
WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Dumpster Match, Bray Wyatt Crashes The Main Event, Alexa Bliss, More


- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at Braun Strowman destroying Roman Reigns two weeks ago. We also see the destruction Braun caused last week until Big Show stopped him, then their ring implosion in the main event. We cut to the RAW opening video.
- We're live from Kansas City as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us to the Sprint Center. He's joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. A Dumpster Match with Kalisto vs. Braun Strowman will take place later tonight.
- We go right to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho to a pop.
Fans chant "Y2J" as Jericho hits the ring for a "monumental edition" of The Highlight Reel. Jericho says this is the last Highlight Reel we will ever see on RAW. Fans boo. Jericho says he's going to beat his former best friend and current muttonhead for the WWE United States Title. Fans cheer. Then he's headed over to SmackDown. Jericho says his fans always support him and stay behind him, whether it's RAW, SmackDown or Southpaw Regional Wrestling. He gets another pop for The Friends of Jericho line.
Jericho says he needed a super sexy beast of a guest for tonight's final Highlight Reel on RAW. That guest is... Chris Jericho. Jericho starts ripping into Owens and says the Face of America doesn't work for him but the Hemorrhoid of America does. Jericho goes on until the music interripts and out comes The Miz with Maryse. Miz says RAW is no longer Jericho and hasn't been since they arrived. He enters the ring and a "you suck" chant breaks out. Miz knocks Kansas City and says RAW is now all about the "It Couple" of WWE. Jericho says they better watch... It. Miz announces that The Highlight Reel has officially been canceled but will be replaced by MizTV. More boos from the crowd. Miz calls for crew members to change the set over to the MizTV set.
Miz goes to welcome us to MizTV but the music interrupts and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose to a pop. Ambrose agrees with Jericho, Miz is a stupid idiot. A "stupid idiot" chant tries to get going now. Miz says Jericho never said that. Jericho says he was thinking it. Ambrose is sure no one in Kansas City wants to see another episode of MizTV. Fans cheer. Ambrose has crew members to change the set over to The Ambrose Asylum now. Ambrose welcomes us. He introduces his guest, Jericho and because they're already here, Miz and Maryse. Ambrose says he's rooting for Jericho this Sunday, even if it means he's going to SmackDown. Ambrose says they've had their differences in the past and went to war but he believes in the power of forgiveness. Ambrose recalls destroying the Jericho light-up jacket. Jericho says he still owes him $15,000 for that. Dean doesn't gave $15,000 because it was a rough week at the blackjack table but he does have a gift for Jericho. Jericho opens it up and it's a jacket with Christmas lights attached to it. Jericho likes it. Ambrose calls it the new Jacket of Jericho and warns him not to put it in the washing machine. Dean says there's just one thing for Jericho to do now... try it on, maaaan. Miz interrupts them. He says "no" several times but the crowd responds with a "yes!" chant. Miz disses the jacket. Jericho puts it on to a pop.
Miz rips into Ambrose for how he devalues the Intercontinental Title every day he holds it. Miz says it's he who should be getting gifts from other Superstars. Ambrose interrupts and says he does have a gift for Miz... a kick and a Dirty Deeds. Ambrose walks away after dropping Miz. Jericho asks Maryse if she knows what happens when you marry a stupid idiot like The Miz. Maryse makes The List to a pop. Jericho's music hits as Miz and Maryse head to the floor. Jericho makes his exit.
- We see RAW Tag Team Champions The Hardys walking backstage. We go to commercial.
Sheamus vs. Matt Hardy
Back from the break and out comes Sheamus with Cesaro. RAW Tag Team Champion Matt Hardy is out next with brother Jeff Hardy to a pop.
They lock up and Hardy goes for a quick roll up. They lock up again and Sheamus elbows Matt off his back. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle before more back and forth. Matt with a neckbreaker and a leg drop. Matt drops two more legs for a 2 count.
Sheamus counters and scoops Hardy but he slides out. Sheamus with a kick. Sheamus goes for the forearms on the apron but Matt fights him off. Matt gets riled up with a little bit of "Broken" action and the crowd pops. Matt ends up dropping Sheamus on the apron with the Side Effect. We go to commercial with both Superstars down on the floor.
Back from the break and Sheamus has Matt down in the ring. Sheamus with a running thrust in the corner. Sheamus goes for the forearms on the apron again and gets them as fans count along. Sheamus sends Matt to the mat and goes up top. Sheamus comes off the top with a shot to the face for a 2 count.
Matt counters White Noise. Sheamus charges but Matt moves and he hits the ring post. Matt with a tornado DDT from the second rope. Matt blocks shots and fires back. Matt slams Sheamus' head into the turnbuckle and gets a pop after another "Broken" taunt. Matt keeps control and hits a running bulldog. Matt goes to the second rope for an elbow drop and a close 2 count. Matt waits for Sheamus to get up now. He gets the "Delete!" chants going. Sheamus blocks a Twist of Fate and nails a solid knee to the face, sending Matt to the floor. Matt blocks an attack and kicks Sheamus. Sheamus with the rolling senton on the floor.
Jeff checks on Matt but Sheamus knocks him away. Sheamus brings it back into the ring. Jeff gets on the apron to argue with him. Cesaro pulls Jeff off the apron and they face off. This leads to Matt hitting the Twist of Fate for the win.
Winner: Matt Hardy
- After the match, The Hardys celebrate as Cesaro comes in to check on his partner. Cesaro argues with Matt and Jeff, blaming the loss on Jeff. Sheamus gets up and tells Cesaro to calm down. Sheamus extends his hand to Matt but the crowd is skeptical. Cesaro also extends his hand. There's a "no!" chant starting up. The two teams end up shaking hands as The Hardys' music hits. Cesaro and Sheamus leave while The Hardys pose.
- RAW General Manager Kurt Angle is backstage on the phone with someone talking about tonight's Dumpster Match. He says he's going to talk with Kalisto to see if he even wants to do the match still. Someone pulls the plug on Angle's call. He turns around and it's The Miz with Maryse. He's upset about standing outside of Angle's door for a whole 2 minutes and upset about what happened earlier. Angle says we solve our problems in the ring now. He tells Miz to find a partner to face Ambrose and Jericho later tonight. Miz walks off and Maryse says something in French to Angle. "Right back at you," he says.
Neville and TJ Perkins vs. Austin Aries and Jack Gallagher
Back from the break and out first comes WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville. His partner TJ Perkins is out next. Jack Gallagher is out first for his team, followed by Austin Aries.
Both teams start brawling before the bell can ring. Aries and Gallagher send their opponents over the top rope. They stand tall in the corners as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and the match is underway as Neville is in control of Gallagher. Perkins tags in and they double team Gallagher. Gallagher turns it around on Perkins and sends him into the corner. Aries gets the hot tag and unloads on both opponents. Aries springboard sin on Aries and decks Perkins on the apron again. Neville charges but gets sent flying to the floor. Aries also sends Perkins to the floor, then nails the suicide dive on both. Aries brings Perkins back into the ring for a 2 count. He goes right into Last Chancery but Neville breaks it up.
Gallagher nails Neville with forearms to the face and then an uppercut. Gallagher runs into kicks from Neville. They collide and Gallagher drops him with a headbutt. Gallagher catches a kick from Perkins, allowing Aries to deck Perkins and hit the discus five-arm for the win.
Winners: Austin Aries and Jack Gallagher
- After the match, Aries and Gallagher stand tall as we go to replays. Neville retreats to the ramp and taunts Aries.
- Still to come, the Dumpster Match. Back to commercial.
Dumpster Match: Braun Strowman vs. Kalisto
Back from the break and there's a dumpster sitting at ringside. JoJo goes over the rules as the music hits and out comes Braun Strowman. The only way to win is to put your opponent in the dumpster.
Fans chant for Braun as he takes a mic. He says he considers everyone in the arena nothing but trash, so when he stuffs Kalisto in the dumpster it's like stuffing each and every fan in there with him, especially Roman Reigns. Braun's music hits and we go backstage to Kalisto talking to Angle. Kalisto is passionate about still wanting the match after being disrespected last week. He makes his way to the ring with a new theme song.
Kalisto uses his quickness to get in a few shots but it does nothing to Braun. Braun gets upset after taking a kick to the face. He grabs Kalisto and yells about Kalisto thinking he can challenge him. He sends Kalisto to the apron in front of the dumpster. Kalisto fights back and springboards in with a missile dropkick. Kalisto counters an attempt and nails a jawbreaker to stagger Braun.
Kalisto goes to the top but Braun catches him in mid-air and launches him across the ring like a dart. Braun with a splash in the corner. Braun grabs Kalisto and points at the dumpster. Kalisto hangs on and tries to bring Braun down over the top with him. Braun powers up and slams Kalisto back into the ring. Graves can't believe Kalisto almost had Braun in the dumpster. Braun with a running kick to the gut. Braun puts a knee to the back of the skull in the corner now. Braun runs and crushes Kalisto in the corner again. Braun clubs Kalisto in the chest and knocks him back to the mat. Braun beats on Kalisto some more now.
Braun tosses Kalisto over the top but he hangs on again. Braun clubs him down flat on the apron. Braun picks Kalisto up and presses him high. Kalisto slides out and falls into the ring. Braun picks him u from the apron. Kalisto kicks Braun's legs out and Braun falls into the dumpster, still standing.
Winner: Kalisto
- After the bell, Braun just stands there in the dumpster fuming. He enters the ring and boots Kalisto in the face, then slams him hard with one arm. And again. Braun continues the assault and sends Kalisto through the ropes to the floor. We get "we want Roman, Roman sucks" dueling chants for Roman Reigns. Braun launches Kalisto into the barrier now. Braun picks Kalisto up onto his shoulder and drops him in the dumpster. Braun closes the lid as fans boo. Braun wheels the dumpster to the top of the ramp now. Officials come out to warn Braun now. He teases running them over with the dumpster. Braun takes the strap and ratchets the lid closed on Kalisto. Braun takes his time but ends up pushing the dumpster off a short ledge, tipping it on its side. Officials rush to check on Kalisto as Braun stands tall and we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see what just happened to Kalisto. Officials and paramedics are loading Kalisto up onto a stretcher. The announcers play up the seriousness of the situation. Kalisto is loaded into an ambulance and taken to a local medical facility. Cole leads us to a video on Roman Reigns.
- We also get a video package on Bray Wyatt with words from Wyatt to hype the "House of Horrors" match against WWE Champion Randy Orton on Sunday.
Alicia Fox vs. Dana Brooke
Back from the break and both Superstars are out. Back and forth to start. Emma makes her way down to ringside to watch.
Dana makes a comeback and unloads on Alicia. Dana slams Alicia but gets kicked back. Alicia misses the scissors kick. Dana scoops her on her shoulders and slams her in a modified Michinoku Driver for the win as Emma looks on.
Winner: Dana Brooke
- After the match, Dana stands tall as her music hits. Emma comes in and appears to be impressed. Emma hugs her and walks out of the ring.
- The announcers hype Sunday's Payback pay-per-view and the WWE Network.
- Charly Caruso is backstage with Samoa Joe, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. She asks about their match against Seth Rollins, Enzo Amore and Big Cass tonight but they're all confident about beating up nerds. Joe says he will break Rollins at Payback, if he makes it to Payback. Joe says he only took out one of Rollins' ligaments the first time they met but maybe he comes for the rest tonight. They all "too sweet" before we go to commercial.
Samoa Joe, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Seth Rollins, Enzo Amore and Big Cass
Back from the break and out comes Enzo Amore and Big Cass. They cut promos until Cass suddenly disappears into the crowd and Enzo is attacked by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson from the crowd. We see that it was Samoa Joe who pulled Cass into the crowd. They drop Enzo with a Magic Killer on the floor. The music hits and out comes Seth Rollins to make the save. Rollins goes at it with Joe as Cass recovers. The heels retreat as Cass, Rollins and officials check on Enzo. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Kurt Angle is out with a mic. He says Enzo is unable to compete but he has a new partner for Cass and Rollins. The music hits and out comes Finn Balor to a big pop.
Balor runs to the ring when he sees Cass and Rollins getting triple teamed. We get the bell and it's Cass starting off with Gallows. Cass takes control and hits a big splash. Cass with a fall-away slam. Rollins tags in and comes off the top with a big right hand as Cass holds Gallows. Balor tag sin and unloads on Gallows. Balor drops Gallows with a dropkick. Gallows turns it around on Balor and tags in Anderson. Fans chant for Balor as he rolls through and dropkicks Anderson in the face. Balor with a shot to Gallows on the apron. Anderson backs Balor into the corner and in comes Joe. Joe unloads and drops Balor in the corner with a kick to the head.
Joe with more offense to Balor as he backs him in the corner again. Anderson tags in and unloads on Balor in the corner as the referee warns him. Anderson keeps Balor grounded with an armbar now. Anderson slams Balor for another 2 count. Gallows tags back in and drops big shots on Balor in the corner. Gallows keeps Balor grounded now. Gallows runs into boots in the corner but catches Balor with a side slam. Gallows poses before kicking Cass off the apron. Gallows misses a leg drop as Balor moves out of the way.
Anderson and Rollins tag in at the same time. Rollins with a Blockbuster from the top. Rollins keeps control and hits a Slingblade. Anderson slides out of a suplex. Gallows holds Rollins but he takes them both down. Cass comes flying over with a big boot to send Gallows out. Rollins and Joe stare each other down. Anderson gets sent out onto Joe by Rollins. Rollins runs and nails a dive next. Rollins brings Anderson back in but Joe beats on Rollins from the floor. Balor comes out of nowhere with a dropkick on Joe on the floor. Rollins comes in with a flying clothesline on Anderson. Rollins goes for a Pedigree in the middle of the ring but changes his mind. He nails a big knee to the face instead and covers Anderson for the win.
Winners: Seth Rollins, Finn Balor and Big Cass
- After the match, the winners stand tall as Joe stares them down from the floor. We go to replays. We come back to the babyfaces celebrating.
- The Miz is backstage looking for a partner but Cesaro and Sheamus aren't interested.
- We see Alexa Bliss walking backstage. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Alexa Bliss as Cole hypes her title shot on Sunday. Bliss takes the mic and says every week the Superstars come out and talk about who they like, who they dislike, who they want to fight, possibly becoming champion. Other Superstars come out and talk about how this is their childhood dream, sunshine and rainbows. Bliss apologizes and says she legit thought she was going to vomit talking about that. She gets the "what?!" treatment and calls them out. She says she came to RAW to win, not to talk, which is why she will become the new RAW Women's Champion on Sunday. The music interrupts and out comes Bayley.
Bayley admits Bliss wasted no time in proving how good she is. She was sitting int he back and knows Bliss was making fun of her. She says Bliss has always been the type to say it behind your back and not to your face. Bayley says she's not just all talk, every day she works her butt off for this dream and to hold onto this title. Because she knows there are other Superstars trying to take it from her. Bayley says she will fight with every ounce of energy she has to walk out of her hometown with the title at Payback. Bliss loves the fact that Payback is in Bayley's hometown. Bliss is excited about beating Bayley down, taking her title and humiliating her in front of her father. They have more words until the music hits and out comes Sasha Banks to interrupt.
Bliss jokes that this is part 3000 of the Sasha - Bayley sideshow. Bliss asks if Sasha puts little love letters in Bayley's lunchbox. Sasha calls her a troll doll wannabe. Sasha goes on and says she came out to shut Bliss up tonight. Bliss says that's not going to happen and she's going to talk to Kurt Angle to have the match nixed because she has a more important match on Sunday and Sasha has become unhinged. Bliss says she doesn't feel safe in the ring with Sasha right now. Sasha drops Bliss and sends her to the floor. We go to commercial.
Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss
Back from the break and the match is underway as Bayley joins the announcers. Back and forth to start.
Bliss misses double knees after getting some offense in. Sasha goes to work and unloads on her. Sasha catches a kick and knees Bliss in the face. Sasha goes on and covers for a 2 count. Bliss avoids the Banks Statement and gets to the bottom rope.
Bliss goes to the floor for a breather as the referee counts. Bliss backs up the ramp as Sasha talks trash. Bliss gets herself counted out.
Winner by Count Out: Sasha Banks
- After the bell, Bayley comes from behind and tries to take Bliss back to the ring. Bliss breaks free and runs to the back. Bayley comes walking out but Bliss attacks her from behind and leaves her laying.
- Jericho and Ambrose are backstage. Ambrose hopes they can move on and hopes the new jacket he gave Jericho will get him off The List. Jericho says no one ever leaves The List and Ambrose still owes him $15,000. Jericho reminds him of the 69 thumbtacks he had to remove from his back after The Ambrose Asylum match they had. Jericho really likes the jacket though. He ends up taking Ambrose off The List. Ambrose gets pumped up for their match and walks off. Jericho adds him back to The List and we go to commercial.
- Charly is backstage with Heath Slater and Curtis Axel to promote WWE Studios' "The Marine 5: Battleground" coming out this week. Co-stars The Miz and Maryse are in as Miz hopes someone will be his partner. They turn him down and he's not happy. Rhyno is also there with a plate of food. The segment ends with a man bringing a letter to Miz. He's now all smiles as he has an "awesome" partner for later tonight.
Curt Hawkins vs. Apollo Crews
We go to the ring for another open challenge from Curt Hawkins. He wonders who he will give a main event push to this week. The music hits and out comes Apollo Crews.
Crews dominates most of the match. He gets the win with the sitout powerbomb.
Winner: Apollo Crews
- After the match, Crews stands tall as we get replays. Titus 'Neil enters the ring and gets hype with Crews and raises his arms. Crews doesn't seem so sure about Titus. Titus takes a selfie with Crews for The Titus Brand and tells him he's on his way to success.
- Back from a break and we see what happened in the Dumpster Match earlier. Cole says Kalisto suffered hip and cervical trauma.
- Cole shows us highlights from Roman Reigns' WWE website interview with comments on Payback and his brother Matt "Rosey" Anoa'i passing away last week. We get a video package on Reigns vs. Strowman at Payback.
- We go backstage to Austin Aries proposing a match for this week's 205 Live to Kurt Angle. No word on what the match is but Angle says he will get back to Aries.
- Angle walks up on The Miz and Maryse. He says his partner reached out to him and when we see who it is, we'll feel real sorry for his opponents. "The Drifter" Elias Samson appears in the background playing his guitar. Angle says that's an interesting choice for a partner. Miz says it's not Samson, he doesn't even know who he is. Angle wishes Miz good luck and says he will need it, then walks off. Miz says he won't need it. Back to commercial.
Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz and
We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose. His partner Chris Jericho is out next with the new Christmas light jacket. The Miz is out first for his team with Maryse. Miz says his partner has a flair for dramatics but he is a big star and these two are in big trouble. Miz tells everyone to rise for his tag team partner... no one appears. His tag team partner... no one appears. Miz says his partner is late so they'll have to postpone this match. Now it's canceled. He's going to the back to see what's going on. The music hits and out comes Angle to a "you suck!" chant.
Angle says whether Miz found a partner or not, the match is still on and it starts right now. Oh it's true, it's damn true. Angle's music hits again and he makes exit as Miz looks on. Miz turns around to chops from Jericho as the handicap match begins. Jericho and Ambrose double team Miz. Ambrose with the running bulldog. They send Miz to the floor and stand tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jericho keeps up the assault on Miz. Jericho with a suplex and an elbow. Jericho with some showing off before tagging in Ambrose. Ambrose comes off the top with the elbow as a "stupid idiot" chant starts. Maryse looks on as Miz begs Ambrose from his knees. Maryse ends up providing a distraction on the floor, allowing Miz to take control of Ambrose and send him into the barrier. Miz rams Ambrose into the apron and brings him back in the ring. Miz with a running boot to the head for a 2 count.
Ambrose and Miz go at it now. Miz with the backbreaker - neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. Miz with the "yes!" kicks to mock Daniel Bryan now. Miz misses a kick and Ambrose rolls him up for 2. Ambrose with a big clothesline. Maryse cheers on Miz. Ambrose tags in Jericho and he unloads on Miz. Jericho hits the Lionsault for a big pop. Miz goes to walk out but Ambrose tackles him on the ramp. Ambrose brings the fight to the announce table and the announcers scatter.
Ambrose takes apart the table and brings Miz on top of it. The Wyatt Family graphic flashes and the lights go out. They come back on and it's Bray Wyatt on top of the table with Ambrose. Miz is nowhere to be seen. Wyatt knocks Ambrose off the table and over to the stage. Wyatt grabs Ambrose and drops him into the LED board with a Sister Abigail. Jericho runs up to attack Wyatt but Miz makes the save. They double team Jericho now. Wyatt yells at Miz to take it to the ring. They beat Jericho down the ramp and to the ring. Wyatt ends up hitting Sister Abigail on Jericho in the middle of the ring. Wyatt turns upside down in the corner and stands tall. Wyatt drags Jericho to the center of the ring and poses over him. Miz comes over and raises his arm with Wyatt. Wyatt drops Miz with Sister Abigail. Wyatt poses over Miz and tells us to follow the buzzards as RAW goes off the air.

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