
GFW Impact Recap (7/20): Alberto Forced To Join LAX, Fatal Fourway Match, Super X Cup And More

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GFW Impact
Taped At The Impact Zone In Orlando, Florida

In a buildup to this week's show, Konnan and LAX have gotten to Alberto El Patron's brother and father. Konnan has threatened both El Hijo De Dos Caras and the legendary Dos Caras, in an effort to force Alberto to join LAX's Hispanic revolution. LAX wants Alberto to join their group tonight on Impact.

Alberto El Patron's father Dos Caras and his brother El Hijo De Dos Caras are shown arriving together to The Impact Zone earlier in the day....... This is followed by a video recap of what took place last week on Impact between LAX and Alberto.

Jeremy Borash, Josh Mathews and 'Da Pope' are on commentary...... They cue to the ring for a first round match in the Super X Cup tournament.

1st Round Match
Drago vs. Sammy Guevara

Profile videos air for Sammy Guevara and Drago prior to the start of this match..... They both talk about the importance of winning the Super X Cup tournament. Fast paced start to this one, with both men going through the feeling out process. After an early standoff, Guevara takes control and sends Drago to the outside. Sammy then leaps onto Drago with a shooting star press. Moments later in the ring, Drago turns the tables back in his favor, when he connects with a reverse rana. After some more back and forth action, Sammy Guevara pushes Drago off the top rope, and leaps off with an impressive looking 630 splash. Guevara covers Drago but he manages to kick out. Just when it appears that the momentum is on Guevara's side. Drago fires up and connects with several strikes. Guevara is left reeling and Drago runs full speed and hits a running neckbreaker. Drago covers and pins Guevara.

Drago defeats Sammy Guevara to advance to the semi-finals of The Super X-Cup Tournament

Drago will advance to face the spectacular Dezmond Xavier in the semi-finals. In the other side of the bracket, ACH has reached the semi-final and will go to face the winner of next week's match between Ishimori and Davey Richards.

Sienna (c) vs. Amber Nova

Nova attacks Sienna right at the bell. Her strategy doesn't work as Sienna over powers Nova. Sienna picks up Nova in a delayed vertical suplex. Amber fights out of it after being in the air for over a minute. This frustrates Sienna, as she picks up Nova again, but this time finishes her off with her AK47 finisher.

Sienna defeats Amber Nova by pinfall

Sienna takes the mic after her victory. She brags about beating Rosemary at Slammiversary and unifying the GFW and Knockouts title. Sienna says that everyone doubted her but that the one person, who doubted her the most was Karen Jarrett. Siena calls out Karen and demands that she make her way to the ring. Karen arrives on the scene. When she gets into the ring, Sienna demands that Karen get on her knees and call her the greatest champ of all time. Karen refuses to and takes offense to Sienna's demands. Sienna then gets in Karen's face, when Allie's music hits. She runs down to the ring with a kendo stick in hand and goes after Sienna. Laurel Van Ness also arrives. She attacks Allie from behind. This leads to Sienna and Laurel double teaming Allie. Rosemary runs out and makes the save. She takes down Laurel and then spears Sienna. When Rosemary mounts Sienna, Laurel grabs the kendo stick and strikes Rosemary from behind. The heels then double up on Rosemary until Karen Jarrett comes into the ring. Karen grabs Sienna by the hair. When Sienna starts to go after Karen, Gail Kim is out and she saves Karen. The heels retreat. Karen Jarrett gets on the mic and announces that Sienna will face Rosemary next week in a Last Knockouts Standing match for the Unified Knockouts title.

JB, Mathews and Pope reset the show at ringside. They cue to the videos of what LAX did to Alberto El Patron's father and brother earlier in the week.....

After the break, Impact executive Bruce Prichard is backstage with Tyrus. Bruce is on his cell phone. He manages to plug his website and gets off the phone with his podcast partner Conrad Thompson to talk with Trevor Lee. Prichard asks Trevor, why he stole the X division title from Sonjay Dutt. Trevor makes some lame excuse, as to why he decided to take Dutt's title away. As this is happening, Sonjay Dutt comes into the picture and is being held back by security. Dutt demands his title back. Prichard and the officials work in tandem to keep Dutt away from Trevor Lee. When Dutt is escorted away. Prichard agrees with Trevor Lee's take that he is the better champion than Dutt and deserves to be holding the X title.

Lee starts off the match wearing the X title around his waist. He goes at it briefly with Garza Jr. Lee takes off his title, hoists it in the air and then tags himself out. Mexican Mini Demus is tagged into the action. Garza laughs him off and tags in fellow mini Octagoncito. Things break down quickly as the babyface trio all take to the air and ground the heels..... When the show returns from the break, the heels are now in control. Idris Abraham is beating down Octagoncito in his corner. The Egyptian Abraham tags in Lee. Trevor continues the rough treatment on little Octagoncito. Lee still has the X title on and JB announces that Sonjay Dutt has been banned from the Impact Zone for his disturbance backstage. Borash says that the ruling came from Bruce Prichard.... Octagoncito finally finds a way to escape the heels. He tags in Garza Jr. The nephew of the later great Hector Garza, comes into the ring on fire. He takes on all 3 heels and does his strip routine. Laredo Kid is in, and he and Garza execute aerial tandem moves. The heels are sent to the outside by the babyface trio. All 3 at once then dive to the outside at the same time. Some more multi-man hijinks follows this, as Garza and Laredo get the heels in a around the world rowboat. In the center of it, Cito hits a rana on Demus and nearly pins him. The action spills to the outside and Laredo leaps onto the heels with a moon sault. Garza Jr then has Octagoncito climb onto his shoulders. Cito leaps off Garza's shoulders from the top rope and splashes Abraham. Cito pins him to get his team the victory.

Garza Jr, Laredo Kid & Octagoncito defeat Trevor Lee, Idris Abraham & Demus

A Grado-Joseph Park vignette is up next. Park gives Grado a pep talk and gets him pumped up for his date with Laurel Van Ness. Park tells Grado to be weary of Kongo Kong. Grado and Laurel are then shown meeting up. Grado gives Laurel some coupons before they eat dinner together. Both Grado and Laurel sit very far apart from one another. Grado can't reach the pepper in the center of this absurdly long table. Laurel gets it for him and sprinkles Pepper on her self. She then burps and Grado loses his appetite.

X Division 3-Way Match
Low-Ki vs. Matt Sydal vs. El Hijo De Fantasma

Fast paced action between all three men. Fantasma gets the first near fall with a spinning back breaker on Low-Ki. Sydal takes down Fantasma with a spinning heel kick. Sydal then gets Low-Ki and Fantasma in opposite corners. He runs full speed into both of them. Low-Ki battles back with a reverse double foot stomp to Sydal's throat. With Fantasma still down, Sydal and Low-Ki start getting into a striking exchange. Josh Mathews name drops the new GFW referee Robert King for this match. Mathews says that King now owes him one thousand dollars for mentioning his name during the broadcast.... Meanwhile Low-Ki has disposed of Sydal and sent him to the outside floor. He then directs his focus towards Fantasma. Low-Ki gets the upper hand briefly but gets caught on the top turnbuckle. Fantasma nails him with a leaping side kick. Sydal tries to climb back into the match and he gets the same kick from El Hijo. Moments later, the action spills to the outside with Low-Ki and Fantasma hitting aerial moves. The action returns from the break with all three men back inside the ring. Fantasma is in control. Sydal rallies, takes out Fantasma and hits a standing moonsault on Low-Ki. This leads to a near pinfall. Sydal then sends Low-Ki crashing on top of one of the corners. Fantasma attacks Sydal and puts him in a surfboard submission. Low-Ki capitalizes on this by leaping off the top with warrior's way onto Sydal, while he is suspended in mid-air. Sydal collapses onto Fantasma and nearly pins him. Low-Ki sees this and strikes Sydal down with a stiff kick. He covers Sydal but is unable to pin him . Low-Ki then takes down Fantasma, when he goes back to Sydal. He is greeted with a high knee to the face. Sydal looks to set up Low-Ki for his airborne finisher but Low-Ki is able to stop him from executing the move. Low-Ki then heads to the top or the Warriors Way but Fantasman knocks him down. Sydal is back up and takes down Fantasma. Both Low-Ki and Sydal race to the top rope to finish off Fantasma. Low-Ki leaps off first with the warriors way double foot stomp. Just when Low-Ki covers Fantasma, Sydal leaps off on top of them with a shooting star press. The pin is broken up and Sydal covers Low-Ki for the victory instead.

Matt Sydal defeats Low-Ki & El Hijo De Fantasma

Low-Ki storms off after this defeat. Fantasma hangs back and shakes Sydal's hand. Matt Sydal then takes the mic. He calls the X division world class wrestling. Sydal applauds the men he just wrestled. Sydal feels that he has earned a shot at The X Division Championship. He sends a message to the locker room to "trust yourselves and question authority". Sydal then calls out Bruce Prichard. Bruce arrives with Tyrus. Prichard says that he likes Sydal but he is tired of everyone making demands. Prichard says that Sydal is deserving of an X division championship match but that there are others who are more deserving. Bobby Lashley's music hits and he heads to the ring. He ignores Sydal and addresses Bruce Prichard. Sydal takes issue with Lashley ignoring him to make his own request to management. Lashley tells Bruce that he is the only person in the company worthy of a title shot. Sydal interrupts Lashley and tells him that no one wants to hear him anymore. Sydal says that he is asking for a title shot. Lashley ignores Sydal and says that he is going to destroy everything in Impact until he gets what he wants. Lashley then turns and spears Sydal. He tells Bruce Prichard to make things happen.

After the break, another Grado-Laurel date video airs. Highlights are shown of the various activities, the couple went through on their date. Grado is having a hard time with Laurel. He constantly repeats the word citizenship as motivation for seeing this whole thing through. Grado is then shown with Joseph Park after the courtship. Park asks Grado if he is ready to pop the question to Laurel now. Grado forgets that he is supposed to ask Laurel for her hand in marriage, in order to be able to stay in the United States. Grado hugs Park and the line, to be continued is flashed on the screen.

Fatal Fourway Match
EC3 vs. Eli Drake vs. Moose vs. Eddie Edwards

As Eli Drake makes his way to the ring with Chris Adonis. They trash talk Pop TV reality stars the "Swole Mates" at ringside. Adonis throws water into Freddie's face. Freddie gets into the ring and clotheslines Adonis. When Eli Drake is confronted by both Swole Mates, he begs off and heads to ringside..... The show goes to break before the rest of the participants are introduced for this match..... Moose and EC3 brawl on the outside immediately. Edwards and Drake go at it on the inside. Carter wins the battle on the outside, while Edwards outduels Drake on the inside. Eddie hits a caffeine dive on Eli. EC3 gets in the ring and the heels double up on Edwards for the next couple of minutes. Moose tries to get back into the action but is knocked off of the apron by Carter. Drake and EC3 then start trying to show each other up as they beat down Edwards some more. They start jaw jacking with one another. Their arguing leads to Edwards getting back into the match. Eddie hits a double rana on both of them. Moose is back in and he goes on an offensive flurry. He hits a great looking elevation dropkick on Drake. Carter tries to slow Moose's momentum but he and Drake eat a double clothesline. Edwards and Moose then dispose of the heels to the outside. Edwards and Moose go one on one. Moose hits a pump kick on Edwards and then power bombs to the outside, directly onto Drake and Carter. Moose stays on the offensive. He heads outside but ends up being thrown head first into the ring post by EC3. Moments later, Edwards and EC3 are going at it. Edwards hits a top rope rana on Carter. Eddie signals for the Boston Knee Party but Carter counters and hits the 1 percenter on him. Moose pulls Carter out of the ring before he can cover Edwards for the victory. Eli Drake rolls in the ring and pins Edwards instead to obtain the victory.

Eli Drake defeats EC3, Eddie Edwards & Mooose in a Fatal Fourway Match

McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Freddie and Andy from Pop TV's Swole Mates. They start running down Eli Drake and Adonis..... LAX barges into the interview and hijacks the camera man. Homicide says that LAX is going to deliver an exclusive right now. LAX heads towards the backstage area and they find Dos Caras and his son. Konnan tells them that the deadline came and went for Alberto to join them. Konnan wants an answer. Alberto's brother does not have an answer for LAX. Alberto's father Dos Caras starts yelling at Konnan in Spanish. Konnan doesn't like what he hears and he sicks his gang on them. LAX beats down Dos Caras and El Hijo De Dos Caras. Konnan tells the camera man that they are headed to the ring and that they want an answer from Alberto tonight.

When the show returns from the break. The Latin American Xchange are headed to the ring with Dos Caras and his son in their custody. LAX roughs up Alberto's father and brother on their way to the ring. Konnan takes the mic and calls for Alberto to come into the ring. Konnan mentions that there has been a pride of Mexico documentary being shot backstage with Dos Caras being featured. Konnan tells Alberto that he told him what he would do, if he didn't join their revolution. Konnan states that Alberto has been influenced by hanging out with too many gringos. Konnan says that LAX is not going to handle things with lawsuits but with "Mexican Street Style" violence instead. Konnan then instructs LAX to beat down Alberto's brother. El Hijo is then caned by Diamante and Homicide. When Alberto doesn't come out, Konnan orders a beatdown on Alberto's father. Konnan calls an audible and says that the way to humiliate a luchador is by taking off his mask. Just as Dos Caras is about to be unmasked for the first time ever.

Alberto's music hits and he makes his way out. He tells LAX to leave his father alone. Alberto addresses Konnan by his given name Carlos. He tells "Carlos" that they go back over 20 years and that he can't believe that he would be doing this. Alberto tells Konnan to stop this nonsense. He then tells LAX that if they touch his father again, he is going to beat the expletive out of them. Konnan says that if Alberto joins them, he will let his family go. Alberto gets into the ring and says that he, Konnan and Mysterio were all like brothers. Alberto says that once Konnan gets something into his "Mexican head", he just doesn't let it go. Alberto says that he understands Konnan's latin temper and can relate to him. Alberto says that if Konnan wants it, he must let Alberto's family go. The brother and father are set free.

Alberto apologizes to the the fans and accepts Konnan's offer to join LAX. He says that he is a man of his word and will keep to it. Alberto then tells Konnan that he is no longer his friend named Carlos. He will only be referred to as Konnan from now on. Alberto curses at Konnan in latin. Konnan says that he doesn't need a friend, that he needs a soldier that will do what he wants. Alberto is given an LAX shirt to wear. Alberto asks Konnan to not harm his family anymore. Konnan gives his word and Alberto puts on the LAX shirt and joins their group. Konnan shakes hands with Alberto. Just as Alberto's hand is raised, Alberto snaps and beats down everyone in LAX. He then targets Konnan with a kendo stick. Santana and Ortiz take the bullets for Konnan. Alberto beats them down repeatedly with the cane. Alberto runs off LAX and then rips off their shirt. The show ends with Konnan staring down Alberto from ringside.

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