AEW Dynamite Results: Kenny Omega Vs. Jungle Boy
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– Outside Daily’s Place, Alex Marvez talks with Sammy Guevara about his match against MJF on next week’s show. Hiding around the corner, Shawn Spears cracks Guevara with a chair. “Told you, I’d get ya!” Spears laughs. He tells Sammy that was courtesy of MJF and heads off.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Hangman Page
Taz on commentary for the opening match. Hobs with a big shoulder tackle that flattens Page. Hobbs then lifts and jams Page into the corner, following up with a bunch of shoulder thrusts to the midsection. Hobbs with a missed punch and takes a punch of shots in the corner. Page sent to the apron and looks for the buckshot lariat, but Hobbs bails out to the floor. Page follows him and gets beat up as he punishes Page’s arm up against the barricade.
#HangmanPage eats the post courtesy of #PowerhouseHobbs … Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
Back in the ring, Hobbs with a big suplex, looks for a vader bomb, but Page gets his boots up. Page then gets sent into the ring post and it looks like the back of his head clipped it as he is bleeding from the head now. Hobbs yanks Page’s shoulder into the ring post a couple times until Page blocks it and pulls Hobbs into it. Hobbs then gets shoved into the ring post again. Back in the ring, Page with a couple boots to the face. Page knocks Hobbs to the floor and then hits a splash on Hobbs. In the ring, Page hits a moonsault on his opponent, cover, two. Hobbs drops Page with a big lariat, looks for a second rope headbutt, but the pool is empty.
Page lands a big lariat, pin, two-count. From the back comes Hook and Ricky Starks. Hobbs asks for the FTW Title. Brian Cage comes out and takes the title away, he also goes after Starks, but Starks runs off. Hobbs with a big spinebuster, cover, two. Page with a rolling elbow, and then eats one. Page misses a running splash and then takes a deadlift german suplex. Page lands deadeye, cover, 1-2-3.
Winner: Hangman Page via Pinfall
– Hype video for tonight’s AEW World Championship Match between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy.
– Brandon Cutler and The Young Bucks hanging out. Matt brings up fans calling them overrated, despite being the longest reigning tag champs. Cutler tries to fill in the details about their title run, but Nick keeps telling him to shut up. They mention next week’s match against Kingston and Penta (if they win they get a title shot). Matt says they are just a random team put together and there’s no way they win. Matt says they are EVPs (extremely violent people) and don’t plan on losing.
What you expect anything less from The Pinnacle 😶 ?? #AEWDynamite
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) June 27, 2021
– Tony Schiavone in the ring with Tully Blanchard. Tony then introduces Konnan to the ring. Tully says the last time he saw Konnan, he wanted to interfere in a match, but due to Konnan’s legendary status, he can go first. Konnan says he’s not intimated by Tully’s mind games. Santana and Ortiz won’t be scared either. Konnan says FTR tried to say they came up the same as Santana/Ortiz, but they are not nearly the same. Konnan brings up gangs, trying to find food, and avoid getting profiled by cops. The two team aren’t the same. Konnan speaks some Spanish and says Tully better learn some Spanish so he can communicate with his grand kids (referencing that Tessa Blanchard is married to Daga). Tully says Santana and Ortiz are going to be dropped when they come face-to-face with FTR. Konnan doesn’t see that happening and hopes that Walmart is still looking for greeters when Tully needs to find a new line of work. Konnan then says his guys are in the back and he’s always one step ahead. Two masked men come out. Tully tells Konnan to look to the big screen and say something now! FTR unmasks and attacks Konnan. They hit a spiked piledriver on Konnan. “What do you have to say now!” Tully yells. FTR mocks Konnan with Santana/Ortiz’s hand signals.
– Matt Sydal vs. Dante Martin is up next, but before the match gets going, Vickie Guerrero yells “Excuse me!” She then introduces Andrade El Idolo. Andrade makes his way out. Guerrero says they have a big announcement tonight, but Matt Sydal’s music hits. Out comes Matt and Mike Sydal. They give each a look as Vickie holds back Andrade. Matt heads to the ring and Andrade/Vickie go to the back.
Matt Sydal vs. Dante Martin
Back and forth counters get things going. Martin with a bottom rope springboard dropkick, cover, two. Martin gets sent to the apron, throws a forearm, gets back in the ring and takes a leg lariat. Back and forth action between the two wrestler. Sydal working over Martin’s knees until Martin is able to break the hold. Martin recovers and hits a double springboard moonsault on Sydal!
.@lucha_angel1 making it look all too easy! #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 27, 2021
“This is awesome!” chant from the crowd. Both wrestlers go to the top rope. Sydal knocks Martin down, Sydal with a meteora down on Martin, cover, two. Martin with a big leap for a sunset flip into a pin, two. Martin with a flipping stunner, another pin, two-count. Martin up top, leaps off and lands on the mat, tweaking his bad knee. Sydal with a big kick to the head, and hits lightning spiral for the three-count.
Winner: Matt Sydal via Pinfall
– Jungle Boy talks about tonight’s title match and says it’s going to be the biggest night of his life. Christian Cage shows up and tells him it is indeed the biggest night of his life. JB asks Christian how he’s doing with Team Taz. Cage says he’s fine and tonight is JB’s night. He tells JB that he shouldn’t be nervous tonight, he should be angry. He should be mad at what Kenny Omega has said and done. Christian tells Jungle Boy he shocked the world when he won the Casino Battle Royale and to do it again tonight.
– Mark Sterling hyping #JadeBrand and talks about tonight’s ShopAEW sale. He mentions buying a Dark Order shirt, which Cargill snatches away. Sterling says they have already sold a ton of Cargill’s shirts, including most XXLs, which is not surprising considering the fans. Cargill says she’s undefeated and is still “that b****” while tearing the Dark Order shirt in half.
The brawl between the Inner Circle and Pinnacle spills out into the ring, and @sammyguevara shows up to even the odds…. Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
– Backstage, Alex Marvez goes to talk with MJF, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow. MJF says nobody wants to hear Marvez and starts talking. MJF says he knows fans are mad about what he did to Jericho, and what Spears did to Sammy Guevara earlier today. MJF doesn’t get why people care what he did to Dean Malenko last week. He calls Malenko old and talks some trash about him. The group then gets attacked by Chris Jericho and Jake Hager. Jericho launches a trash can in MJF’s face. The two group end up out in the ring and continue brawling. MJF tries to run away, but Jericho gets him for a moment. Everybody continues to battle until MJF hold Jericho as Wardlow beats him up. Hager and Jericho eventually go down. Spears brings a chair into the ring and goes to whack it, but Guevara’s music hits and out comes Sammy. He boots Wardlow, takes down Spears with bunch. He then cracks Wardlow with the chair. He swings at MJF, but he bails out of the ring. Sammy hits Spears with the chair and then gets on the mic. “Sammy!” chants break out. Sammy says on Wednesday the company finds out what he already knows…they put the wrong guy on the posters and made action figures of the wrong guy. “On Wednesday, I’ll show you why I’m the best…and you know it!” Guevara yells.
. @AEWonTNT Champion @ToBeMiro with some words on @FlyinBrianJr
Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
– Earlier today, AEW TNT Champion Miro says before he gets to Brian Pillman Jr. he wants to thank God for making him powerful and his “hot wife flexible.” Miro says people like Pillman attack him for no reason when the tries to help a woman in need. He says Pillman might be ranked at the top of the tag division, but he’s going to have issues with someone like Miro — one-on-one. Miro calls himself God’s favorite champion and says the bravest thing he ever did was thinking of attacking Miro, and the stupidest thing he’s ever done is actually doing it.
Ethan Page with Scorpio Sky vs. Bear Bronson with Bear Boulder
Page with a big shot to the face, but that only seems to annoy Bronson. Bronson with a couple big shoulders and then a body block. Page with a shot to the midsection and taunts his opponent. Bronson with a powerslam, cover, two. Bronson recovers and knocks Page out to the floor. Bronson looks for a suicide dive, Sky shoves Page out of the way and takes the move instead.
.@bearbronsonBC using his power to his advantage… Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
Out on the floor, Boulder stares at Page, “Hey ref! He touched me!” Page yells. The referee looks at Boulder while Sky gets in a cheap shot. Page then launches Bronson into the barricade. The two eventually make their way back into the ring with Page in control of things. Bronson hits a spinebuster, looks for a running senton, but nobody home. Page tries for ego’s edge, Bronson reverses and just drops down on Page for a two count. Page and Bronson up on the top turnbuckle, superplex on Bronson, cover, two. Bronson with a twisting sidewalk slam, cover, two. Bronson going back up top again, Sky gets up on the apron. Boulder yanks him off and punches him in the face. Ref looking on at that as Page hits a lowblow to Bronson. He hits ego’s edge for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Ethan Page via Pinfall
"Pinning you in not enough for me @DarbyAllin. I am going to be the nail in your coffin." – @OfficialEgo
Ethan Page challenges Darby Allin to a Coffin Match, July 7th at #RoadRage in Miami! Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
– Post-match, Sky gets on the mic for a moment to gloat about Page’s win. Page then takes the mic and says “I’m not stupid.” Crowd says “Yes, you are!” Page says he knows for a fact that Darby Allin is not down with him. He says pinning Allin is not enough for him and he wants to be the nail in Allin’s coffin. July 7 in Miami, he challenges Allin to a Coffin Match!
– AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker and Rebel laugh about Vickie Guerrero getting a chance to ask Tony Khan for a favor and it’s a wrestling match?! Baker says she’s the face of the new era and she doesn’t have time for old women in the ring. “Excuse me in advance for beating your ass in our match next Wednesday.”
– Vickie Guerrero (with Nyla Rose) says that there tag match is just going to solidify that Rose is the number one contender for the title. Rose says next week they will be locked in the ring with the best, but they need to watch out for the claws of the cougar! Guerrero also noted Rose will face Baker for the title at Fyter Fest.
Kris Statlander with Orange Cassidy vs. The Bunny with The Blade
Bunny getting worked over with a bunch of arm drags. She tries for a “boop” but Statlander doesn’t let that happen. Statlander with a slaps to the face and then catches Bunny in midair for a slam. Statlander lands a suplex, Statlander is sent to the corner and puts her feet straight up in the air. Bunny with a boot to the face that sends Statlander to the floor. She then whips Statlander into the barricade and gives her a back rake.
Don't mess with @callmekrisstat! #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) June 27, 2021
The two end up in the ring, but Bunny sends Statlander back to the floor. Bunny charges in and takes a spinning powerslam. Back in the ring, Statlander drives her opponent into the ring. She looks for big bang theory, but Bunny hits a few elbows. Bunny charges in and takes blue thunder bomb, cover, two. Statlander slowly heads to the second rope, Bunny with a german suplex! She lands a thrust kick to the face, cover, two-count. Blade up on the apron to get the ref’s attention. He slips her some brass knuckles, but Cassidy takes them away and puts them in his pants. He rolls back out of the ring. Statlander hits big bang theory on Bunny for the victory.
Winner: Kris Statlander via Pinfall
– Post-match, Cassidy celebrates with Statlander, but gets hit by The Blade. Angelico and Jack Evans run out to the ring and help beat up Cassidy. Blade takes back his brass knuckles as Cassidy is held by Evans Angelico. Blade then pops Cassidy once right in the face, and down he goes.
– Earlier today, Tony talks with QT Marshall about Brock Anderson getting a victory in his debut. Marshall says it was such a touching moment and how Anderson got Wrestler of the Week. Marshall beat Cody and got nothing, but he gets it. Marshall says he’s here and Cody isn’t, most likely because Hollywood is keeping him busy. He can only hope Rhodes gets picked up by some lame superhero movie so he’ll be away, and Marshall can work towards becoming champion.
– Brian Pillman Jr. sends a message to Miro, who he thinks has a messiah complex. Pillman thinks Miro just picks fights with people he thinks he can beat. Pillman says he was born on the wrong side of the tracks and Miro is going to get his ego checked next week.
– Eddie Kingston says all The Young Bucks care about is their ego, and those titles. The titles feed those ego and the only way to hurt them is take away their championship. Penta says Matt and Nick talk about all the people they run over, but next week Kingston and himself will run over them.
Kenny Omega (c) with Don Callis and The Good Brothers vs. Jungle Boy with Jurassic Express (AEW World Championship)
Justin Roberts with the introductions for the Main Event. Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
Jungle Boys’s family at ringside for the match. Marko Stunt gets on the apron for no real reason other than to yell at the opposing side, but ends up getting thrown out, as does Luchasaurus. Referee decides to toss The Good Brothers for good measure. Callis heads to commentary for the match. The two tie up and end up in the corner. Omega pats JB’s hair and backs away from his opponent. Omega with wristlock control and slaps to the back of JB’s head. JB flips out of it and locks up Omega’s wrist. Both land a few chops, Omega takes a boot to the face, JB then looks to dance on the ropes, but Omega yanks him off and onto his shoulders. JB gets out of that, and is finally able to hit his bouncing arm drag (crowd loved that) and kicks Omega out of the ring. JB looks to fly, Omega initially dodges and then pulls JB out to the floor. He throws the challenger into the barricade, into the ring, and back out to the floor for more punishment.
#JungleBoy with the big brain buster on @KennyOmegamanX. Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
Back in the ring, Omega plants JB, cover, two. More chops to JB’s chest, but he hits a kick and looks for a suplex to no avail. Omega lifts JB, eats a knee, roll-up, two-count. JB then hits a brainbuster on Omega, but he can’t capitalize. Both get up, JB with a low dropkick to the knee. Omega tries for a snap dragon suplex, eats a back elbow that sends him spilling to the outside. JB with an elbow suicide dive, then hits a suicide dive, and he goes for a third but Omega gets back in the ring to stop that. JB ends up on the apron, hits a slingshot DDT, Omega slides to the outside and JB hits a flip over the top rope on the champ! Both in the ring now, JB to the top, but Omega sweeps out his leg.
Omega looks for a superplex, no luck at first, headbutt, goes for a superplex and nails it. A lot of the ringside crowd is now standing. Omega looks for v-trigger, no, german suplex and JB lands on his feet. He hits a thrust kick, but Omega fires back with a v-trigger, snap dragon suplex, and another v-trigger! Omega looking for one winged angel and he gets spike with a poisonrana. JB with a sliding forearm to the back of the head, cover, two. Omega is back up, ripcord v-trigger, another one to the face, cover, and a close three. JB trips up Omega and locks in the snaretrap! The Good Brothers try to run out, but Jurassic Express and Frankie Kazarian stop that. They all fight to the back. Omega is able to get to the bottom rope for the break. JB tries for another snaretrap and takes a kick.
Jungle Boy blocks the snap dragon and hits two big dives on Omega. Tune into @tntdrama now to watch #AEWDynamite LIVE!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
V-trigger to JB, he bounces off the ropes, big lariat, but Omega fights back with a brainbuster, cover, two. Omega blasts him with a v-trigger, one winged angel and JB counters with a high stack pin. He goes right into a snaretrap. Omega reaches for the bottom rope, but instead gouges JB’s eyes to break the hold. Omega and JB head to the top and Omega slips under, bringing JB down face-first on the top turnbuckle. Omega with a big v-trigger to the back of the head, tiger driver ’98, pin, two! Omega pulls him right up, one winged angel, cover, 1-2-3.
Winner: Kenny Omega via Pinfall
Kenny Omega retains the AEW World Championship on #AEWDynamite!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
– Post-match, camera cutting to JB’s family looking on from ringside. Omega takes the title and gets up with it. Omega looks like he’s winding up to clock JB with the championship. Christian Cage runs out and throws hands with Omega. Kenny quickly bails out of the ring. H.F.O. show up and get after Christian. Matt Hardy drops Christian then goes for twist of fate. Christian goes to counter with kill switch but as he turns around The Young Bucks are right there for double superkicks. Omega raises up the title as the show comes to a close.
What a WILD ending to Saturday Night #AEWDynamite!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 27, 2021
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