
WWE SmackDown Results – Hell In A Cell Main Event, Alpha Academy Attacks, More


Pic: WWE

– The WWE Hell In a Cell go-home edition of SmackDown on FOX opens up with a video package. We’re live from the WWE ThunderDome at the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Pat McAfee. We see the red Hell In a Cell structure hanging high above the ring as Cole hypes the first-ever Cell match on network TV, taking place as tonight’s main event with WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns defending against SmackDown Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio.

– We go right to the ring and out comes SmackDown Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio to a pop. Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Rey stops at ringside and looks up at the Hell In a Cell structure.

Rey says any parent watching knows what he’s feeling – the feeling of pain, hurt, sadness. He told his son, SmackDown Tag Team Champion Dominik Mysterio, the risk of competing in the ring, and this was, or is his dream, but thankfully he is walking. Rey isn’t sure when Dominik will be back in the ring. The Cell is half-way lowered. Rey gets a bit emotional as he talks about how WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns destroyed his son last week. Rey will never forget the sound, the helpless look his son had in his eyes as he suffered in pain. Rey will never forget the man who did this to him. Fans boo Reigns’ name.

Rey says he can’t wait one more day, he’s ready for the match tonight, he’s ready to get his revenge tonight. Fans cheer Rey as he goes on. Rey knows Reigns accepted his challenge on Twitter last night, but Rey wants to hear it from the mouth of the so-called Head of The Table himself. Rey waits and tells Reigns to get out here, calling him a son of a b---h. The familiar countdown music starts up as the Cell is lowered all the way down now, surrounding the ring. Rey waits inside the Cell.

The music hits and out comes Reigns with Paul Heyman. Reigns speaks from the stage and says he doesn’t want to do this, hurt Rey. He goes on and says it won’t be his fault. Rey doesn’t want to be locked in the Cell with him. Reigns says it won’t be PG tonight. He’s going to ask Rey once and that’s it – are you sure you want to do this? Rey says he’s never been more ready in his life. Fans pop for Rey. Reigns says he tried to do it Rey’s way, he tried to be diplomatic, but now we will do it his way. Reigns turns and heads to the back as Heyman follows. Fans boo them as the music starts back up. Rey stands alone in the Cell as Cole and McAfee hype tonight’s main event.

– We get a brief video package on Commander Azeez as he prepares to make his SmackDown debut in tag team action.

Commander Azeez and WWE Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews vs. Big E and Kevin Owens

We go back to the ring for tonight’s opening match, and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez. Cole shows us video recorded earlier today of Crews hyping Azeez up as his secret weapon, warning Kevin Owens and Big E. Azeez also speaks and Crews is all smiles. Crews and Azeez stand tall in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Kayla Braxton is backstage with Owens and Big E. Owens isn’t worried about Azeez because Big E is the strongest person in the locker room. Big E jokes about there still being some tension between he and his partner, but then he gets hyped up and cuts a typical promo on the match. Big E’s music hits in the arena and out he comes as Azeez and Crews look on. Owens is out next. Before the match can begin, the music interrupts and out comes Sami Zayn. Zayn taunts Owens as he heads to the announce table for commentary.

The bell rings and Crews goes at it with Big E. Big E with a big throw across the ring, then a takedown. Owens tags in as Big E hits a splash, then Owens hits a senton. Crews kicks out at 1. Owens works Crews over in the corner now. Big E tags right back in and Crews counters a move but Big E grabs him and drops him on his head with a suplex. Crews kicks out at 2.

Big E goes for a vertical suplex but Crews gets out with a knee to the head. Azeez tags in and goes to work on Big E. Azeez levels Big E with a big boot tot he jaw. Fans boo as Azeez stands tall and Big E rolls to the floor for a breather. Azeez follows and scoop slams Big E on the floor in front of the announcers. Azeez and Crews stand tall at ringside as fans boo. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Azeez has Big E stuck in a submission. Big E fights out but Azeez decks him and delivers a suplex in the middle of the ring. Azeez sends Big E face-first into the corner and works him over as the referee counts. Azeez with another vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Azeez holds Big E down on the mat with one arm, taunting him and delivering more punishment. Azeez goes to drop a big elbow but Big E rolls out of the way. Crews tags in and knocks Owens off the apron to prevent a tag.

Big E looks to turn it around on Crews but Crews drops him with an enziguri. Crews scoops Big E for a Death Valley Driver on the apron but Big E fights out and drops Crews over the top rope. Big E comes back in and tags Owens. Owens with a top rope Swanton for a 2 count. Crews slides out of a move but Owens fights him off. They continue to trade shots. Owens catches Crews with a Pop-Up Powerbomb but Azeez makes the save just in time. Azeez rocks Owens again as the referee warns him to get out. Azeez drags Crews to their corner and tags in.

Azeez goes to the floor first and drops Big E with a running clothesline as the referee counts. Azeez comes back to the apron and brings it in but Owens attacks with rights. Azeez headbutts Owens back and makes his way back in. They end up back on the floor and Azeez drops Owens again. Sami starts taunting Owens as the referee counts. Owens runs back in at the 7 count but Azeez is waiting with the Nigerian Nail. Azeez covers for the pin to win.

Winners: Commander Azeez and Apollo Crews

– After the match, Sami retreats to the stage, laughing at Owens. Azeez grabs Owens again and drops him with another Nigerian Nail. Crews grabs the Intercontinental Title and raises it in the air as he and Azeez celebrate while Owens is down in front of them. The camera catches Sami backstage with Kayla, pointing at Owens suffering on the TV screen, laughing at him. Azeez and Crews celebrate their win and head up the ramp as we see Sami backstage laughing at Owens some more.

– Still to come, King Baron Corbin’s crown will be on the line. Back to commercial.

– The show returns from commercial with a backstage segment already wrapping up. There may have been some sort of technical issue here? Kevin Owens is clutching his throat and backing out of the office of Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce. Cole says Pearce has made Owens vs. Sami Zayn official for Hell In a Cell.

Battle for the Crown: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. King Baron Corbin

We go back to the ring and out first comes Shinsuke Nakamura with Rick Boogs performing his entrance. Out next comes King Baron Corbin. Corbin’s crown is on the line in this match. They are currently tied 2-2 in their recent Best of 5 series.

The bell rings and they lock up. Corbin rolls Nakamura for 2. Corbin with a big knee to the gut. Corbin works Nakamura around the ring until Nakamura side-steps and rocks him in the corner. Nakamura keeps control and delivers the sliding German suplex under the bottom rope. Boogs shreds at ringside and Nakamura goes along with it as we return to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Corbin’s crown on a rotating podium on the stage. Corbin has Nakamura grounded in the middle of the ring now. Nakamura fights up and out with shots to the ribs. They run the ropes but Corbin catches Nakamura with Deep Six for a close 2 count. Corbin keeps Nakamura down and works him over with right hands. Nakamura counters and slams Corbin, applying a Sleeper hold on the mat. Corbin has Nakamura on his back now, then slams him to the mat.

Nakamura rocks Corbin in the jaw and then delivers a sliding knee for a 2 count. Corbin fights back and delivers a back suplex for another close pin attempt. Nakamura fights Corbin off again and drops him for a 2 count. Nakamura drives stiff knees into Corbin while he’s down.

Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa from the corner. He charges but Corbin runs and levels him with a big clothesline instead. More back and forth now. Nakamura with jumping knee strikes from the second turnbuckle. He goes for a third flying knee but Corbin catches him. Corbin goes for the chokeslam but Nakamura stuns him. Nakamura waits in the corner again and this time delivers Kinshasa for the pin to win the crown.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– After the match, the music hits as Nakamura stands tall and celebrates. Hamilton announces him as the one true king of WWE. Nakamura backs up the ramp as Boogs does the same, playing Nakamura’s theme on his guitar. We go to replays as a disappointed Corbin recovers in the ring. Nakamura heads to the stage and takes a seat in Corbin’s throne. Boogs takes the crown and places it on Nakamura’s head as fans cheer them on. Corbin is apparently crying now as Boogs and Nakamura continue their celebration.

– We see Bianca Belair walking backstage, swinging her hair. She will face off with Bayley next. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes SmackDown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair for her pre-Hell In a Cell Face-Off with Bayley. We see how Belair and Cesaro crashed last week’s “Ding Dong, Hello!” segment with Bayley and Seth Rollins last week. Belair goes on about Bayley and how she will retain her title at Hell In a Cell this Sunday. Belair calls Bayley to the ring for their Face-Off, but Bayley no-shows.

Belair says Bayley’s games almost work because it’s rough when someone laughs in your face. Belair says she almost felt like that little girl who was back with her bullies again, trying to make her feel less than, when in reality she was so much more than they could ever be. It did make her second-guess herself but she’s not that little kid anymore. She doesn’t let what anyone think of her define her, including what Bayley thinks. Belair goes on about how she fought to get where she is, so now she’s loud, proud and un-apologetically me. Belair wanted to say this in Bayley’s face but here it is – Sunday I don’t just want you in the ring, I want you inside Hell In a Cell. Fans pop at Belair’s challenge. Belair goes on about how Bayley won’t be laughing when she drags her all over the Cell.

Belair goes on with her promo until the music interrupts and out comes Bayley. Bayley enters the ring and swings. They start brawling now. Bayley kicks Belair in the gut and goes to toss her to the floor but Belair throws her out instead. Belair sends Bayley into the announce table and she goes down. Belair then tosses Bayley over the ringside barrier but Bayley holds on to her hair. Bayley uses the hair to yank Belair into the barrier. Bayley comes back over the barrier and works Belair over, bringing it back into the ring. Bayley charges with a shot to the face as fans boo her. Bayley then drops Belair with the Rose Plans in the middle of the ring. Bayley grabs the SmackDown Women’s Title and raises it in the air as fans boo her. She stands tall over Belair as the music hits. Bayley’s face once again takes over the ThunderDome screens.

– We get a video showing recent issues between The Usos and Roman Reigns. Reigns is in his locker room suite with Paul Heyman now. Jimmy Uso walks in and Reigns stands up. They greet each other. Jimmy thought about what Reigns said last week, about representing the family and being their best. He says Reigns was right. He might not agree with everything Reigns says or does, but they are blood, family. Reigns asks where Jey Uso is. Jimmy hasn’t heard from Jey all week. He’s tried to call and text, stop by his house, and nothing. Jimmy says if Reigns needs his help tonight, he’ll be there. Reigns says no, he needs Jimmy to find his brother. Reigns needs Jey. Reigns says Jimmy needs Jey and their family is better when complete. Reigns tells Jimmy not to worry about tonight because it’s business as usual, just do him a favor and find out where Jey is. Jimmy walks off.

Otis vs. Angelo Dawkins

We go back to the ring and out comes Alpha Academy – Otis with Chad Gable. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Otis waits in the ring with Gable. This week’s Progressive Match Flo replay looks back at how Otis attacked Angelo Dawkins backstage last Friday, then interrupted Gable vs. Montez Ford to destroy Ford. Cole says Ford is not here tonight because he’s recovering from a rib fracture at home, and a return date has not been determined. The music hits and out comes Dawkins, clutching his shoulder from last week’s attack.

Dawkins takes off his jacket as he enters the ring, and his shoulder is bandaged up. He faces off with Otis before the bell but gets slapped by Gable with a cheap shot. Dawkins chases Gable around the ring and gets dropped by Otis, who was waiting at ringside. Gable and Otis grab Dawkins and launch him shoulder-first into the steel ring steps as fans boo. Gable is all smiles.

Otis holds Dawkins as Otis leaps off the apron with a flying knee. Gable taunts Dawkins as Otis stalks him. Otis grabs Dawkins and rolls him into the ring, where Gable is waiting. Gable holds Dawkins as Otis runs the ring twice, then delivers a huge clothesline, which knocks Dawkins into a big double team German suplex by Otis. This knocks Dawkins out of the ring. Otis and Gable stand tall in the ring as officials check on Dawkins at ringside. We go to replays.

Otis stares down at Dawkins before making his exit with Gable. Officials continue tending to Dawkins at ringside.

– We see Rey Mysterio backstage getting ready. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see the Hell In a Cell structure above the ring.

– We get a Pizza Hut-sponsored video showing recent events between Cesaro and Seth Rollins. Cesaro is backstage with Kayla Braxton now. She asks if the rivalry with Rollins has gone far. He doesn’t think it’s gone far enough. He talks about Rollins stomping his head and putting him on a stretcher. WWE is Cesaro’s live and he loves what he does, and he worked hard for a very long time to get where he’s at. Rollins tried to take that from him. Rollins interrupts.

Rollins confirms they have a match for Sunday, and there’s no reason to fight now. He’s a professional and came to have a conversation. Rollins asks Kayla to leave. Rollins talks about how Cesaro doesn’t deserve a single ounce of respect, but this Sunday he’s going to show Cesaro and everyone like him what he does deserve when he puts Cesaro in his place. Fans in the arena boo. Cesaro didn’t think Rollins had it in him – being a professional, coming out here and facing him man-to-man. Cesaro respects that, and respects what Rollins said, and respects Rollins as a competitor. Cesaro stands up and pushes Rollins over in his chair, saying he will see him on Sunday. Cesaro walks off as Rollins jumps back up to his feet, seething.

Hell In a Cell for the WWE Universal Title: SmackDown Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Roman Reigns

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event. The Hell In a Cell structure is down around the ring as SmackDown Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio makes his way out. Rey hits the Cell as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rey waits inside the Cell as WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns makes his way out with Paul Heyman. The announcers confirm that Bayley vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley will take place inside the Cell on Sunday. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn and Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins are also confirmed. Reigns marches inside the Cell and raises his Universal Title belt as more pyro explodes. Cole touts how this is the first-ever Hell In a Cell match on network TV.

The referee locks the Cell door and the bell hits. Rey grabs a steel chair from under the ring and jabs Reigns back with it from the floor. Rey fights in with another chair shot but Reigns then overpowers, dropping Rey and tossing the chair. Reigns follows to the floor but Rey sprays him in the face with a fire extinguisher for a pop.

Rey charges and drops Reigns with a fire extinguisher shot to the face. Rey decks him with it again and it sprays some. Rey has trouble rolling Reigns back into the ring but he barely gets him in. Reigns rolls back to the floor for a breather. Rey grabs a tool box from under the ring. Rey charges at Reigns and smashes him in the face with the loaded tool box. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rey continues to dominate, using a chair on Reigns in the ring now. Reigns sits on the apron for a breather. Rey places a chair against his back and runs, then kicks it into Reigns’ back. Rey drives the edge of the chair into Reigns’ throat to keep him down on the apron. Rey unfolds the chair and places it around Reigns neck, then shoves him face-first into the steel wall of the Cell, then again.

Reigns gasps for air and has a look of panic on his face. Rey shoves him into the ring post now, with the chair still wrapped around his neck. Reigns finally decks Rey to get an opening. Reigns charges at ringside for a Spear but Rey moves and Reigns crashes through a table that was leaning against the Cell. Reigns is down.

Rey grabs Reigns but Reigns knees him in the gut, drives an elbow and then rolls him back in the ring. Rey cuts him off and goes for a Sunset Bomb from the apron into the Cell wall but Reigns fights back. Reigns goes for a powerbomb into the Cell wall but Rey unloads with right hands while he’s on Reigns’ shoulders. Reign blocks the hurricanrana counter, then swings Rey back and forth into the Cell and the ring post as fans boo. Reigns then picks Rey up and catapults him into the Cell wall with ease. Reigns stands tall while Rey is flat on his back at ringside. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Reigns has Rey down in the ring, talking trash and stalking him. Reigns manhandles Rey in the corner with big knee strikes and then right hands. Reigns shoves Rey to the mat. Reigns plays to the crowd for more heat. Reigns waits in the corner now as Rey tries to get up. Reigns calls for the Spear but Rey meets him with a dropkick. Rey charges but Reigns kicks him in the gut. Rey fights off Reigns’ shoulders and drops him into position for 619. Rey goes for it but Reigns meets him with a big right hand to the mouth.

Reigns charges into the corner but Rey moves and Reigns hits the ring post shoulder-first. Rey hits 619 in the corner for a pop. Rey grabs the chair and beats Reigns down with it. Rey unloads with steel chair shots. Rey places the chair over Reigns’ chest and goes to the top for a big Frogsplash. He nails it but he also hurts himself by splashing the chair.

Rey goes back to the top and hits another Frogsplash, this time with no chair on Reigns. Rey covers for the pin but Reigns kicks out just in time. Rey goes back to the top for a third time as fans cheer him on. He leaps for the hurricanrana as Reigns is on his feet. Reigns catches Rey on his shoulders, then runs the ring and launches Rey out of the ring, into the Cell wall. Heyman screams “Oh my God!” at ringside.

A referee tries to check on Rey but Reigns brings him back in the ring. Reigns immediately applies an inverted Guillotine while they’re on their feet and Rey quickly taps out.

Winner: Roman Reigns

– After the match, Reigns stands tall in the ring as his music hits. The Cell is quickly raised above the ring as Heyman brings the WWE Universal Title belt into the ring. We go to replays. Reign raises his title in the air over Rey. Jimmy Uso hits the ring and raises Reigns’ arm in the air, standing tall with him. The music stops as we see Rey barely able to pull himself up to his feet using the ropes. Reigns attacks with a quick Guillotine and rag-dolls Rey, dropping him back to the mat as fans boo. Jimmy and Heyman look on. Reigns raises his title again while talking down at Rey. The music starts back up as Reigns stands over Rey, talking more trash and taunting him. The Hell In a Cell go-home edition of SmackDown goes off the air with a “Roman sucks!” chant coming from the ThunderDome crowd.

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