch with Wyatt at SummerSlam. Balor says Wyatt has his demons but he will find out at SummerSlamthat Balor has his demons as well. It looks like Demon Balor is coming to SummerSlam.
The Miz vs. Jason Jordan
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. We see video from Jason Jordan's recent appearance on MizTV. Jordan is out next for this non-title match.
Back and forth to start. The match ends fairly quickly as Jordan looks to put Miz away but The Miztourage hits the ring and triple teams him for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Jason Jordan
- After the bell, The Hardys hit the ring and make the save for Jordan. Jordan and The Hardys clear the ring and send The Miztourage retreating over the top. We go to commercial with Jordan and The Hardys standing tall.
The Hardys and Jason Jordan vs. The Miztourage
Back from the break and we have a six-man match underway.
Matt Hardy goes at it with Axel and in comes Jeff Hardy. Jordan also tags in for a quick triple team, mocking Miz. Jordan goes to work on Axel now. The babyfaces keep control for several minutes now. The Hardys with more tags as Dallas gets double teamed for another pin attempt. Jeff floors Bo with a clothesline coming out of the corner.
Jordan comes back in and takes Dallas down again. Jordan ends up tossing Bo to the floor as Miz tags in. Jordan takes control of Miz and works him over in the corner. Jordan charges from across the ring but Axel pulls Miz to safety and Jordan hits the ring post. Miz recovers and stomps away on Jordan as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and the babyfaces are still in control. Matt unloads on Axel in the corner as the "delete!" chants start. Matt hits the running bulldog for a 2 count. Axel blocks a Twist of Fate. Matt comes back and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Axel turns it around after a distraction from The Miztourage. Miz tags back in and stomps away on Matt in their corner. Miz and Bo play to the crowd but get booed.
Bo tags back in and keeps Matt down. Bo drops knees and covers for a 2 count. The Miztourage keeps control of Matt with more tags and offense. Axel misses in the corner as Matt moves out of the way. Matt drops Axel. Miz comes back in and stops Matt from tagging. Miz also knocks Jordan off the apron with a cheap shot. Miz wastes time and gets dropped by Matt.
Jeff waits for the tag and finally gets it. He unloads on Bo, who also tagged in. Jeff with the inverted atomic drop and the leg drop. Jeff with more offense for a 2 count. Bo blocks a Twist of Fate but Jeff goes on to hit a Whisper In the Wind for a 2 count. Jeff goes back to the top and pushes Axel away. The interference catches up to Jeff as the match falls apart. Jeff ends up hitting a Twist of Fate on Bo but Axel breaks it up. Jordan takes out Miz with a big slam. Jordan with a big suplex on Bo. Matt with Twist of Fate on Bo. Jeff goes to the top and hits a Swanton Bomb on Bo for the pin.
Winners: Jason Jordan and The Hardys
- After the match, Jordan and The Hardys celebrate as we go to replays.
- The announcers confirm that it will be Demon Balor vs. Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam.
- Back from the break and Akira Tozawa's WWE Cruiserweight Title celebration is announced for 205 Live. It's also confirmed that Neville will get his rematch at SummerSlam.
- We go to the ring and RAW General Manager Kurt Angle is out with a bunch of security, who are on the outside of the ring. Angle starts talking about tonight's "Face to Face to Face to Face" before introducing WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar first. Lesnar marches out with Paul Heyman, who does the grand introduction for his client. Heyman says WWE and their RAW GM have conspired to hold this segment tonight to try and get one more rating out of The Beast before SummerSlam. Heyman says the Fatal 4 Way on Sunday is a prison fight. Heyman isn't worried about the security at ringside. He says Lesnar's bad mood is justified. He says WWE is conspiring against Lesnar because Lesnar has decided to listen to other things outside of WWE, a reference to his potential UFC return it appears. Heyman talks about how Lesnar can lose the title without getting pinned on Sunday and says he's a fan, and as a fan - that sucks. Heyman goes on and mentions each of Lesnar's opponents, and gives them props but puts over Lesnar above them.
Heyman goes on and says he never makes predictions, he just delivers spoilers. One of two things happen on Sunday - the conspiracy is successful and WWE rips the title off Lesnar, Lesnar and Heyman leave WWE. And if that is the case, Heyman assures us that we might as well lock The Beast up in a cage. Hint, hint. Then there's scenario 2 - Lesnar wins the match and proves to the entire world what Heyman has known the whole time, that 15 years of him flapping his gums has just been underselling Lesnar's greatness. Heyman says that's his case for us to subscribe to the WWE Network and watch SummerSlam on Sunday. The music hits next and out comes Samoa Joe.
Joe hits the ring and takes a mic, reminding Lesnar that he doesn't fear him. Lesnar smirks. Joe says he's coming for the title at SummerSlam but he's coming to rip it out of Heyman's hands after he puts Lesnar to sleep. The music interrupts and out comes Braun Strowman now. Braun declares that he's always the last man standing, in case we didn't know. Braun says to ask Roman Reigns. Joe refreshes Braun's memory and reminds him how he won last week's match. Joe says Braun is barely a man that stood up while Joe put Reigns down, not a last man standing. The music interrupts again and out comes Reigns to a mixed reaction.
Reigns marches to the ring and immediately spears Joe. Braun comes from behind and scoops Reigns for a big powerslam. Braun kicks Reigns under the bottom rope to the floor. Braun slowly turns around and stares at Lesnar. They look to go at it but security rushes the ring and separates them in opposite corners. Lesnar breaks free but he's pulled right back to the corner. Braun gets free but they pull him back as well. Lesnar kicks a security guard away and tangles with the others. Lesnar and Braun start taking out security now. Angle looks concerned. Braun and Lesnar face off with no security now. The RAW locker room runs down and separates them as they start going at it again. Braun and Lesnar yell at each other while Superstars hold them back. Reigns and Joe are still out of the ring. Lesnar breaks free and leaps onto Braun and a bunch of Superstars. The brawl continues but they're quickly pulled apart again. The final RAW before SummerSlamgoes off the air with the locker room holding Lesnar and Braun back from each other.
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