Taped At 'The Impact Zone' In Orlando, Florida

The show kicks off with footage from earlier in the day of Joseph Park arriving to the arena with Grado sitting passenger side. They are in the "Parkmobile". Joseph tells Grado that he is going to be deported unless he gets married to a U.S. citizen. Park mentions that the odds of him being deported are increased because of the "orange haired president". Park suggests to Grado that he marry a Knockout.

A video recap airs from last week's Impact, which saw Alberto's first unified world title defense against Lashley end with LAX jumping the former champ and then anointing Alberto as their newest member.

Jeremy Borash, Josh Mathews and Da Pope are inside The Impact Zone. They intro the show and LAX's music hits. They make their way to the ring with their leader Konnan.

Konnan says that LAX is as serious as a period and that they stay hard like a blue pill. He then cues to the newest member of their group Alberto El Patron. Alberto makes his way into the arena, in his ring attire, he has the GFW title in hand and The Impact title around his waist. Alberto calls Konnan by his first name Carlos and mentions Rey Mysterio. He talks about their background and friendship with each other throughout the years. Alberto is against what LAX did for him last week and how they did it without consulting him. Konnan goes through his history with Alberto and how they have both been treated poorly by people in the industry because of being Mexican. Konnan takes a shot at "Stamford", he mentions Bruce Prichard and rips Impact as the company who has always been against him and his people. Alberto says that he knows how he has been treated in the past but this is a new company now and that this is his home. Konnan tells Alberto to not listen to the fans and asks him to join his revolution. Konnan asks Alberto to say "Si" to his movement. Alberto gets in Konnan's face and tells him that doesn't need anyone and has always relied on himself. He refuses Konnan's offer to join him, when this happens LAX jumps Alberto and Lashley comes down and makes the save. Lashley single handedly empties the ring of LAX. He then picks up the world title and hands it to Alberto.

When the show returns from the break, a clip is played of DeAngelo Williams interview with Adam Schefter on ESPN... In the brief clip, DeAngelo says that he is not interested in wrestling again at this time. This is followed by footage of a tribute done for The Pulse Nightclub tragedy in The Impact Zone. The Orlando Mayor was on hand for this ceremony.....

Jeremy Borash announces that Bruce Prichard has booked a main event tag team match for tonight with Alberto teaming with Lashley against LAX.

Two separate profile videos air for Andrew Everett and ACH, both of whom will be facing off next in the Super X Cup tournament.

ACH vs. Andrew Everett

Seesaw action back and forth early on between ACH and Everett. ACH shows off his great acrobatic ability with a backflip followed by a dropkick. The next sequence sees both go through several counters and reversals. Everett ends up countering out of a roll up with a stiff kick to ACH's head. Everett stays in control with a springboard missile dropkick. Everett continues to go to the air and connects with a springboard moonsault. When the action gets back inside, ACH rallies by connecting with 6 quick moves in a matter of seconds. Everett tries to springboard onto ACH but gets caught in mid-air and gets hit with a bridging suplex for a near fall. ACH then charges at Everett in the corner but gets met with a pele kick. Andrew then hits one of his finishers "Mount Everett" for a near fall. Andrew then heads to the top, he misses with a moonsault but lands on his feet. ACH kicks Everett in the head and then hits a wicked brainbuster to secure the victory.

ACH defeats Andrew Everett by pinfall to advance to the second round of The Super X Cup tournament

Gail Kim's major announcement is teased for next as the show heads to break........ Jeremy Borash is in the ring when the show returns. He intros and hypes up Gail Kim, calling her a pioneer in women's wrestling. Gail makes her way to the ring to make her major announcement... Gail says that her announcement was delayed last year due to injury. Gail says that she is so grateful for being able to work in this industry. She says that she doesn't regret a single moment. The crowd gives her a Thank You chant. Gail Kim announces that officially at the end of 2017, she will be retire as a wrestler. The fans chant No. Gail Kim thanks everyone from the wrestlers she has worked with and the fans for helping make her wrestling career happen. Gail says that tonight is not the end for her and that she promises to go out on top before she retires.

Gail Kim heads outside the ring and greets several fans . As Gail makes her way up the ramp, Chris Adonis walks down the ramp and taunts the Pop TV reality show stars the "Swole Mates", who are seated at ringside. Adonis calls them out. "Andy and Freddie" are invited into the ring, they knock down the barricade and confront Adonis in the ring. All three men start showing off their physiques. After a brief posedown, Eli Drake makes his way to the ring to back up Adonis and is followed by GFW officials who break up all four men.

International Mini's Match
Octagoncito vs. Demus

"Demus" is also known as a mini Damian 666 in Mexico's AAA promotion. Borash notes on commentary that Octagoncito has been labeled as a mini Rey Mysterio Jr...... Lucha Libre styled arm drags by Cito to start this match. He then follows that up with a twisting head scissors and a corkscrew plancha to the outside. Octagoncito springboards onto Demus moments later for a near fall. Demus battles back and over powers Cito with some power slams. He then hits a spinebuster on Octagoncito for a near fall. Octagoncito rallies with a top rope rana and then flies off the top again, with a moonsault on Demus. He crashes onto him at ringside. The action gets back in the ring and Octagoncito pins Demus after using a Mysterio like hurricanrana into a roll up.

Octagoncito defeats Demus by pinfall

Joseph Park is in catering with Grado. He is trying to get Grado to pick up one of the knockouts and eventually convince one of them to marry him. Grado awkwardly approaches Ava Storie and asks her out on a date. Ava says that she can't because she has to wash her hair. Grado is then shown being turned down by several of the companies female wrestlers in the backstage area. This montage is done with some poppy music in the background. Grado even tries to get Sienna and Rosemary's attention and they scare him off. Grado approaches Allie but when Sutter shows up, Grado high tails it. After all the rejections, Park tries to encourage Grado to not quit. He gives Grado chocolates and champagne, to give to the next Knockout he asks out.

After the break, before The Impact Grand Championship match can begin. EC3 makes his way down to ringside and joins the broadcast team.

Moose (c) vs. Naomichi Marufuji

Judges: Dutch Mantel, Scott D'Amore and Bruce Prichard

Round One: - EC3 is asked questions by the broadcast team but he decides to stay silent.... The feeling out process sees Moose over power Marufuji. Moose takes down Marufuji with a bicycle kick. Mathews mentions how Scott D'Amore brokered Impact's relationship with Pro Wrestling Noah, so Josh suggests that Scott's scoring may be favorable to Naomichi. Moose continues to dominate the round and connects with consecutive running sentons. With time expiring in the round, Moose out slugs Marufuji.

Round One Scorecard:- Judges 1 and 2 score the round 10-9 for Moose but Judge 3 scores it 10-9 for Marufuji. For some reason, the judges names are not shown on screen.

Round Two:- Moose lands with a big boot as soon as the round starts but Marufuji battles back quickly. He grounds Moose and then chops him in the corner. Moose battles back but takes a drop kick to his knee. Marufuji stays after Moose, He revs up with a big wind up and delivers a stiff chop to Moose. Maomichi follows it up a leaping reverse elbow. With under a minute left, Moose gets out of trouble by hitting the same big boot, that he connected with at the start of the round. Marufuji tries to take to the air but Moose drop kicks him off the top, Naomichi is sent crashing to the outside floor. He crawls his way back into the ring as time expires in the round.

Round Two Scorecard: Judges 1 and 3 score the round 10-9 for Marufuji, Judge 2 scores it 10-9 for Moose.

Round Three:- Moose again attempts a big boot to start the round but Marufuji was ready and he avoids it. However, Moose builds up a lot of momentum by hitting a flurry of moves, ending with him connecting with a hesitation dropkick in the corner. Moose attempts the game changer but Marufuji escapes and grounds Moose with several martial arts kicks. EC3 gets up from the broadcast position. He grabs Moose's title and strikes Marufuji with it, with the idea of getting Moose intentionally disqualified.

Naomichi Marufuji defeats Moose by disqualification

No official result was announced after EC3's interference. So it's possible that the entire match was thrown out as a no contest. Either way, Moose retains his title but doesn't win here. Moose gets back to his feet and chases off Ethan Carter after the match.

L.A.X are at their clubhouse. Konnan is speaking to his crew. He tells him that Alberto has decided to go all corporate and not join them. Konnan wants his crew to send a message to Alberto for turning them down. He wants El Patron to be carried out on a stretcher in their match later tonight. Konnan then amends his orders to his crew and says that he also wants Lashley to be carried out on a stretcher as well.

Back in The Impact Zone, Trevor Lee is coming to the ring with the X Division Title, he stole from Sonjay Dutt. Lee has a mic and he addresses himself as The X Division Champion. Lee says that he is out here to prove that he is a fighting champion. Trevor says that he scoured the world looking for competition and he points to his opponent tonight William Weeks. Trevor Lee lists off William's imaginary accomplishments. Lee then instructs the ref to keep an eye out on his title because he is worried about potential thieves, who may try and steal it. Lee decides against taking off the title and instead wrestles with it on.

Trevor Lee vs. William Weeks

As Trevor Lee is beating down the highly acclaimed Weeks, Sonjay Dutt is shown backstage being held back by security.... Lee dominates Weeks for the next couple of minutes. He hits his signature leaping double foot stomp and gets the quick victory.

Trevor Lee defeats William Weeks by pinfall

Sonjay Dutt makes his way into the ring and attacks Lee immediately after his hand is raised. Dutt almost gets his title back but Lee gets a hold of it and runs up the ramp way.

Laurel Van Ness vs. Ava Storie

Laurel wrestles the match as if she is drunk. She stumbles around and gets dizzy after Ava rolls her around in a cradle pin attempt. Despite being inebriated, Laurel manages to turn the match back in her favor. She misses with a curb stomp and gets hit with a neckbreaker for a near fall. The women brawl up the ramp way, when the action gets back in the ring. Laurel hits Ava with a hangman's DDT. She then executes the curb stomp to get the victory.

Laurel Van Ness defeats Ava Storie by pinfall

After the match, Grado makes his way to the ring with Joseph Park. Grado and Park do some silly dancing before getting into the ring. Laurel mocks them. Grado ends up asking Laurel out on a date. He tells Laurel that she is the most beautiful creature that he has ever laid eyes on him. He compliments her makeup and egg shell white teeth. Grado asks Laurel if she would like to get together and eat. The fans chant Netflix and Chill and Grado ends up supporting that idea. Laurel starts smiling at the proposal but before she can answer, Kongo Kong's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Grado gets out of Dodge and leaves.

Alberto El Patron & Bobby Lashley vs. L.A.X (Santana & Ortiz)

LAX's Unified Tag Team Championships are not on the line in this match.....Lashley and Alberto shake hands before the action begins. Ortiz starts things off for LAX and gets roughed up by Lashley. The former champ hits a delayed vertical suplex on Ortiz. When Ortiz tries to retreat, Alberto throws him back into the ring. Lashley greets him with a sidewalk slam. Alberto is now tagged in and he continues the momentum for his team. Santana gets tagged in and LAX doubles up on Alberto with a suplex and a moonsault. The show heads to break with LAX in control.

Alberto gets things back going for his team by hitting a reverse suplex from the top rope on Santana. Lashley is tagged in and takes it to both members of the Latin American Xchange. When Lashley sets up to spear Santana, Diamante grabs his leg while Konnan distracts the referee. Homicide gets involved and strikes down Lashley on the outside. LAX isolates Lashley in their corner and takes control of the match for the next few minutes.

The Unified Tag Champs L.A.X gets compared to The Motor City Machine Guns by Jeremy Borash. Lashley is double teamed but eventually rallies with a double clothesline. He tags in Alberto, he comes in and takes down Santana and Ortiz with step up side kicks. A back stabber by Patron nets a near fall. Lashley gets in the action and delivers a spinebuster to Ortiz. Lashley and Patron work together to eliminate Ortix from the ring. Lashley and Alberto then hit an assisted double foot stomp on Santana to secure the victory.

Alberto El Patron & Bobby Lashley defeat The Latin American Xchange

Lashley and Alberto show respect to one another after the match. Lashley ends up putting on one of LAX's flag bandanas. He heads up the rampway. Alberto gets on the mic and salutes Lashley. He says that even though they have been enemies, they make a hell of a tag team. LAX jumps Alberto and Lashley surprisingly doesn't come to his rescue. He just laughs it off and leaves. LAX beats down on Alberto, Konnan grabs the mic and says that this is what Alberto gets for turning his back on them. They then drape the Mexican flag over Alberto as the show comes to an end.