

Lots going on within Impact Wrestling today obviously:

*As noted in today's announcement, Scott D'Amore and Don Callis will be the top executives within Impact going forward, as Executive Vice Presidents.  D'Amore had pretty much been Ed Nordholm's right hand man in recent months and now has the title and power to match it.  Callis will officially start with the company on 1/1/18.

Callis intends to remain with New Japan Pro Wrestling as an announcer, but obviously that will depend on whether he can balance the two sides, especially if New Japan ramps up the amount of events that require English language commentary.

Impact wants a working relationship with New Japan obviously, but there's been no sign that interest has been requited.

Johnny "Impact" Hennigan and Taya have both signed deals with Impact that would allow them to continue to be utilized on Lucha Underground when that series films its next season.

There is an expectation that there will be additional talents exiting over the next month or so, including some top of the card names.  There is expected to be a far more Canadian-based talents going forward.

The word making the rounds today among the talents in the company is that John "Big" Gaburick will be officially leaving the company at the first of the year. He was there more as insurance in case the Jeff Jarrett regime didn't work out.

Dutch Mantel is also expected to leave the company at the onset of the year.  One source stated he has already been let go.

There are plans for Impact to try and run more consistently in 2018.  What that has been described to me as if running TV tapings more often (perhaps taping 4-5 week  worth of TV at a time, as opposed to 10 weeks over a long stretch) as well as doing some live house show events in smaller venues if they can be cost-effective.

Sonjay Dutt, Jeremy Borash, Jimmy Jacobs, Gail Kim and Abyss are still in the mix in terms of creative and producer responsibilities, but the final calls will be made by D'Amore, Callis and Nordholm.

Production will remain in Nashville at Skyline Studios, where there is also some space where office work can be done as needed.

Impact exec Bob Ryder is, by all accounts, still with the company and believed to be working from home going forward.

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