Impact Wrestling Results (7/1): Kenny Omega In Action In The Main Event
** Before tonight’s show, Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo defeated Kimber Lee (w/Susan) in a non-title match on Before The Impact! **
D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews welcome fans to Impact Wrestling! We kick things off with a hard-hitting bout!
Eddie Edwards vs. Satoshi Kojima
Eddie Edwards’ music plays, but Edwards doesn’t come out. W. Morrissey appears on the screen. Morrissey tells Satoshi Kojima that he attacked Edwards’ in the parking lot and he won’t be able to compete tonight. Then, Brian Myers (w/Sam Beale) comes out. Beale and Myers lay the beatdown on the NJPW legend. Jake Something’s music hits, and he runs down to the ring to even the odds. Myers and Beale retreat to the ramp. A referee stops Myers and Beale and tells them they will now be in a tag team match!
Jake Something & Satoshi Kojima vs. Brian Myers & Sam Beale
Once everyone makes their way into the ring, Satoshi Kojima grounds Sam Beale with a perfect hip toss before tagging Jake Something in. Beale retreats to his corner to bring Brian Myers in. Something puts Myers in the Black Hole Slam position. Myers escapes and stomps away on the powerhouse. Myers makes a tag out to Beale. Beale puts Something in the corner and keeps him grounded. Beale then drags Something over to his corner to make a tag back to Myers. Myers goes low and takes out the ankle of Something. Myers goes for a cover. Something kicks out at two.
Beale makes his way back into the ring. Beale plants a short clothesline for a near-fall count. Something briefly escapes out of Beale’s side headlock, but Beale grabs hold of Something’s hair and slams him on the mat. Myers tags himself in. Myers continues to wear down Something before bringing Beale back in. Beale lands a nasty headbutt just as he makes a tag out to Myers. Myers throws some shade over toward Kojima’s way while keeping Something down on the mat. Myers violent whips Something into the corner. A tag is made to Beale. Something splits Myers and Beale in half, giving him time to make a tag to Kojima! The NJPW legend is in!
Kojima sends Beale off his feet with a perfect shoulder tackle. In the corner now, Kojima applies his machine gun chops. While down, Kojima scales the ropes and hits a big elbow drop. Kojima looks for a cover. Beale kicks out! Kojima hits a DDT. Another cover. Beale kicks out. Something sends Myers out of the ring with a Black Hole Slam! Kojima and Beale are in the center of the ring. Kojima plants his Kojima Cutter, followed by a heavy lariat. Kojima sends Beale away and picks up the pinfall victory for himself and Something!
Winners: Satoshi Kojima & Jake Something
Backstage: Gia Miller asks Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore if he can comment about Tommy Dreamer’s new officiant position. Just as he’s about to answer, Havok and Rosemary teleport in and ask for a shot at the Knockouts Tag Team Championship. D’Amore says he will take it under consideration.
Tenille Dashwood (w/Kaleb with a “K”) vs. Rachael Ellering (w/Jazz)
Tenille Dashwood charges towards Rachael Ellering in the corner seconds after the bell rings. Dashwood throws Ellering up towards the ropes. Ellering knocks Dashwood off her feet. Both women go round and round with standing switches. Ellering hits a well-scouted flying forearm followed by a clothesline. Ellering then hits a senton splash before going for the first cover. Dashwood kicks out at two. Kaleb comes up on the apron and whispers something in Dashwood’s ear. Ellering knocks Kaleb off with a big boot just as the show heads for a commercial break.
Back from the break, Dashwood has Ellering cornered. She is laying down a flurry of stomps. Out of the corner, Dashwood strikes Ellering in the back of the head. Cover. Ellerieng kicks out. Dashwood keeps the beatdown on Ellering while taking a look at her social media posts. Dashwood, with a big smile on her face, connects a butterfly suplex. Will this be enough to gain the victory? No. Ellering escapes by the two count.
Ellering creates some separation with a precise slingblade. Dashwood bends Ellering back with a neckbreaker from off the ropes. Kaleb tries to cause a distraction, but Ellering keeps her eye on the ball and stacks Dashwood up with a sunset flip. 1-2-3. Ellering secures a victory over Dashwood.
Winner: Rachael Ellering
Post-Match: Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb are furious and take it out on Rachael Ellering. Jazz runs in but has a hard time keeping Dashwood and Kaleb off of Ellering. All of a sudden, Jordynne Grace’s music hits, and she helps clean house. After Kaleb and Dashwood leave the ring, Grace and Ellering hug it out. It looks like their friendship and partnership are back intact!
Backstage: Ace Austin, Rohit Raju, Shera, and Madman Fulton come in and interrupt Chris Bey’s interview. Bey thinks these four came to recruit him. They inform Bey they aren’t there to recruit him. They’re just there to wish him luck going into the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary all alone.
TJP & Fallah Bahh vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack
Before the bell rings, TJP and Fallah Bahh are dancing along to Rich Swann’s music. Serious now, TJP and Swann kick things off. TJP and Swann have a great and high-flying exchange before all men run into the ring and stare each other down. Willie Mack and Fallah Bahh become the leg men. Mack hoists Bahh up and lands a Samoan Drop! Next, Swann comes flying down off the top with a well-targeted corkscrew!
Carnage, unfortunately, follows as Violent By Design runs down and interrupts the match. VBD comes in like wrecking balls and takes out both teams. All four members stand tall over their defeated prey.
Winner: No Contest
Backstage: Fire ‘N Flava is not in favor of having Havok and Rosemary just waltz in and demand a match for their titles. They track Scott D’Amore down and confront him. D’Amore tells the champions he hears what they’re saying, so next week, he is going to put Havok and Rosemary in action to see if they are fit to challenge Fire ‘N Flava for the titles.
Backstage: Team Dreamer (Sami Callihan, Moose and Chris Sabin) will join forces on Tommy Dreamer’s behalf. Dreamer says tonight, all three of these men have to put their animosities aside to secure a big victory over Don Callis’ team tonight. Chris Sabin agrees. Moose just wants the win, and Callihan wants to put his hands on Kenny Omega before their big clashing at Slammiversary.
Chris Bey vs. Petey Williams
Petey Williams holds Chris Bey tight with a waistlock. Bey turns the reversal into a wristlock. Williams puts Bey in the same hold. Williams goes for a ride with a nice tilt-a-whirl headscissors, followed by a rana. Williams continues the onslaught with a clothesline to the back of Bey. Williams looks for the first pin. Bey kicks out. Bey is stuck in the tree of woe. Williams gives a low blow and a nod to Canada in honor of their celebratory day.
Bey catches Williams with a swinging neckbreaker and floats over with a pin. Williams kicks out. Williams was close to winning it all with an Oklahoma rollup. Bey escapes in time. Bey traps Williams’ head with a leg scissors. Williams finds his offense again with a bridging German Suplex and a hard-hitting knee strike. Bey rocks Williams with a TKO/neckbreaker. Can he pick up the win? No! Williams kicks out. Williams slams Bey into the mat with a leg sweep. Williams has Bey scouted with a powerbomb, but Bey avoids a Canadian Destroyer. In homage to Canada, Williams puts Bey in a sharpshooter.
After some back and forth exchanges, Bey rocks Williams with his Art of Finesse for the pinfall victory. Bey just proved he is ready for Ultimate X, and he’s ready to head into that match with no alliances. Or will that change?
Winner: Chris Bey
Post-Match: Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Rohit Raju and Shera make their way down to the ring following Chris Bey’s significant victory. Bey climbs out of the ring and retreats to the ramp. Shera and Madman Fulton keep Petey Williams cornered. Trey Miguel and the X-Division Champion Josh Alexander run out to help Williams out. After watching the mayhem unfold, Bey runs back down to the ring and hits a huge dropkick on Shera! Bey continues to tear it up on Raju and Fulton. Alexander, Williams and Bey all gang up on Raju and dump him out of the ring. It looks like Bey is aligning himself with the good guys.
– Earlier tonight, Kimber Lee took a big loss to the Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo. In the back, Lee and Susan are trying to figure out how to take Purrazzo out. Lee thinks the only way The Virtuosa will be taken down is if Su Yung reemerges and does the job. Susan turns to Lee and asks, “Who’s Su?”
– Jake Something challenges Brian Myers to a singles match next week. If Something loses, he will acknowledge Myers as the best wrestler out there. If Something wins, he wants Myers to recognize his efforts.
Steve Maclin vs. Manny Smith
Manny Smith gains the upper hand at the beginning with a side headlock. Steve Maclin reverses the hold, sending Smith down on the mat. Maclin continues holding control over Smith. Smith throws Maclin off and over towards the ropes. Maclin plants a deadlift suplex. Maclin puts Smith in the tree of woe position and rains down a flurry of kicks. Maclin then hits a low spear in the corner! Maclin continues the beatdown by hammering elbows after planting another suplex. Maclin knocks Smith out cold with a heavy slam for the pinfall victory.
Winner: Steve Maclin
Backstage: Brian Myers gladly accepts Jake Something’s challenge from earlier. But he informs Something there is no way he’s going to win against a guy like himself.
Next Week:
* No. 1 Contender Match for a shot at the Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Kimber Lee & Susan vs. Havok & Rosemary
* Kenny Omega and Sami Callihan will make their World Championship match official at Slammiversary with a contract signing
And now, the main event!
Team Don Callis (Impact World Champion Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers) vs. Team Tommy Dreamer (Sami Callihan, Moose & Chris Sabin)
Chris Sabin and Karl Anderson kick things off. Anderson tries to dominate Sabin as the match starts. Sabin turns it around with a big shoulder tackle from off the ropes. Moose makes his way into the ring. Sami Callihan tags himself in. Callihan throws all three men representing Don Callis out of the ring. Kenny Omega slides back in but chickens out and retreats to the ramp.
Back from the final break of the show, Callihan lays a heavy hand on Anderson. Sabin is tagged in. He controls Anderson with a tight wristlock, which leads to Moose bringing himself into this matchup. Sabin and Moose are having a hard time keeping themselves on the same page. Tommy Dreamer steps in to talk to both of them.
Kenny Omega applies a foot choke on Sabin while the referee’s back is turned. He throws Sabin back in and watches with glee as Sabin receives a beatdown in their corner. Omega taunts Callihan. Callihan tries to charge in, but the referee holds The Draw back. The ring continues to be cut off for Sabin. Doc Gallows rolls in with a nasty uppercut near the chin of Sabin. Team Callis run in and land a triple timber splash. Omega takes over for his team. He looks for a cover on Sabin. Sabin stays alive with a kick out at two. Omega tosses Sabin into the corner and makes a tag out to Anderson.
Anderson continues to soften Sabin with a side headlock. Doc Gallows flies in with a big elbow drop. Cover. Sabin kicks out. Gallows continues the beatdown with a flurry of elbows. Sabin finds a way to escape Gallows’ control. He heads towards Moose. Moose won’t take the cover, but Sami Callihan will!
Callihan comes in hot! He plants Anderson down on the mat. Cover. Anderson kicks out. Anderson lands a low blow. This takes Callihan off his A-game for a moment. Sabin is back in. He soars down from the top. Sabin hits a tornado DDT on Anderson and Gallows. Sabin lands a shining wizard on Omega. Moose charges in. Sabin and Moose come to fisticuffs. Moose decides to leave this match entirely. Tommy Dreamer runs up on the ramp to get Moose to come back. Don Callis takes advantage of this by shoving Tommy Dreamer into Moose. This enrages Moose. Moose clocks Dreamer. Sabin flies out of the ring with a suicide dive onto Moose.
In the ring, Omega hits a V-Trigger on Callihan, who’s trying to make his way back into the ring to patch up this mess. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Sabin for the victory.
Winners: Team Don Callis (Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers)
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