
Impact Wrestling Results (7/15): “Slammiversary” Go-Home Show, Four-Way Main Event


Pic: Impact Wrestling

Tonight’s episode is the go-home show before Slammiversary, which will take place this Saturday. The pre-show will begin at 7 PM ET, and the main card at 8 PM ET!

Following tonight’s episode, Impact will broadcast “This Is Slammiversary,” an in-depth look at the backstories and matches leading up to this monumental event on Saturday. A sneak peek of this program is available here.

** Before tonight’s show, Chris Sabin defeated Johnny Swinger on Before The Impact! **

D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews welcome fans to Impact Wrestling! We kick things off with a mixed tag team match!

Tenille Dashwood &  Kaleb With a K  vs. Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering

Kaleb and Jordynne Grace get the ball rolling seconds after the bell rings. Jordynne applies a tight wristlock. Kaleb takes a knee. Kaleb runs the ropes and eats a big shoulder tackle in the center. Jordynne hoists Kaleb up with a belly-to-back suplex. Jordynne looks for a cover. Kaleb kicks out at one. Jordynne makes a tag out to Rachael Ellering. Jordynne holds Kaleb down while Rachael lands a massive flying forearm on Kaleb.

Tenille Dashwood is tagged in by Kaleb. Tenille eats a big boot in the corner. Rachael lands a lethal right hand that sends Kaleb off the apron. Tenille cuts the ring off of Rachael. Rachael’s head gets driven down on the mat repeatedly. Kaleb is back in. Rachael looks for a sunset flip, and instead of getting Kaleb to tumble down, she accidentally pulls his pants down. Luckily, Kaleb is wearing underwear! He pulls his pants back up and makes a tag to Tenille. Tenille is in the ring briefly. She lays a few shots on Rachael before making a tag to Kaleb. Rachael escapes making a tag on Jordynne.

Jordynne lands a running sit-out powerbomb! Cover. Kaleb kicks out. Kaleb plants a superkick on Jordynne. Rachael fires up a sling blade on Kaleb. Tenille hits her Spotlight Kick on Rachael. Jordynne responds to that with a spinebuster on Tenille! Kaleb catches Jordynne with a small package pin. Jordynne pops free at two. Kaleb keeps on top of Jordynne with a powerslam for another near-fall count. Rachael and Jordynne join forces with a lightning-quick slam on Kaleb. Cover. 1-2-3. Jordynne and Rachael pick up the win!

Winners:  Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering

– On Saturday, Sami Callihan has a big task ahead of him when he faces Kenny Omega for the Impact World Championship. The Draw is all about this business. He believes wrestlers like Omega, who disrespect the business in his eyes, deserve to take a brutal beatdown from him. He looks forward to the challenge and to bring the title home. If he wins, this will be his second run with the belt.

-We take a look at Deonna Purrazzo’s impressive two-time reign as the Knockouts Champion. The Virtuosa has a date with destiny on Saturday when she finds out who her partner will be that night. As Gail Kim warned her last week, her world might change that night.

At Scott D’Amore’s Office: Purrazzo is hesitant to sign her title contract without knowing who her opponent is. D’Amore assures her she needs to sign this in case she loses her title. That way, she can use her rematch clause. She decides to sign it. As D’Amore walks away, Purrazzo asks him one more time. He replies with “No Way Jose” and walks away. Tommy Dreamer sticks his head in and says No Way Jose isn’t the person. Dreamer wishes her luck ahead of her title match.

– D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews run through the updated Slammiversary card. Following that, more Knockouts action follows!

Havok (w/Rosemary) vs. Knockouts Tag Team Champion Tasha Steelz (w/Kiera Hogan)

Tasha Steelz taunts Havok by rolling out of the ring after trying to get her to lock up. Rosemary sneaks up behind Steelz on the outside and chuckles. Steelz jumps in fear and makes her way back into the ring. Havok tosses Steelz into the corner with a buckle bomb. Next, Havok throws Steelz across the ring with a powerful Irish Whip. Havok continues the onslaught with a flurry of stomps just before the commercial break.

Coming back from the break, Havok is waiting for Steelz to get back on her feet in the corner. Steelz is up. Havok charges towards her. Steelz ducks under and plants a swinging neckbreaker! This gives Steelz the advantage as she takes charge of the fight with stomps of her own. Steelz hits a superkick and then begins to twerk. Steelz stops herself in time and refocuses with a running bulldog. Steelz looks for a pin. Havok kicks out at two. Havok throws Steelz off of her and connects a backbreaker. Steelz stays alive with several big chops. Havok applies a belly-to-belly suplex for a near-fall count.

Havok tries to put Steelz away with her tombstone piledriver. Steelz escapes but gets caught mid-air. Havok finally hits her tombstone piledriver for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Havok

Up next, we take a look back at the Ultimate X Match from Slammiversary 2013. This is part of the Impact Plus Moment of the Week. 

– Since W. Morrissey arrived at Rebellion, he has been out for blood. At Slammiversary, he will go up against “The Heart of Impact” Eddie Edwards. Can Morrissey maintain his dominant undefeated streak, or will Edwards knock him down a peg (or two)?

Backstage: Kimber Lee is anxiously waiting to see what Father James Mitchell has done with Susan. Susan walks out. Lee is surprised. Lee thought Susan was going to turn into Su Yung. Well, it looks like Susan has known all along who Yung is, although last week she played the role that she had no idea who Yung was.

Steve Maclin vs. Kal Herro

Steve Maclin is all over Kal Herro in this fast-paced match. Maclin hangs Herro up in the tree of woe and slams right into the newcomer in the corner. Herro creates some temporary space with a jawbreaker. This enrages Maclin, who rains down a flurry of elbows on Herro. Maclin successfully maintains his undefeated streak.

Winner: Steve Maclin

Post-Match: Steve Maclin says the reason he came to Impact Wrestling was that he’s prepared for competition, but he’s tired of waiting [for that compeition].

Backstage: Decay and Havok are having a little chat. Rosemary and Havok will face Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship. Rosemary surprises Havok by bringing in Father James Mitchell, who escaped Susan by the skin of his teeth. Rosemary asks Havok if she’s ready. Havok shakes her head. What are Mitchell and Rosemary going to do to Havok before their big match on Saturday?

Before their Ultimate X battle on Saturday, several of the men involved in that matchup will compete in an eight-way tag team match!

Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Rohit Raju & Shera vs. X-Division Champion Josh Alexander, Chris Bey, Trey Miguel & Petey Williams

Petey Williams and Rohit Raju kick things off. Both men play a little cat and mouse game as they begin this matchup. Williams traps Raju with a crucifix pin. Raju pops one of his shoulders up at two. Both men tag in their other partners. The X-Division Champion Josh Alexander and Ace Austin are in. Austin throws Alexander in the corner with a big Irish Whip. Alexander comes flying out of the corner with a big boot. Alexander makes a tag out to Trey Miguel. Trey misses a big move in the corner. Austin hits a well-scouted kick to escape out of the corner. Austin brings Madman Fulton in.

Fulton manhandles Trey with a heavy slam. Fulton looks for a cover. Trey kicks out. Raju makes his way back in. He lands a hard back elbow in his corner, cutting the ring off from Trey. Raju makes a tag to Austin. Austin and a few of his partners lay heavy body shots on Trey. Austin then connects a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges it into a pin. Trey escapes at two. Trey lands a perfect double stomp to create some space. All of Trey’s teammates have their hand out for a tag. Fulton comes crashing in on all of Trey’s partners on the apron.

This spill all around the ring. Chris Bey runs in and tries to soften Fulton and Austin. Alexander runs in and applies a suplex on Fulton. Raju slides in and takes the X-Division Champion out of the ring. Trey hits a scorpion kick on Austin. Shera destroys Trey with a tilt-a-whirl gut buster! Back in the ring, Bey stacks Shera up with a schoolboy pin for the victory!

Winners: Chris Bey, Josh Alexander, Trey Miguel & Petey Williams

Post-Match: The brawl continues. Chris Bey brings in a chair and cleans house with his partners. Just as everyone is chummy in the ring, Bey lands a chair shot on his own teammates and runs out of the ring as fast as he can.

Backstage: Brian Myers asks Hernandez to come back and join him tonight. Hernandez politely declines, saying that Johnny Swinger is paying him better, so his alliance is with Swinger now. Myers then asks another mysterious person if he’ll have his back tonight.

Brian Myers – Matt Cardona Segment:

Brian Myers (w/Sam Beale) heads down to the ring. Myers asks Jake Something to come out. Something arrives, but he isn’t alone. He brings Matt Cardona out with him. Myers tells Something that he is a professional after Something beat him last week in singles competition. Despite just calling him a professional, Myers thinks Something still has a lot of work ahead of him. All four men then start to brawl. Matt Cardona and Brian Myers’ tangling continues in the ring. Cardona is standing tall with Myers down on the mat. Tenille Dashwood sneaks in and lands a low blow on Cardona. Myers asked Cardona’s former ex-girlfriend to help him out just moments ago, and she followed suit.

– After that nasty low blow, Scott D’Amore is offering Matt Cardona a chance to seek vengeance against Brian Myers and Tenille Dashwood in tag action with a partner of his choosing before Saturday night at Slammiversary!

– Before their violent clashing on Saturday, we take a look at what led up to Chris Sabin and Moose’s heated rivalry. Moose is set for action, next!

Moose vs. Hernandez (w/Johnny Swinger)

Hernandez holds the upper hand on Moose in the beginning. Hernandez drags Moose out of the ring and throws him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Moose looks for Lights Out and hits it. Short, sweet and to the point, Moose is ready for Chris Sabin on Saturday.

Winner: Moose

Post-Match: Moose wraps a steel chair around Hernandez’s ankle. Chris Sabin runs out in time and lays a beatdown on Moose. Moose escapes and retreats up the ramp.

– Ahead of his major title defense on Saturday, Kenny Omega and Don Callis agree that Sami Callihan is too dangerous. Omega is up for the challenge and looks to retain against The Death Machine.

D’Lo Brown and Josh Mathews run through the Slammiversary card one last time before the main event!

And now, the main event!

Battle of the Hosses: Willie Mack vs. Fallah Bahh vs. Doc Gallows vs. Impact World Tag Team Champion Joe Doering 

Doc Gallows and Jod Doering have a staredown and talk a little smack before Fallah Bahh and Willie Mack break it up. Bahh and Mack join forces with a double shoulder tackle on Gallows. Gallows and Doering slide out of the ring and take a breather.

Mack and Bahh trade heavy chops and forearm exchanges. Bahh catches Mack with a possible chokeslam. Mack escapes. Doering and Gallows run in and break up the back and forth bout between Mack and Bahh. Mack gets tossed out of the ring. Doering is working on Bahh. Doering is using the ropes in his favor with a choke on Bahh. Everyone’s fight spills to the outside for a few minutes. Gallows and Bahh make their way back into the ring.

Bahh gets fired up with a hip attack on Gallows in the corner. Doering switches it up and takes his fight to Bahh on the outside. Gallows stalks Mack on the outside and lands a big boot. Mack and Gallows slide back into the ring. Gallows goes for a pin on Mack. Mack kicks out at two. Gallows rains down a flurry of elbows on Mack, creating some wear and tear on the former X-Division Champion. Doering waits for Mack to make his return back to the outside. Doering plants a big elbow drop on Mack. Gallows and Doering return to their brawling from earlier. Doering rocks Gallows with a hard hit.

Back in the ring, Mack gets caught with a Samoan Drop – mid-air! Doering runs in and finishes the job on Bahh. Joe Doering prevails ahead of his big title defense on Saturday.

Winner: Joe Doering

That concludes this week’s show. We hope you enjoy Slammiversary!

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