
WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Roman Reigns' First Defense, Paige's New Stable, Braun Strowman, More

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens with a video package looking at recent happenings between Kane and Braun Strowman.
- We're live from Knoxville, Tennessee as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.
- We go right to the ring as JoJo introduces new WWE Intercontinental Champion Roman Reigns. Out he comes to mostly cheers.
Reigns takes it all in before speaking. He says it's been a big few weeks after The Shield reunited, RAW beat the brakes off SmackDown at Survivor Series and then on RAW the next night, he got another opportunity. Some fans chant "you deserve it" now. Reigns says it's been a lot of time and a lot of weeks back to back to back but it feels good to hear that. He thanks fans. Reigns says he cashed in and he's the new Intercontinental Champion. He says The Miz didn't like that so he kept running his mouth and got something in return. Reigns shows us video from after last week's RAW went off the air when The Shield put Miz through a table. Reigns says we won't be seeing Miz for a while but we will be seeing a lot of him as champion. Reigns says the title is prestigious and will stay that way as long as he has it. Reigns says unlike Miz, he will be a fighting champion and the rules are simple, if the boys in the back want the title they just have to step up and take it. The Miz's music hits and out comes Bo Dallas with Curtis Axel.
Dallas asks Reigns how dare he disrespect the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. Axel, still wearing his neck brace, says the only thing that pains him more than his neck is the pain in his heart seeing Reigns with the title. Axel mentions that they aren't able to deal justice right now but they know someone that can. Elias starts playing his guitar and then walks out from the back. Elias says he will be performing later tonight. He says Miz is a great guy and after he saw these two poor souls wandering after their leader was defeated, he knew he could guide them, lead the way and re-ignite that fire that was in their hearts. Elias declares that he will take the Intercontinental Title tonight. Some fans cheer. Reigns says it sounds like Elias wants to walk with The Big Dog. Reigns says it's on but before they do it, he wants Elias to look over at Axel. Reigns hopes Elias can sing with one of those neck braces on because he might have to wear one after tonight. Reigns drops the mic as Elias and The Miztourage look on from the stage. Reigns raises the title as his music hits.
Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins ends up making his way out for tonight's first match. Rollins hits the ring as Reigns waits in the ring. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes RAW Tag Team Champion Cesaro. Cole noted that Dean Ambrose is not here tonight because he's on his honeymoon with Renee Young and Sheamus is not here tonight because he's taking his annual sabbatical back home in Ireland. Cesaro hits the ring and we see highlights from last week's Ambrose vs. Sheamus match. The bell rings and Cesaro is still taking his gear off. Fans chant for Rollins as they get ready to go at it. They lock up and Cesaro takes control. Rollins tries to get some offense going but Cesaro shuts him down. Rollins takes Cesaro down and unloads on him.
They tangle up against the ropes and Cesaro tries for a cheapshot but it backfires while the referee is in between them. Rollins gets sent out to the floor and sells the fall. Cesaro stands tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Cesaro drops Rollins for a close 2 count. Cesaro keeps Rollins down and drives knees into him. Cesaro with more offense in the counter while Rollins is up top. Cesaro climbs up for a super gutwrench but Rollins fights back. They end up on the mat as Cesaro covers for a close 2 count after Cesaro catches a crossbody in mid-air and drives him over his knee with a backbreaker. Cesaro argues with the referee.
Cesaro keeps control and drops Rollins for another close 2 count. Cesaro keeps Rollins grounded now. Rollins fights up and out but Cesaro backdrops him for another pin attempt. Rollins ends up smacking Cesaro while trying to get up. Cesaro keeps up the attack. Rollins reverses and applies an abdominal stretch but Cesaro sends him to the mat again. Rollins turns it around in the corner and nails a Blockbuster. Rollins fights Cesaro off with kicks. Cesaro sends Rollins to the apron but Rollins nails a leg drop over the neck, sending Cesaro to the floor.
Rollins runs the ropes and nails a suicide dive, sending Cesaro back into the barrier. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Rollins nails a Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. We see how Cesaro rammed Rollins into the ring post during the break. Cesaro rolls Rollins up for a close 2 count after a thumb to the eye. Cesaro with the Cesaro Swing now. Cesaro goes for the Sharpshooter and drags him back into the middle of the ring when he tries for the bottom rope. Rollins crawls again and makes it, breaking the hold.
Cesaro mounts Rollins and unloads with right hands now. Cesaro shows frustration. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer but Rollins counters. Cesaro rolls through but Rollins kicks him in the face for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Rollins blocks an uppercut and backslides Cesaro for a 2 count. Rollins blocks the springboard uppercut and nails a high knee to the face for the pin.
Winner: Seth Rollins
- After the match, Rollins stands tall as we go to replays. Charly Caruso enters the ring for post-match comments and asks if members of The Shield might be going in different directions. Rollins says hell no. He's only riding solo tonight because Ambrose is on his honeymoon. Rollins says Reigns' title reign won't separate them, it will just bring The Shield closer. Rollins says Ambrose will be back next week but so will Sheamus. Rollins announces that they will invoke their rematch clause for next week and burn The Bar down. Rollins says The Shield will all be champions after next week, believe that.
- Cole confirms Elias vs. Reigns for the title tonight.
- Cole talks about WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore and his lackeys, The Zo Train. We go backstage to RAW General Manager Kurt Angle, who is in the middle of Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa. Swann says The Zo Train has gone completely off the tracks. Enzo is using them to keep the title around his waist. They tell Angle they just want a title shot. Angle mentions being occupied with the Triple H and Stephanie McMahon drama but it's time to determine who will face Enzo for the title in one month. We will have a Fatal 4 Way tonight and another Fatal 4 Way next Monday night. The winners of those 2 matches will face off to see who faces Enzo for the title. The cruiserweights are happy.
- We see Samoa Joe backstage walking. We go to commercial.
Samoa Joe vs. Titus O'Neil
Back from the break and out comes Titus O'Neil with Apollo Crews. Samoa Joe is out next.
The bell rings and they go at it with Joe striking first. Titus turns it around with shots but Joe goes for an early Coquina Clutch. Titus stops it and takes Joe to the corner with big shots. More back and forth between the two as Joe has more trouble than he's used to.
Titus beats on Joe and talks some trash about bullying him. Joe finally drops Titus with a straight right hand and makes him quickly tap out to the Coquina Clutch.
Winner: Samoa Joe
- After the match, Joe goes to keep the attack going but Crews comes in. They start to go at it but Joe drops Crews in the Clutch. He finally breaks it and leaves as his music hits.
- Still to come, Paige returns in six-woman action.
- We get a WWE Shop Cyber Monday promo from Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Back to commercial.
Paige, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville vs. Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James
Back from the break and we see highlights from Paige's return last week. RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss is out for commentary. We go to the ring and Sasha Banks is out first for her team. Mickie James' music hits but she doesn't appear. Bayley's music hits next and she doesn't appear either. Paige's music hits next and out she comes with Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville to the stage.
Paige says Sasha looks good for what they did to her last week. Paige asks where are Sasha's friends. She asks Mandy and Sonya where they are next. We look up at the big screen and see a referee tending to Mickie in the back. She's clutching her leg and she's upset. We see Bayley next, who is being checked on by a trainer and a referee. She's selling a neck injury. Paige says they both don't look too good, so it looks like this is a Handicap Match. Paige has something to get off her mind first. She's been hounded on social media, at the supermarket and at the airport this past week, with people asking her to explain her actions. Paige says it's simple. One year ago she was the woman, the one to stick the flag in the ground and erase the word "Diva" from the dictionary. She was the matriarch of the WWE evolution. She was just making a statement last week, to prove to everyone who she is. And guess what? She's back. Paige heads to the ring with Rose and Deville as Sasha looks on. Cole says Bliss just got up and walked away.
Paige, Deville and Rose stand on the apron with mics. Paige introduces the group as Absolution, and introduces Rose and Deville. Mandy says others may have forgotten but before there was a Boss, a Goddess, an Empress or a Total Diva, there was Paige. But they didn't forget. Sonya takes the mic yet and gets the "what!?" treatment from fans. She says nothing would have been elevated in WWE and that's why they pledged their allegiance to Paige. Sonya says together, Absolution will bring a whole new kind of women's revolution. Paige asks Sasha if she will have the same fate as Mickie and Bayley or will she pledge her allegiance to Absolution. Paige says Sasha is either with them or against them. Sasha looks around as they stare her down. Sasha knocks Paige off the apron but Deville and Rose beat her down. Paige returns to the ring and Sasha tries to fight back but they triple team her. Paige tells Sonya to show what she can do. Sonya drops Sasha with a big kick. Mandy grabs Sasha next and drops her with a facebuster. Sonya and Mandy hold Sasha while Paige talks trash. Paige grabs her and hits the RamPaige. Absolution stands tall as Paige's music hits and some fans boo.
- Still to come, Elias vs. Reigns.
- The graphic flashes and we cut to Bray Wyatt. He blows out the lantern and says he's here. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Bray Wyatt.
Wyatt takes the mic and says he never had a childhood, never celebrated holidays and never carved a turkey but he never cared. But not the fans... they care. And they carve, they celebrate like "they" want them to. Wyatt says our entire world exists inside the confines of a cardboard box. They tell us what to buy and who to love, who to be. That's pathetic. Wyatt says we're all pathetic. He tried, he tried so hard. He tried and he tried but we never listened when he tried to show us the way. So now our ignorance fuels him. Our suffering brings him joy. Wyatt laughs. Wyatt says he finally see us for who we are. None of us are alive, we're all dead. We're all dead. He laughs some more and says we're all dead, can't we feel it? He keeps repeating himself and laughing until the music hits and out comes Matt Hardy to a pop. We go back to commercial.
Matt Hardy vs. Bray Wyatt
Back from the break and Wyatt is in control of Matt, keeping him grounded. Wyatt launches himself into Matt off the ropes.
Wyatt with more offense and a big splash in the corner. Matt rolls out of the way and avoids a senton. Matt fights back and looks to make a comeback now. Wyatt misses another shot in the corner. Matt with a clothesline and a bulldog. More back and forth including an Uranage attempt. Matt counters and hits the Side Effect for a 2 count.
Matt keeps control but Wyatt blocks the Twist of Fate. Matt catches Wyatt with an elbow. Matt drops Wyatt again and goes to the top for the moonsault but Wyatt rolls out of the way. Wyatt turns upside down and taunts Matt before hitting Sister Abigail for the pin.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
- After the match, Wyatt stands tall as his music hits. Wyatt tells us to follow the buzzards and then leaves the ring. Matt sits up in the corner as fans chant his name. Matt says "delete!" and does the motion a few times as fans start chanting "delete!" a few times. Matt does the motion over and over again as Cole wonders if we're witnessing a Hardy breakdown.
- Still to come, Elias vs. Reigns with the title on the line. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see how Kane interrupted last week's Braun Strowman vs. Jason Jordan match. We go backstage to Jordan and RAW General Manager Kurt Angle. He mentions a rematch with Braun tonight but Angle isn't on the same page. Jordan goes on about how he's alright and taking out Kane tonight would silence the doubters. Angle asks if Jordan is 100% and he says he is. Angle makes Jordan vs. Kane for tonight and says it's true, it's damn true. Jordan looks worried.
Akira Tozawa vs. Noam Dar vs. Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari
We go to the ring and all 4 cruiserweights are already facing off in the ring as the bell hits. The winner of this match will go on to face the winner of next week's Fatal 4 Way to determine the new #1 contender to WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore.
Back and forth to start. Daivari and Dar worked together some early on. We see Enzo backstage watching. Swann takes a dive out onto the other 3 Superstars. We see Enzo backstage watching again and ranting at the TV.
Lots more back and forth after the commercial. The finish sees Swann get the win to advance.
Winner: Rich Swann
- After the match, Swann celebrates as his music hits.
- Back from another break and Elias is out in the ring for a song about his friend The Miz and The Miztourage Blues. He introduces Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas for another song as they sing the harmonicas. Elias gives them props and asks the fans to give it up. Elias keeps playing but a "we want Roman" chant starts. Some fans respond with a "Roman sucks" chants. Elias says no one wants Roman as much as he does right now. Elias asks everyone to take a seat because they will tune into his next performance as Reigns' title walks with Elias. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Roman Reigns.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Elias vs. Roman Reigns
Reigns takes his time going to the ring as his music plays. Reigns hits the ring and raises the title to some cheers. We get formal ring introductions from JoJo.
Back from a commercial and the bell rings as the two Superstars lock up. They break and size each other up. Fans do dueling chants for Reigns now. Elias ends up taking Reigns to the corner but the referee backs him off. Reigns decks Elias with right hands. Elias catches Reigns off the ropes and drops him with a knee to the gut. Elias covers for a 2 count as Axel and Dallas cheer him on from ringside. Elias sends Reigns to the ring post shoulder-first and covers for another pin attempt. Elias keeps Reigns grounded now.
Elias works Reigns over while keeping him grounded with a chinlock. Reigns fights back with right hands but Elias floors him with a big clothesline. Elias with another pin attempt. Elias takes Reigns back down and keeps him on the mat with a headlock.
Reigns fights up and out again. Dallas gets on the apron but Reigns takes him out. Axel appears on the opposite side of the ring and Reigns goes after him, allowing for Elias to hit another clothesline for another 2 count. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Elias is in control but Reigns shoves him to the floor to buy some time. Reigns goes out while the referee is counting and hits a Drive By. Dallas comes over but Reigns hits him with a Superman Punch. Axel approaches but Reigns spots him and he pleads with the champ. Reigns turns back around but quickly turns back to Axel and spears him. Elias comes from behind and decks Reigns, bringing him back into the ring.
Elias goes to the top rope and hits a big elbow drop for a close 2 count. More back and forth with Elias getting the upperhand. Elias hits a big sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Elias gets up first but can't bring Reigns to his feet for a move. Elias shows some frustration now. Reigns counters and rolls Elias up for 2. Elias with another stiff shot but Reigns comes right back with a Superman Punch for a 2 count.
Reigns goes for a spear but Elias hits him with a knee instead. Reigns comes right back with a spear for the pin.
Winner: Roman Reigns
- After the match, Reigns stands tall with the title as his music hits. We go to replays. Reigns leaves the ring and goes to the ramp but Samoa Joe attacks from behind and drops him into the Coquina Clutch. An intense Joe goes wild as referees and officials try to break the hold. Joe finally breaks it but rants about how he's coming for Reigns. Joe goes back to Reigns for more until officials pull him away again.
- Still to come, Jordan vs. Kane. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see what just happened with Joe and Reigns.
Asuka vs. Dana Brooke
We go to the ring and out comes the undefeated Asuka. Dana Brooke is out next for a rematch from last week.
They air a sidebar video from Dana speaking earlier today about how she's been studying last week's match and she found the biggest hole in Asuka's game. Dana says Asuka is a slow starter and she will hit Asuka hard as soon as the match starts. The bell rings and Dana goes to charge with a clothesline but Asuka immediately catches her in the Asuka Lock for the super quick squash.
Winner: Asuka
- After the match, we get a replay and Asuka stands tall until Paige's music hits. Absolution comes down to the ring and surrounds Asuka. Paige, Mandy and Sonya stare Asuka down as The Empress of Tomorrow gets ready to fight. Absolution appears to back off as Paige and Asuka stare each other down. Asuka smiles and leaves the ring without turning her back on Absolution. Paige's music hits again.
- We see Jason Jordan backstage walking to the ring. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Rollins & Ambrose vs. RAW Tag Team Champions The Bar is confirmed for next week's RAW in Los Angeles.
Kane vs. Jason Jordan
We go to the ring and out comes Jason Jordan for tonight's main event.
Jordan takes the mic as some fans boo. Jordan says there's been a lot of social media speculation on his injured knee and how hurt he really is. There are a lot of doubters who thought he was trying to get out of a match with Braun Strowman. Jordan says this couldn't be any farther from the truth. Fans do the "what!?" chants now. Jordan talks about how his knee went out last week and he knew he couldn't continue but thanks to the world class WWE medics and a week of rehab, he's back to 100% and he's here to do what Braun couldn't do - shut down The Big Red Machine. The music interrupts and out comes Kane.
The bell rings and Jason charges but Kane fights back. Jordan keeps fighting as Kane overpowers him. Jordan gets dumped over the top rope. He lands hard on the floor and immediately clutches his knee, selling the injury. Jordan tries to get up as the referee counts but he keeps falling. Jordan gets counted out.
Winner by Count Out: Kane
- After the bell, Jordan stumbles in the ring but Kane grabs him and works him over. Kane tosses Jordan back through the ropes and he grabs his leg. Kane follows and floors Jordan with a clothesline. Kane keeps control and brings Jordan back into the ring to continue working on the knee. Kane stomps away and continues beating on Jordan until the music interrupts and out comes Finn Balor to a pop. Kane stands tall as Balor heads to the ring. We go to commercial.
Kane vs. Finn Balor
Back from the break and Cole says Kurt Angle made this match official during the commercial.
The bell rings and they go at it. Balor looks to take control but Kane drops him. Kane whips Balor hard into the corner and he goes down. Fans chant for Balor as Kane works him over corner to corner. Kane catches Balor with a sideslam for a 2 count.
Balor ends up coming back and dropkicking Kane through the ropes to the floor. Balor follows and sends Kane back into the barrier. Balor runs and dropkicks Kane into the barrier again. Kane grabs a steel chair and nails Balor with it for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Finn Balor
- After the bell, Kane hits Balor with the chair some more. Kane rolls Balor into the ring and smacks him over the back with the chair again. Some fans chant for one more chair shot and Kane gives it to them. Kane with another shot before placing the chair over Balor's face and neck. The music hits before Kane can do more damage and out comes Braun Strowman to a pop. Braun hits the ring and Kane hits him with the chair but it does nothing. Kane can't believe it as Braun stares Kane down and backs him into the corner slowly. Braun kicks the chair into Kane and rocks him wit a right hand. Braun unloads with headbutts in the corner. Braun with a running splash from across the ring, flattening Kane in the corner. Braun with a big boot that sends Kane to the apron. Kane rolls to the floor and Braun follows. Braun grabs half of the steel steps and drives them into Kane, dropping him. Braun grabs the bottom part of the steps and puts them in the ring.
Braun stalks Kane and slams him face-first into the other set of steps. Braun rolls Kane into the ring as fans chant for him. Braun grabs the chair and wacks Kane over the back with it as he tries to get up. Kane moans in pain as Braun stands over him. Braun stops Kane from retreating and scoops him for a big slam on top of the steps, right in the middle of the ring. Fans chant for one more slam. Kane tries to roll out of the ring but Braun stops him again. Taking a move from Kane that he used in last week's attack, Braun places the chair under Kane's neck and drives it down into the steps. Kane grasps for air as Braun did last week. Braun brings Kane back to the steps and drives the chair into his neck again. Kane rolls out of the ring as a referee tries to check on him. Braun looks on as Kane struggles to get to his feet using the barrier. Kane escapes over the barrier and leaves through the crowd as we get a replay while Braun looks on from the ring. Braun's music hits and he stands tall in the ring. Kane continues stumbling through the crowd while holding his throat. RAW goes off the air.

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