
WWE 205 Live Results (7/4): Titus Worldwide, Neville Vs. Dorado, Swann Vs. TJP, Gallagher Vs. Nese

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- The show opens with Titus O' Neill walking backstage. He is on his cell phone with Akira Tozawa, who is supposed to be in Japan training. Titus bumps into cruiserweights backstage. Titus bumps into Ariya Daivari first, he tells him that he needs to upgrade his clothing. He then bumps into Mustafa Ali and gives him props for his victory last week against Drew Gulak.

- After the 205 Live theme plays, Vic Joseph and Corey Graves intro the show and hype tonight's action, which includes Jack Gallagher facing Tony Nese and TJP squaring off with Rich Swann.

- Titus O'Neill is introduced to the live audience and makes his way to the ring. The ring itself is set up with a red carpet and a podium that has a 'Titus Worldwide' logo on it. No purple ropes tonight as the show pays tribute to America. Titus asks the Phoenix crowd, if they are ready for some fireworks. He has pictures of Neville and Akira Tozawa, to the left and right of him in the ring. Titus hypes their cruiserweight championship match at Great Balls of Fire on sunday. Titus and the crowd chant Akira's war chant catchphrase. Neville interrupts, he puts Titus over for being a good pitchman but calls him nothing more than an illusion. He calls O'Neill's brand a tool of manipulation and that Titus doesn't really care about his clients, To prove it, Neville plays footage from last night's Raw, where O'Neill's client Apollo Crews fell at the hands of Braun Strowman. When the clip ends, The fans in attendance chant at Neville "You're Not Strowman".... Neville predicts the same fate that Crews suffered, will befall Akira Tozawa this sunday.

Neville vs. Lince Dorado

Titus O'Neill joins the broadcast team to provide commentary for this non-title match..... Dorado takes the fight early on to the Cruiserweight Champion. The tables turn when the action breaks to the outside, as Neville throws Dorado knee first into the steel steps. Titus trash talks Neville on the outside. O'Neill rips on Neville for being ugly and calls him "hard on the eyes".... Back inside the ring, Neville powerbombs Dorado and slaps on the Rings of Saturn. Dorado is forced to submit.

Neville defeats Lince Dorado by submission

TJP and Rich Swann are both backstage in the locker room area. TJP calls their match tonight "friendly competition" and says that he is not hurt by what Swann has said about him in recent weeks. They shake hands and Swann says that whether he is TJP or TJ Perkins, it won't matter because he can't handle him.

'The Gentleman' Jack Gallagher vs. 'The Premier Athlete' Tony Nese

During Nese and Gallagher's entrances, two separate videos are shown. The first of Nese's most recent victory against Gallagher and last week's attack by Brian Kendrick on Jack..... Nese shows off his figure early on. Gallagher takes Nese down to the mat and does several rolling crucifix covers on him. Both men end up dizzy as a result, Gallagher maintains his balance and hits a monkey flip on Nese. Tony breaks free by pulling Gallagher by the hair. He then disposes Jack through the second rope. Nese stays on the offensive with a running forearm to Gallagher's jaw. Tony then hangs up Jack in the tree of woe and performs his ab workout in the corner and simultaneously kicks Gallagher. Nese then applies a very unique inverted torture rack. Gallagher escapes and hits double knees to Nese's jaw. Moments later, Jack transitions and traps Nese into an arm bar. Tony powers out with one arm and slams him down. When both men run the ropes, Nese clips out Gallagher's knee and attempts a springboard moonsault but Gallagher moves out of the way. Nese lands awkwardly on his feet and tries to fake an injury. Gallagher doesn't fall for it like the last time, he lost to him. Gallagher beats Nese to the punch with a headbutt and then hits his running dropkick in the corner, to secure the victory.

Jack Gallagher defeats Tony Nese by pinfall

After the match. Music plays over the Titan Tron. The Brian Kendrick appears on screen dressed up like an American Forefather. He is in a library and runs through a history lesson of Britain. Kendrick runs down all the historical defeats Britain has suffered. The Brian Kendrick says that he is going to defeat Gallagher just like the U.S. has in the past. Kendrick questions Gallagher's claims of loving America. He promises to rid Gallagher from 205 Live. A small portion of the crowd actually cheers USA after Kendrick's message.

Noam Dar is backstage with Alicia Fox. A clip is shown from last night's Raw action between him and Cedric Alexander. Dar has an ice pack on his neck from facing Alexander last night. Dar tells Fox that he wants to move on and focus on The Cruiserweight Championship rather than Alexander. Fox isn't having it. She wants Dar to get revenge on Cedric. Noam doesn't appear pleased by this but he reluctantly agrees to do what Alicia wants.

TJP vs. Rich Swann

A back and forth battle early on between two men billed as being friends for over a decade. Swann shows some fantastic agility and plays to the crowd, and taunts TJP with a dab. Swann stays firmly control for the next couple of minutes until TJP counters him in the corner and back flips Swann to the outside floor. As a result of this fall, Swann barely beats the 10 count back into the ring. Perkins then grounds Swann and goes to work on his limbs. TJP stays in control and whips Swann full speed into the corner. Perkins turns up the aggression and lands a springboard senton. Swann then gets a basement dropkick into his shoulder. Perkins then bridges back and locks in The Muta Lock on Swann. Rich nearly taps but is able to crawl to the ropes. Perkins breaks the hold and doesn't hang on, which the commentators sell as Swann's message of sportsmanship getting through to TJP. Moments later, Rich Swann gets a second wind and hits a rolling thunder for a near fall. Swann then hits a inverted michinoku driver for another near fall. The crowd is into this match and chant 'This is Awesome'... The Phoenix crowd has been good for this entire show. Moments later, TJP shows great athleticism with a flying forearm but Swann out of desperation grounds Perkins with a roundhouse kick. When both men are back up, Perkins gets a near fall after countering Swann with a chicken wing gut buster, Perkins then goes for the detonation kick, Swann evades it but gets caught in a knee bar. Swann gets to the ropes. Both men then knock each other with a double kick. The fans applaud their efforts. Graves compares the latest sequence to Fedor-Mitrione's double knockout. After more counters and reversals lead to several rolling cradles, Rich Swann ends up on top and pins Perkins with a body bridge to win the match.

Rich Swann defeats TJP by pinfall

After the match, Rich Swann and TJP shake hands and the crowd applauds them. A moment that harkens back to last summer's CWC. The show ends here.

You can watch the whole WWE 205 LIVE Videos by visiting this link. If you are a android user download IDDI TV app from amazon app store here and Mobango. iphone users can download IDDI TV app here. IDDI TV features free wrestling content from over 50 wrestling promotions around the world.

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