AEW Dynamite Results: MJF Vs. Sammy Guevara
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– Chris Jericho joins commentary for tonight’s show.
Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo with Alex Abrahantes vs. AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks with Brandon Cutler (Non-Title)
If Kingston and Penta win, they earn a future title shot. Matt and Nick Jackson sporting some facial hair now. Kingston with the early pin attempt on Matt for a two-count. Penta with a dropkick off the second rope to the backside of Matt, Kingston goes for another pin, two. Matt is able to back Penta into his corner. Nick tags in and they nails him with a couple double team moves. Matt and Nick taunt the crowd a bit.
Matt gets back in there and works over Penta a bit. They end up on the floor, Penta hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker out on the floor. Back in the ring, Penta with a top rope diving crossbody on Nick. He then tags in Kingston and he lands a bunch of punches on his opponents, spinning powerslam on Nick, cover, two. Young Bucks regain control out on the floor by taking down Kingston. Nick throws Kingston back in the ring, cover, barely a one-count. Nick and Matt cut the ring in half as they keep Kingston grounded.
They throw kicks to the back, which just annoy Kingston. He fires back, but goes down after a knee to the head. Kingston reverses more bang for you buck. Then goes up to the second rope and throws a bunch of headbutts to Nick Jackson. He heads to the top rope and hits a superplex on Nick. Penta gets the hot tag and kicks away at The Young Bucks. Nails a swinging DDT on Matt, slingblade on Nick, then a corkscrew code red for a close three! Crowd is chanting “that was three!” Penta looks for fear factor, reversed into a catapult into a kick. Nick with a springboard hurricanrana. Penta hits a backstabber on Nick, cover, Matt breaks it up.
Kingston sent out to the ramp, Matt up top with a big diving crossbody. Back in the ring, Penta and Nick swing away. Penta with a waistlock, Nick gets in the way of the ref and throws a lowblow kick. Matt and Nick hit the diving foot stomp/package piledriver on Penta, cover, Kingston dives and breaks it up. The Good Brothers show up at ringside. Kingston trying to fight off both brothers, superkicks to the head stop that. Matt holds Penta, Nick charges and ends up going to the floor. Good Brothers take ref’s attention. Cutler tries to cold spray Penta, but gets Matt instead. Frankie Kazarian shows up and takes care of Cutler. Penta with a dive on three people on the floor. He then hits fear factor on Matt, Kingston with his spinning backfist, cover, 1-2-3.
Winners: Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo via pinfall to earn a future title match
– Christian Cage tells Jungle Boy that he’s proud of him and that he took Kenny Omega to the brink. He believes Jungle Boy will be a champion someday. Christian tells Jungle Boy to go out and get his 50 wins. Luchasaurus (and Marko Stunt) show up, and Luchasaurus thanks Christian for having JB’s back while he was going. Going forward he’ll have Christian’s back. Christian then jokes about having some dinosaur genes on his mother’s side.
– Tony Schiavone in the ring with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. Tony brings up Page challenging Darby Allin to a Coffin Match, and asks why that match? Page says what he’s been doing to Allin is not enough and his goal is to exterminate him. Page says he’s trying to cripple Allin on the indies and AEW, but that’s clearly not enough. Crowd really giving it to Page in this segment. Page says every time Allin does a coffin drop going forward, he’s going to think of Page. Sting heads out, pulling a coffin behind him. We see a quick video of Allin using a flamethrower on a coffin. Sting then pulls off the blanket and Allin jumps out of the coffin. Allin leaps into the ring and goes after Page. Sting takes care of Sky. Allin digs his black fingernails into the eyes of Page. Page finally gets out of the ring with some help from officials. Ethan gets on the mic and says of course he’d do that to Page, Allin knows he can’t beat him at 100%. Page then says his match against Allin is off next week! He says Allin has to sign papers that he can’t touch Page the week before, and if he’s good, maybe they can have a match at Fyter Fest (in two or three weeks).
Jack Evans vs. Jungle Boy
If Jungle Boy wins tonight, it will be his 50th win — the first AEW wrestler to reach that number. Mat wrestling from both guys as we get things started. Commentary announces Three shows in Chicago: September 1 for Dynamite, September 3 for Rampage, and September 5 in All Out.
Evans with a shot to the ribs, but JB is able to leap up to the top with for an arm drag and a kip up. JB is able to gain control of the match and eventually lock in the snare trap for the tap out. 50 wins for Jungle Boy!
Winner: Jungle Boy via Submission
– Post-match, H.F.O. and Jurassic Express hit the ring. Eventually, Hardy and Christian battle in the center of the ring. Christian hits kill switch on Hardy and then chokes him with his own jacket. Jack Evans gets back in the ring to pull Christian away from Hardy.
– Backstage, MJF says he has outclassed and dethroned Chris Jericho over the last couple months. He feels like Jericho is smart enough to know when he’s been bested and decide to step away. MJF says instead, Jericho has double downed and decided to make a joke out of MJF. MJF says Jericho is actually the joke, he once was the best, but he now has stooped so low with his recent action. MJF says next week he will give Jericho the stipulations he has to go through to get a shot at MJF. If they do have a match, and Jericho loses, he has to leave MJF alone forever. MJF switches gears to Sammy Guevara and says he’s going to embarrass him tonight.
– Alex Abrahantes talks with Andrade El Idolo about his announcement. Andrade says he was ready last week, but Matt Sydal interrupted him. Andrade says how about he and Matt face off in the ring next week in Miami!
– Tony Schiavone introduces AEW World Champion Kenny Omega. Omega makes up a story about Tony asking him how he stays motivated each day. Omega says he woke up today feeling like a king. Has he beat the toughest guy in AEW, the greatest high-flyer in AEW, the greatest athlete, the top merch seller, and the young up-and-comer. Omega says with no one left, he is going to take some time off, but he has plenty of titles to defend elsewhere. Dark Order’s music hits and Evil Uno is on the mic. He says if he heard Omega right about not having any other challengers. Omega laughs and wonders if he means 5! He tells them to bounce since none of them are even close to being ranked high enough to face him. Uno says that might be true, but Omega does know someone who does, some he was very good friends with. The number one ranked wrestler in AEW. “Hangman!” chant from the crowd. Omega says he doesn’t think that person would appreciate Uno talking for him, nor does he have the guts to face him. Omega doesn’t think Hangman Page himself thinks he is worthy of holding up the title. Omega does his good night and goodbye bit, music hits, and he walks out of the ring.
– Earlier today, Brian Pillman Jr. talks about having friends that were like family growing up and Griff Garrison is one of them. When Miro attacked Garrison, he just showed that he’s nothing but a bully and big Bulgarian b****.
Miro (c) vs. Brian Pillman Jr. (AEW TNT Championship)
Miro goes for a kick right off the bat, misses, and takes a few chops. Miro then tosses Pillman into the corner, but takes more shots from the challenger. Miro hits a big back body drop, kick to the chest, forearms to the back, punch to the face, and drops down on Pillman’s back. Miro continues to work over Pillman, body block, fallaway slam that sends Pillman to the outside. Miro maintains control of the match with big chops to Pillman’s chest. Pillman pulls Miro’s neck over the top rope to stop him for a moment.
Pillman throws some shots, springboard dropkick sends Miro to the floor. Pillman then lands a dropkick through the ropes and ends up going all the way down to the floor. Pillman sends the champ into the barricade. Miro shoves him away and gets back in the ring. Pillman with a springboard clothesline, cover, one. Pillman with a couple thrust kicks, Miro catches the third one and cracks him with a roundhouse kick. Miro with a leaping kick. He then amps himself up for game over and locks it in and rolls back with it. Pillman goes to sleep.
Winner: Miro via Referee Stoppage
– Dark Order hangout, Hangman Page walks in and is not happy with the group. He asks them what they are doing challenging Omega on his behalf?! Stu Grayson says Page didn’t exactly stop them. Page wonders if the group thinks he’s scared to face Kenny. Colt Cabana says no way, but he might be afraid of failure. The guys all hype Page up and then head out. Alex Reynolds then tells Page he’s waited long enough and his time is now.
– Backstage, Taz is with Powerhouse Hobb and Hook. Taz says Starks and Cage aren’t here and they have had a tough relationship. Taz says it’s been tough on the whole group. July 14 it will be Brian Cage defending the FTW Championship against Ricky Starks. He says sometimes family fight and they will hopefully figure things out then. Taz noted Starks will be medically cleared (neck injury) by then.
Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero vs. AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker and Rebel
Rebel shoves Guerrero to the mat. Baker then clocks Vickie and she is able to tag out to Rose. Baker gets Rose’s attention so Rebel can lock in a sleeper hold for a moment. Rose throws her to the mat and then hits a big splash, leg drop, power slam. She then tags in Vickie and heads under the ring to pull out a table and set it up. Back from break, Rebel is able to stun Rose long enough to tag in Baker. Britt with a slingblade. Rose tries for beast bomb, but Baker gets out of it, kick to the face. Baker gets her gloves, but walks right into a chokeslam.
Rose then drapes Baker over the top rope. Rose up to the top rope and hits a big knee to the back, cover, Rebel breaks it up. She may have hurt herself as she ends up barely being able to get out of the ring. Rose is feeling confident and decides to tag in Vickie to finish things off. Baker ends up getting lockjaw on Vickie for the tapout after Rose gets sent to the floor.
Winners: Britt Baker and Rebel via Submission
– Post-match, Rose gets back in the ring and hits a beast bomb on Baker. She then rolls Baker over to the apron near the table out on the floor. She then powerbombs Baker through the table.
– Next week:
* QT Marshall vs. Cody Rhodes (South Beach Strap Match)
* MJF to announce stipulations for Chris Jericho to get through to have a match with MJF. If they have a match and Jericho loses, he has to leave MJF alone forever
* Andrade El Idolo vs. Matt Sydal
* The Young Bucks (c) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo and Eddie Kingston (AEW World Tag Team Championship)
* Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz with Konnan vs. Wardlow and FTR with Tully Blanchard
* Kris Statlander and Orange Cassidy vs. The Bunny and The Blade
– Jake Hager and Santana/Ortiz hype up next week’s six-man tag match. Hager says he almost respected Wardlow when he came into his world of MMA, but MJF ruined that and punched Dean Malenko. Santana says they are kicking FTR’s ass week next and if they have their dog (Tully) in their corner, they are bringing there own (Konnan).
– Last week, The Blade used brass knuckles to lay out Orange Cassidy after The Bunny vs. Kris Statlander. Next week, it will be Kris Statlander and Orange Cassidy vs. The Bunny and The Blade.
MJF vs. Sammy Guevara
MJF slips out of the ring to stall, so Guevara does some taunting in the ring. MJF gets back in the ring and avoids Guevara, then does some strutting around. Guevara ends up mimicking MJF. Guevara using his agility to counter MJF, but then MJF throat chops him. Guevara with a side knee strike, looks for GTH, but MJF catches it. Couple pin attempts, the action has been really quick thus far. MJF is grounded, Guevara looks for a big move off the top, but MJF moves out to the floor. Sammy looks to fly again, but MJF just walks away. MJF back in the ring, Sammy with a double springboard cutter, jackknife pin, two-count.
Guevara gets his legs swept out from under him, they end up on the floor and MJF flips Guevara into the barricade. MJF continues to beat up Guevara on the floor as fans bark at MJF. Sammy hits a back body drop on the floor. Back in the ring, Guevara looks for a springboard, but MJF hits a liger bomb reversal for a two-count. Sammy is back up and ends up hitting a second rope spanish fly, canadian destroyer, cover, two. “This is awesome!” chant from the crowd.
MJF with a double stomp to Guevara’s arm and looks for a submission. Sammy sends MJF to the apron, but gets guillotined over the top rope. MJF now looking for a chair. He holds it up at the fans, turns around and Guevara dropkicks the chair right into MJF’s face. MJF spills over the barricade and into the crowd. Sammy going to the top rope and flips over the barricade right into MJF! They both get back into the ring. Sammy goes up top, looks to fly, MJF hits the ropes to crotch Guevara.
MJF hits a second rope piledriver! Pin, amazingly only a two-count. MJF trying to get up but he’s selling a knee injury after that match. Both struggling to stand, MJF goes to pick him up and Sammy with an inside cradle for two. Sammy with a couple kicks and clocks MJF with GTH, cover, MJF’s feet end up touching the ropes to break up the pin. Guevara looking for the 630 senton. MJF is begging off Sammy, but Sammy ends up hitting it anyways, cover, two-count. Crowd is pretty much all standing at this point. Shawn Spears heading to the ring, Jericho goes to cut him off, but Wardlow sneak attacks Jericho. He beats up Jericho near the crowd (up on a ramp just above ringside). Wardlow gets the ref’s attention and throws Jericho down to the floor. Spears gets a chair and whacks Sammy with a chair. Sammy gets his hands up to partially block the headshot. MJF makes his way over, cover, 1-2-3.
Winner: MJF via Pinfall
– Post-match, Spears and Wardlow help MJF up and he celebrates a bit. We then see clips of AEW Dynamite working out of Daily’s Place over the last several months.
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