
***EXCLUSIVE***Tri-State Wrestling Invasion On Dec 9th 2017: Preview

Tri-State Wrestling Preview for Invasion Senior Citizen Center 311 Park St Odon IN 47562 Dec 9th 2017 Doors Open at 6pm Cost is only $5 at the door.

After a crazy last month the TSW Tag Title Tournament Finally boils down to the Teams Of Revolution Radio (Jason Tiller & Cole Adams) Vs The Masked Mafia (Member's 1 &2) at Resolution in a 2 out of 3 falls match but that is next week, lets focus on this week. TSW Champion Blaine Black was issued a challenge last show by Zane Arkham to give him one more chance at the TSW Title at Resolution and Blaine can even pick the type of match they would have. Well this show we will get a official contract signing for that match. Also TSW Southern Champion Alan Angel confronts Terence about his attack and issues his own challenge. Damian Baker from the Everyday Losers makes his return to the TSW To face New comer Zac Burklow as well. Things are heating up for what is shaping to be an amazing event.
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