
Paige facing automatic dismissal from WWE if charged with domestic violence

Paige is risking termination from her WWE contract if she is charged with domestic violence per their Talent Wellness Program policies.

In the Wellness Program policy, there is a section where it says that WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault.

“Upon arrest for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately suspended. Upon conviction for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately terminated,” the policy states. “WWE’s ability to fine, suspend or terminate a WWE talent will not be, however, limited or compromised in any manner in the event incontrovertible evidence of such illegal misconduct is presented to WWE. Section 9.13(a) of the WWE booking contract, commonly known as the ‘morals clause’, provides WWE with broad discretion and authority to act under such circumstances.”

Paige has already two suspensions under the Wellness Program, and a third one would be an automatic dismissal. If Paige is charged and arrested, there doesn’t even need to be a conviction as it would put her on three strikes.

Her faith seemingly rests in the hands of the State Attorney’s Office, and a decision against her could cost her dearly.

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