
WWE SmackDown Results - Baron Corbin Cashes In, Final SummerSlam Hype, John Cena Vs. Jinder Mahal

- The final WWE SmackDown before SummerSlam opens up with a video for Sunday's big pay-per-view.

- We're live from the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island with Tom Phillips, JBL and Byron Saxton.

- The Singh Brothers come to the stage under a spotlight as the boos continue. They introduce the WWE Champion and out comes Jinder Mahal in a suit.

Mahal takes the mic and comments on today being Independence Day for the great nation of India. Jinder goes on until a group of Indian dancers come out to perform on the stage. Jinder also brings a woman into the ring to sing the Indian national anthem. The dancers start performing again, making their way to the ring now. The Singh Brothers dance around Jinder in the ring. The music stops and the boos pick up. Jinder rips the fans for booing him and says we will see him beat our hero John Cena later tonight.

Jinder says Cena had the company on his back for years but there's a new face. Jinder takes credit for WWE going international and for people signing up to the WWE Network to see him retain at SummerSlam. Jinder says he will beat Cena more convincingly than Shinsuke Nakamura ever could tonight. Then at SummerSlam, Jinder will prove why Nakamura's destiny is to lose to The Modern Day Maharaja. Jinder asks for quiet as he speaks to his people. The music interrupts and out comes Nakamura to a pop.

Nakamura stands in the middle of the ring with a mic and a smile on his face. Jinder asks how dare he disparage his people on this day. Nakamura says today is also the day in Japan where they pray for people who have died in war, so he prays for peace. But Sunday at SummerSlam in America, Jinder is losing the WWE Title... to me. A "yes!" chant starts up as The Singh Brothers play to the crowd. Nakamura and Jinder stare each other down. Nakamura's music hits and he leaves.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Jinder. Also, AJ Styles apologizes to Shane McMahon. We see Becky Lynch and Natalya walking backstage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and the announcers send well wishes to WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, confirming that he underwent successful surgery on Monday but is still in critical condition.

Natalya vs. Becky Lynch

We go to the ring and out first comes Becky Lynch. Natalya is out next. SmackDown Women's Champion Naomi is out next to interrupt. She joins the announcers for commentary as Natalya stares her down.

Back and forth to start until Becky takes control. Natalya avoids a Disarm Her early on. Natalya is on the floor as Becky stands tall. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Becky finally looks to make a comeback but Natalya keeps control. Becky with a Bexploder and more offense for another 2 count. Natalya blocks a Disarm Her and goes for the Sharpshooter. More back and forth and counters. Natalya ends up applying the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring.

Naomi looks on as Natalya tightens the hold. Becky taps out.

Winner: Natalya

- After the match, Natalya stands tall and stares down at Naomi as her music hits and we go to replays. We come back to Natalya attacking Becky and applying the Sharpshooter again. Naomi hits the ring to make the save but Natalya retreats. The music interrupts and out comes Carmella with James Ellsworth and her Money In the Bank briefcase. Carmella cuts a promo and says may the best woman win at SummerSlam. Ellsworth says the winner will still lose. Carmella raises the briefcase as her music hits and Naomi looks on from the ring.

- Back from a break and we see what happened with AJ Styles and Shane McMahon last week.

- Tamina Snuka is backstage asking Lana why she doesn't have a match tonight. Lana says Tamina isn't ready. Tamina disagrees. Lana goes on and says people walk right by Tamina, they don't fear her but if Tamina is patient, people will fear her. Lana's going to use her ravishing ways on Tamina, then she will become the most destructive force with one purpose - to crush. Lana says they will be unstoppable together and then Tamina will be ready to become the SmackDown Women's Champion.

- The Usos are backstage with SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan. They want to know which New Day members they're facing at SummerSlam. Bryan says it will be Big E and Xavier Woods. The Usos want Woods and Kofi Kingston tonight after what happened last week. Bryan makes the match.

Rusev vs. Chad Gable

We go to the ring and out comes Rusev. We see how he floored Randy Orton as last week's SmackDown was going off the air. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Chad Gable. Back and forth to start as they go at it. Gable catches Rusev in a huge belly-to-belly suplex. They end up on the floor and Rusev starts to unload, using the steel ring steps as the referee counts. Rusev grabs Gable and launches him through the air, over the announce table. Gable lands hard and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: Chad Gable

- After the bell, Rusev starts taking the announce table apart as the crowd pops. Rusev brings Gable over and stomps on his back, then applies The Accolade on top of the table. Rusev breaks the hold as fans chant for Randy Orton. Rusev grabs a mic and returns to the ring. Rusev says "Randy..." when The Viper strikes outta nowhere with the RKO. The crowd pops big as Orton hits the corners to pose. Rusev is still laid out in the middle of the ring. Orton walks around the ring while his music plays and we get replays.

- The announcers plug the WWE Network and SummerSlam Week.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Jinder. We see AJ Styles backstage walking. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes WWE United States Champion AJ Styles. We see footage from last week's segment with Kevin Owens and SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon, who went down after an accidental pele kick.

Fans chant AJ's name. He says after seeing that footage, he has to get Shane out here first. The music hits and out comes the special referee for Sunday's match between Owens and Styles. Shane thanks Providence for the love and goes on to tell AJ that no apology is necessary for last week. Fans chant Shane's name now. AJ just wanted Shane to know that the kick was an accident. AJ wants to make sure, man to man, that Shane's not going to use this as an excuse to screw him over on Sunday. Shane talks about being referee at SummerSlam and makes it clear - last week was an accident but if AJ puts his hands on him again, Shane will put his hands all over AJ. AJ keeps asking if that was a threat because it sounded like a threat. The tension continues until the music interrupts and out comes Owens.

Owens isn't so sure that last week was an accident. He makes his way into the ring and says if anything happens during the match from his end, it's an accident. Owens extends his hand for a shake and comments on getting his title back this Sunday. Shane says it wouldn't be appropriate if he shook Owens' hand but if Owens wants to shake, he should shake the hand of his opponent. Owens offers his hand to AJ.

This turns into trash talking and finger pointing. Owens shoves AJ. They go at it. Owens ducks and AJ almost punches Shane but Shane catches him and holds him. Owens tries to take advantage with a superkick from behind but AJ moves and Owens drops Shane instead. Owens can't believe it. AJ smirks. A "you suck" chant starts up as Owens storms to the back. We go to a replay. Shane is down on the mat but getting to his feet. AJ is saying something to Shane, preparing to make his exit. We get another replay of what just happened to Shane. AJ heads to the back as Shane looks on while his music plays. Shane leaves the ring as well.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Jinder. Also, The Fashion Peaks finale and The Usos vs. The New Day in a non-title match. Back to commercial.

The New Day vs. The Usos

Back from the break and out comes SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day for this non-title match. It will be Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods representing the team tonight. They cut promos on tonight's match and how The Usos can get these hands. The Usos are out next.

Kofi starts off with Jey Uso and takes control early on. Woods wth quick tags and more offense as they unload on Uso. Uso goes to the floor for a breather but Kofi and Woods leap out and take them out. The brawl continues as Kofi slams Usos's head into the barrier and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the finish sees The Usos hit a double superkick for the pin on Kofi.

Winners: The Usos

- After the match, The Usos stand tall as The New Day recovers.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Jinder in the main event.

- Back from the break and we get a plug for tonight's WWE 205 Live episode.

- The announcers lead us to the finale of Breezango's Fashion Peaks series. The Ascension makes another appearance. Fandango ends up saying that the entire tag team division is facing something dark. Breezango will return in two weeks, the graphic says.

- Still to come, Cena vs. Jinder. Back to commercial.

Jinder Mahal vs. John Cena

Back from the break and WWE Champion Jinder Mahal is making his way out with The Singh Brothers as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. John Cena is out next for this non-title main event, the first meeting between the two.

The bell rings and they go at it. They lock up for a test of strength and Jinder takes control. Jinder works Cena around for a few minutes before Samir Singh nails a cheap shot. Fans boo and Jinder goes right back to work on Cena. Jinder sends Cena back out to the floor. The Singh Brothers taunt Cena while he's down. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jinder continues to dominate. Cena dodges a move in the corner and looks to finally get some offense in for the comeback. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and nails it as The Singh Brothers look on. They pull Jinder to safety. Cena chases them around the ring and back in. The brothers grab Cena's leg while the referee is distracted by Jinder. Cena gets hit with another cheap shot but this leads to the referee ejecting The Singh Brothers to the back. Jinder isn't happy.

Cena takes advantage of a distracted Jinder and locks the STF in. Jinder crawls to the bottom rope with Cena on his back. The hold is broken. Cena ends up going for an Attitude Adjustment but Jinder blocks it and drops Cena again. Jinder nails a knee and Cena kicks out at 2. Jinder goes for The Khallas but it's blocked. They tangle and Cena hits the AA for a close 2 count.

Cena takes Jinder to the top for a super AA and he nails it. Cena covers for the pin but here comes Baron Corbin for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: John Cena

- After the bell, Corbin waits for Cena to get up and nails him with the Money In the Bank briefcase. Corbin talks some trash as Cena ends up out on the floor. Fans boo as Corbin walks up the ramp. A referee checks on Cena. Corbin stops and runs back into the ring where Jinder is down. Corbin gives the referee the briefcase and is cashing in his Money In the Bank title shot. The crowd pops.

WWE Title Match: Baron Corbin vs. Jinder Mahal

Corbin waits for Jinder to get up. The referee checks on Jinder to see if he's able to go. The bell rings. Corbin knocks Cena off the apron as he jumps up. Jinder takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Corbin up for the pin to retain.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

- After the bell, Corbin throws a fit as Jinder scrambles up the ramp with the title. Corbin can't believe he lost his shot. Cena is smiling at ringside because of what he just took from Corbin. Corbin continues throwing a fit as we go to replays. Jinder stands tall with The Singh Brothers on the stage as Corbin's ringside tantrum continues. Cena taunts Corbin from the ramp. Cena heads to the back as Corbin talks trash from ringside. We get another replay of the failed cash-in. SmackDown goes off the air with Corbin staring at Cena.
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