
WWE Clash Of Champions Results - Title Change, AJ Styles Headlines, The Bludgeon Brothers, More

We're live from the TD Garden in Boston, MA as Renee Young welcomes us to the WWE Clash of Champions Kickoff pre-show. She's joined by Sam Roberts and David Otunga. They go over tonight's card as fans make their way into the arena. We go backstage to Kayla Braxton in the Social Media Lounge. She will be joined by The New Day later on. Fans can submit their questions with the #AskNewDay hashtag on Twitter. We go back to the panel and Renee leads us to a video for tonight's WWE Title match.

- Dasha Fuentes is backstage with AJ now, asking if he's concerned with The Singh Brothers. AJ knew they would never turn their backs on Jinder Mahal, just like he wishes he didn't do because that's when he got attacked. AJ says he will defy the odds tonight and he will be ready for anything. He's got to be better than good, better than great. He's got to be... phenomenal. AJ walks off and we go back to the panel to discuss the match. Sam and Otunga both pick AJ to retain. We go to a break. We see events leading to tonight's WWE United States Title Triple Threat. Sam believes Bobby Roode will win while Otunga goes with Baron Corbin to retain. We see events leading to tonight's Breezango vs. The Bludgeon Brothers match. They both pick The Bludgeon Brothers to get the win.
- Renee hypes tonight's Lumberjack Match and sends us backstage to Dasha with Naomi. She says SmackDown isn't for the taking and she's here to make sure of that. She sends a warning to The Riott Squad to stay far away from her tonight or they will feel the glow. Carmella, Lana and Tamina Snuka appear. Carmella tells Dasha to leave. Lana says they don't see eye to eye but they have a common enemy in The Riott Squad. Tamina tells her things will be alright if she doesn't cross them. Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan appear next. They all start arguing as referees try to break them up. We go to a break. We get a video package for the SmackDown Women's Title match and come back to champion Charlotte Flair on the panel. She's soon interrupted by Natalya, who talks trash about getting her title back tonight. We see The New Day setting up with Kayla Braxton as we go to another break.
- Back from the break and Kayla is in the Social Media Lounge with The New Day. They tease pancake mix coming to WWE Shop soon. Big E also talks about making his WWE debut 5 years ago on the December 17th, 2012 RAW. They go on with typical New Day shenanigans before Kayla wishes them good luck in tonight's Fatal 4 Way for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles. The panel discusses the Fatal 4 Way now. Otunga and Renee believe The Usos will retain but Sam goes with Rusev Day taking the titles. Renee leads us to a video package on tonight's battle of The Hype Bros.
Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder
We go to the ring and Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Mojo Rawley is out first to a new theme song. Zack Ryder is out next to face his former tag team partner, with what may be a remixed theme song. Ryder stares Mojo down as he walks to the ring.
The bell rings and Ryder unloads with a dropkick. Ryder keeps the fight going, causing them both to tumble over the top to the floor. Ryder fights but Mojo turns it around at ringside and rams Ryder into the LED board on the side of the ring. Ryder turns it back around and rolls Mojo back into the ring. Ryder side-steps and fights his way in but Mojo catches him with a spinebuster. Some fans boo as Mojo stares down at Ryder.
Mojo keeps control and rocks Ryder into the corner now. Mojo with a splash and a 2 count. Mojo keeps Ryder down with a headlock now. Ryder causes Mojo to run into knees in the corner but Mojo knocks him off the top. Ryder lands hard on the floor. Mojo follows and runs around the ring, knocking Ryder into the barrier. Mojo talks trash to Ryder while he's down. We go to a commercial.
Back from the break and Mojo has Ryder down in the ring. They get up and keep it going. Ryder looks to make a comeback but Mojo shuts him down. Ryder finally gets some offense in and hits a forearm in the corner. Ryder beats Mojo down in the corner and nails the Broski Boot. Ryder with another Broski Boot on the ropes. Mojo kicks out at 2. Mojo easily turns it around and nails a huge running right hand to the face to drop Ryder for the pin.
Winner: Mojo Rawley
- After the match, Mojo stands tall as his new music hits. Mojo gets down in Ryder's face and talks some trash. We go to replays.
- We go back to the panel for another rundown of tonight's matches. We get a promo for WWE Mixed Match Challenge next. We also get a video package for tonight's big tag team match with special referees. We see Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Roode and WWE United States Champion Baron Corbin walking backstage as Renee wraps the pre-show.
- The 2017 WWE Clash of Champions pay-per-view opens with a video package.
- We're live from the TD Garden in Boston as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.
Triple Threat for the WWE United States Title: Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin
We go right to the ring and out comes Bobby Roode as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. Dolph Ziggler's music hits next but it quickly stops. Ziggler walks to the ring with no music.
The bell rings and it looks like Roode may be outnumbered. Roode and Ziggler quickly team up and take Corbin to the corner, unloading with stomps. They all end up on the floor now. Corbin gets clotheslined over the top into the crowd by Roode and Ziggler. Roode and Ziggler go at it now. They bring it back in the ring. Ziggler blocks a Glorious DDT. Ziggler with a close 2 count. Roode comes back and hits the Russian leg sweep for a 2 count. Ziggler knocks Roode out of the ring. Corbin ends up taking Ziggler out and going back into the ring to work over Roode.
Corbin beats Roode around and talks some trash while he's down as fans boo. Corbin whips Roode hard into the corner and he goes down. Corbin stares down at Roode and takes his time. Corbin slows things down and keeps working Roode over. Corbin goes back to the floor and rams Ziggler back into the barrier. Corbin returns to the ring but Roode hits him. Roode tries to make a comeback with chops but Corbin catches him in a sideslam for a 2 count as Ziggler breaks it up.
Corbin ends up flooring Ziggler as he's getting offense in. Roode goes to work on Corbin and unloads. Roode with a big clothesline in the corner. Corbin runs into Roode's boots in the corner. Roode with a Blockbuster but Corbin kicks out at 2. Corbin goes to the floor. Ziggler runs in and tries for a Zig Zag from behind but Roode keeps control. Roode and Ziggler go at it now. Roode comes off the top but Ziggler avoids him. More back and forth until Ziggler hits a Fame-asser for another close 2 count. Corbin with offense to both opponents but Ziggler cuts him off. Roode takes Ziggler out but Corbin hits Deep Six on Roode for a close 2 count.
Fans try to rally for Roode now. Corbin takes Roode to the top and climbs for a superplex. Roode fights back. Roode knocks Corbin to the mat. Ziggler runs up and nails Roode. Ziggler fights Roode and goes for a superplex but Corbin comes over and powerbombs them both to the mat. Corbin is slow to cover Ziggler, who kicks out at 2. Corbin with a 2 count to Roode next. More back and forth now. Ziggler sends Corbin hard into the ring post. Corbin falls out to the floor. Ziggler cranks up for Roode. Roode side steps and nails a spinebuster on Ziggler. Roode calls for the Glorious DDT as the crowd gets behind him. Ziggler blocks it and nails a big DDT. Roode kicks out at 2.
Roode ends up sending Corbin back over the top to the floor. Roode catches a Ziggler superkick. Roode catapults Ziggler into the corner. Roode hits the Glorious DDT on Ziggler. Corbin runs in but Roode sends him back to the floor. Roode covers Ziggler but Corbin pulls Roode out of the ring ansd breaks the pin. Corbin nails Roode with the chokeslam - backbreaker combo on the floor. Corbin rolls Roode back into the ring as fans chant "this is awesome" now. Corbin with End of Days on Roode but Ziggler turns that into a Zig Zag. Ziggler covers for the title and the win.
Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Dolph Ziggler
- After the match, Ziggler stands tall with the title as his music hits. We go to replays.
- We get a backstage segment with tension between Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan going into tonight's match where they will be special referees.
- Dasha Fuentes is backstage with Baron Corbin, who is furious about the loss. He rants on how Dolph Ziggler didn't even belong in the match, saying it's not fair. Corbin promises to get his title back.
Fatal 4 Way for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles: Rusev & Aiden English vs. The New Day vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable vs. The Usos
We go to the ring and out first comes Aiden English for a special introduction for he and partner Rusev. Fans chant "Rusev Day" as English continues singing. The music interrupts and out comes the team of Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin. The New Day are out next, followed by SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos. The champs have their own version of 12 Days of Christmas, in response to English's song. They welcome everyone to The Uso Penitentiary.
English, Gable, Jimmy Uso and Kofi Kingston start off with chaos. They all stop and stare before tagging in their partners. All 8 Superstars go at it now. Big E launches Kofi out of the ring, taking out Gable and Rusev. Jey Uso ends up taking Big E and English down on the floor from the ring. Shelton launches Jimmy Uso from the top to the mat for a 2 count. Big E and Kofi work over Shelton in their corner now while Xavier Woods talks trash at ringside. Shelton gets the Unicorn Stampede now. Kofi takes Rusev down with a dropkick. Kofi and Big E take out Shelton, Uso and then Rusev in the corners but Rusev floors Kofi with a superkick. Rusev sends Big E into the ring post. Rusev takes out The Usos and covers Jimmy for a 2 count. Fans chant for Rusev Day. Rusev with a 2 count on Kofi.
Benjamin and Gable double team Kofi now. Gable with a 2 count as English stomps on Jimmy. English and Rusev double team Uso now. Gable has Kofi grounded while English sings and keeps Uso grounded. Shelton comes back in and takes over on Kofi. Shelton with a suplex. Rusev tags in as Shelton covers Kofi for a 2 count. Rusev goes to work on Uso now. Rusev and English double team Jimmy now. English with a 2 count. Shelton drops Kofi on his back. English with a suplex on Uso. English with a 2 count on Jimmy as English and Benjamin try showing each other up. Rusev tags back in as Gable hits a suplex on Kofi. Rusev breaks the 2 count up. Rusev sends Uso to the floor as Kofi gets double teamed by Benjamin and Gable.
Gable and Benjamin floor Kofi and then take a shot at Big E. Kofi floors Gable as he turns around. Shelton stops Big E from tagging by bringing him off the apron. Gable drops Kofi with a kick for a close 2 count as English breaks it. English and Gable have words now. They shove each other. English blocks a kick from Uso but it drops Gable. Kofi with a stomp to take English down. Jey and Big E tag in at the same time and unload on the others. Big E with a big belly-to-belly on Gable. Jey with a Samoan Drop on English. Jey and Big E continue running wild for a double pin that one referee counts. Jey and Big E have words as they face off now. Big E strikes first as they go at it.
The Usos take Kofi, Rusev and English out. Gable and Benjamin run in but The Usos take them down too. They catch superkicks and send The Usos to the mat. Gable with a Cloverleaf on Jey as Shelton stands guard. Kofi springboards in but Shelton powerbombs in from mid-air. English brings Shelton to the floor and plants him face first into the floor. English ends up taking Gable out in the ring for a close 2 count. Rusev tags in as fans cheer. Rusev stomps on Gable's back and applies The Accolade as fans pop. Big E comes in and breaks it. Big E goes for the Big Ending on Rusev. Kofi goes to the top for the double team but English knocks him off. Rusev with a 2 count on Big E. Rusev floors Big E with a big kick for a close 2 count.
Rusev stomps on Big E and applies The Accolade on him now. Big E starts to power up with Rusev on his back but Rusev powers back down and tightens the hold. Gable comes in and nails a big suplex on Rusev. English runs in and misses at Gable. Gable drops English on his head. Gable and Big E go at it now. Gable drops Big E on his head and yells out to the crowd. Jimmy runs in but Gable rolls him up. Jey comes in and hits a superkick. The Usos hit the big splash on Gable and cover for the pin to retain.
Winners: The Usos
- After the match, The Usos stand tall as we go to replays. The Usos celebrate with the titles.
- We get a video package for the next match.
Lumberjack Match for the SmackDown Women's Title: Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair
We go to the ring and the Lumberjacks are out first as Naomi makes her way out. Carmella is out next, followed by Tamina Snuka and Lana. The Riott Squad's Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan are out next. Natalya is out next. SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair is out last.
We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton before the bell. They lock up and trade holds. Natalya with an elbow to the face and a takedown for some showing off. Natalya runs but Flair drops her. Flair kicks Natalya out of the ring. Naomi kicks Natalya and rolls her back in. Natalya sends Flair right back out. Carmella, Lana and Tamina work Flair over before sending her back in. The Riott Squad also gets involved. Natalya grabs Flair and talks some trash before going back to work on her.
Flair kicks Natalya a few times and hits a neckbreaker. Flair with a big boot and a 2 count. Natalya counters and sends Flair's face into the turnbuckle. Natalya with some more showing off for boos. Natalya sends Flair back out and The Riott Squad gets her this time. Natalya sends Flair back out as almost all of the Lumberjacks get a hand on her. Natalya continues to use the Lumberjacks. They roll Flair back in. Natalya with more offense and trash talking. Natalya keeps Flair grounded now.
Flair fights up to her feet but Natalya sends her back down. Natalya with the running step on Flair's neck and then the dropkick. Natalya keeps control with more offense as The Riott Squad looks on. Natalya ends up on the floor but she makes it back in before the Lumberjacks can get her. It looks like Carmella may have given her a pass. Natalya runs back in but Flair unloads with chops. Flair drops Natalya with a kick. Flair shows off some for a pop. Flair drops Natalya over her knee and launches her face first into the turnbuckle. Flair goes to the top but it backfires as Natalya brings her to the mat on her head.
Flair counters a Sharpshooter and rolls Natalya up for a 2 count. Flair drops Natalya with a boot. Natalya blocks the Figure Four and kicks Flair to the floor. The Riott Squad attacks her. The other Lumberjacks join in and a brawl breaks out. Naomi takes everyone down. Flair brings Natalya back into the ring. Riott grabs Flair's boot to distract her, allowing Natalya to capitalize. Tamina nails a big kick and Natalya drags Flair over for the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring.
Natalya tightens the hold as Flair tries to get the bottom rope. The Riott Squad yells at Flair to tap. Flair finally gets the rope but Tamina, Carmella and Lana pull her out of the ring for a beatdown. The others join in as another brawl breaks out at ringside. Carmella grabs her Money In the Bank briefcase and enters the ring with it but Ruby decks her. The Lumberjacks fight in the ring and back out. Natalya and Naomi brawl as Lana and Liv go at it. Flair goes to the top and hits a big moonsault to the floor, taking about a half-dozen other Superstars out. Natalya is the first one up. She sends Flair face first into the ring post. Natalya with more shots to Flair while she's down on the floor. Natalya rolls Flair back into the ring. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring but Flair kicks her to the mat. Flair goes right into the Figure Eight for the win.
Winner: Charlotte Flair
- After the match, Flair takes her title and goes to ringside to pose with fans in the front row. We go to replays. Kayla Braxton interviews Natalya in the ring after the match, asking what went wrong. Natalya says she did nothing wrong. Tonight Flair did what she did best - use her family's name to cut corners. Natalya starts crying as some fans boo. Natalya says she has given the WWE Universe some of the best matches that women in WWE have ever seen and she's carried the entire division for 10 years but all of you - you, you, you and you - have treated her with nothing but disrespect. Natalya says if WWE wants to turn her back on her, the WWE Universe wants to turn its back on her, the women want to turn their backs on her... well now she is turning her back on all of us. Natalya drops the mic and leaves the ring, still crying. We go to a break.
- Back from a break and Dasha is backstage with The Singh Brothers. They mock AJ Styles and talk about how they embarrassed him on SmackDown. They are so confident that The Modern Day Maharaja will become a two-time WWE Champion tonight and Jinder Mahal himself is so confident that he won't need them at ringside tonight.
Breezango vs. The Bludgeon Brothers
We go to the ring and out first comes Tyler Breeze and Fandango. We see more of the international announce teams in the arena tonight. Rowan and Harper are out next.
The bell rings and Harper drops Breeze, then scares Fandango off the apron. Rowan tags in next and also scares Fandango at ringside. Breeze stuns Rowan with a kick. Fandango tags in as Breezango works together on Rowan. Rowan quickly catches him and stops from running into the post while Harper floors Breeze on the floor. Harper manhandles Fandango, allowing Rowan to club Fandango from behind. The referee warns them to bring it back in the ring. Rowan brings Fandango in. Rowan goes back to ringside to double team Breeze, slamming him face first into the apron.
Harper and Rowan return to the ring to quickly put Fandango down with a double team powerbomb. They nail the double team Crucifix Bomb to the mat on Fandango and Rowan covers for the easy win.
Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers
- After the match, Rowan and Harper stand tall as we go to replays. They take the mic and say the future holds more bludgeoning, more pain, more fear. The end of the beginning, the beginning of the end. They hit each other and announce who they are before dropping the mics and standing tall as their music hits.
- Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are backstage for an interview, just as confident about keeping their jobs as before. Owens says The Sami & Kevin Show will not be canceled tonight, mentioning how Daniel Bryan is there to make sure things are fair. They're asked what happens if their plan doesn't work and they lose to get fired from WWE but they just ignore the question and walk off.
- We get a video package for the next match.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Randy Orton
We go to the ring and out comes out first special referee, SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon. SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan is out next as the second special referee for this match. Shinsuke Nakamura is out first for his team, followed by Randy Orton. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are out next. Per the stipulations, Owens and Zayn will be fired from all of WWE if they lose this match.
There's already some confusion between Bryan and Shane as the bell rings. Sami talks trash to Orton as they start things off. They lock up and Orton takes it to the corner. They break and lock up again. Orton takes Sami down with a headlock. The "ole!" chants start up. Orton drops Sami with a shoulder and goes for a cover. Bryan and Shane count the pin at the same time for a 2 count but it appears they weren't counting at the same pace. Owens calls them out. Sami takes Orton to the corner and works him over. Shane gets in between of them and warns Sami. Orton with a kick out of the corner. Orton drops Sami and takes control. Nakamura tags in to a pop.
The WWE Network feed cuts out but comes back to fans doing dueling chants as Sami and Nakamura trade holds. Sami gets to the rope and breaks a hold as Bryan does the count. Owens tags in and unloads on Nakamura in the corner. Shane warns him. Bryan gets in between as Owens argues with Shane. Nakamura goes for a shot but Owens capitalizes and takes him to the corner. Nakamura turns it around in the corner and works Owens over. Nakamura takes Owens down and drops a knee for a pin attempt. Shane and Bryan went for the pin at the same time again. They have a few words.
Orton tags in and works Owens over, taking him back to the corner. Orton blocks a counter and clotheslines Owens for a pin attempt. Shane and Bryan both try to count the pin again. They have words and both agree to take one side of the ring. Orton drops Sami but Owens superkicks Orton to the mat. Owens with a 2 count on Orton as Bryan counts. Owens yells for him to do his damn job. Sami comes back in and keeps control of Orton in the corner. Sami with chops and trash talking. Orton with a big uppercut out of the corner, dropping Sami. Owens tags back in and goes right to work on Orton with offense. Owens unloads in the corner, and has words with both referees. Sami tags back in and keeps up the attack on Orton. Owens gets a "yep!" chant going as Sami keeps Orton grounded.
Orton slams Sami over the top rope and he goes down. Owens tags in and stops Orton from tagging in, knocking Nakamura on the apron. Owens with a senton to Orton for a 2 count as Shane makes the count. Owens wants Bryan to count. Owens keeps Orton down with a headlock now. Orton fights free and rocks Owens. Owens fights back. Sami tags back in and keeps the attack going. Orton tries to fight to his corner for a tag but Sami stops him. Orton with a back suplex to drop Sami.
Owens and Nakamura go at it now. Nakamura unloads with kicks. Nakamura with knees now and a forearm shot to Sami. Nakamura charges Owens in he corner and unloads more. Nakamura with Good Vibrations in the corner to Owens. Nakamura places Owens over the top and delivers the high knee to the ribs. Nakamura with a 2 count. Nakamura ducks a shot from Owens and misses a kick but comes right back with another kick to drop Owens for a 2 count. Owens ends up blocking the reverse exploder suplex. More back and forth between the two. Nakamura ends up getting the triangle applied on Owens in the middle of the ring. Shane and Bryan check on Owens, who turns it into a pin. Bryan and Shane argue about the pin. Owens drops Nakamura with a superkick for a 2 count. Sami tags in and knocks Orton off the apron. Sami goes for a Helluva Kick on Nakamura but Nakamura kicks him instead. Sami comes right back with a Blue Thunderbomb on Nakamura for a close 2 count.
Owens tags in and they double team Nakamura. Owens covers for a 2 count but Orton breaks the pin. Orton beats on Owens but Sami runs in and stops him. Sami sends Orton out to the floor. Fans chant for Nakamura. Owens goes for another senton but Nakamura gets his knees up. Orton and Sami tag in at the same time. Orton unloads with clotheslines. Sami avoids the powerslam. Orton comes right back with a big overhead toss. Sami drops Orton over the top rope as Orton tries to bring him in from the apron. Sami goes to the top but Orton crotches him by taking his legs out. Bryan warns Orton that wasn't legal. Orton climbs up for a superplex but Sami fights him. Orton hits a big superplex. Owens pulls Orton to the floor and sends him into the steel ring steps.
Nakamura runs over and unloads on Owens at ringside. Nakamura sends Owens into the barrier. Nakamura with kicks against the barrier now. Sami makes the save. Bryan and Shane try to restore things at ringside now, telling the legal men to return to the ring. Sami and Owens double team Nakamura on the floor now. Sami and Owens take apart the announce table and the referees are letting it go. Sami and Owens clear two announce tables and bring Nakamura on top. Nakamura is laid flat on his back. Owens jumps from one announce table to the other, putting Nakamura through the table with a Frogsplash. Fans chant "holy s--t" now.
Shane checks on Nakamura as we get replays. Sami returns to the ring but Orton catches him in a powerslam. Shane and Bryan are both back in the ring now. Orton with the second rope draping DDT on Sami. Orton drops down and readies for the RKO. Shane looks excited. Orton nails the RKO on Sami in the middle of the ring. Shane goes for the pin but Owens comes in and pushes Bryan back onto Shane. Shane and Bryan argue now.
Orton gets up staring at Bryan as Shane and Bryan are still arguing. Owens comes from behind but Orton drops him with the RKO. Sami rolls Bryan up for a close 2 count. They trade roll ups and pin attempts. Shane screws Sami and gets on Bryan's side of the ring to stop a count as fans boo. Bryan and Shane argue in each others faces now. They get a little physical with each other. Fans pop. Orton grabs Sami from behind for the RKO but Sami rolls Orton up. Bryan counts the pin. Shane tries to stop it but Bryan makes a fast 3 count to end the match.
Winners: Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens
- After the match, Owens and Sami celebrate on the ramp as we go to replays. We come back to what looks like the crowd chanting "yep!" for Owens and Sami. Bryan looks on from the bottom of the ramp while Owens and Sami celebrate on the ramp. Shane is in the ring with Orton and Nakamura. We go to more replays of the controversy. Owens and Sami taunt Shane as he looks on from the ring.
- We get a video package for tonight's main event.
WWE Title Match: Jinder Mahal vs. AJ Styles
We go to the ring and out first comes Jinder Mahal with The Singh Brothers. WWE Champion AJ Styles is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.
The bell rings as fans chant for AJ. They lock up and Jinder takes AJ to the corner. AJ tries to fight back but Jinder ends up overpowering him and showing off some. Fans do dueling chants now. Jinder looks to try for a test of strength but AJ ends up taking his leg out and sending him to the floor for a breather. AJ follows and keeps focusing on Jinder's leg. AJ works Jinder over and brings him back into the ring. AJ with more offense, focusing on the legs. AJ drops down and puts a lock on the leg but Jinder makes it to the bottom rope.
AJ goes at Jinder but Jinder nails him in the throat. Jinder catches AJ off the ropes and drops him hard over the top rope. AJ falls out to the floor in front of The Singh Brothers. The referee counts and we get a replay. Jinder follows and keeps up the attack on AJ. Jinder launches AJ back into the barrier. Jinder rolls AJ back into the ring to break the count but brings him right back and keeps up the attack. Jinder sends AJ into the exposed steel of the barrier, which AJ accidentally exposed earlier. AJ lands over in the timekeeper's area.
Jinder rolls AJ back into the ring as the referee counts. Jinder puts a knee to AJ's back. Jinder with a knee to the face. Jinder stomps on AJ and delivers another running knee, sending AJ to the floor in front of Sunil Singh and Samir Singh. Jinder follows and drives AJ into the announce table. Jinder takes his time and keeps control, bringing AJ back into the ring. Fans chant USA but Jinder smiles at them. Jinder keeps AJ grounded with a body scissors now.
AJ fights back with big right hands now. AJ stuns Jinder but Jinder whips him rib-first into the corner. Jinder has been working on the ribs for most of the match. Jinder has AJ down with an abdominal stretch now. Jinder keeps control and smiles as he takes his time with AJ. Jinder goes to the second rope and comes down but AJ dropkicks him in mid-air. Jinder rolls to the floor for a breather.
Styles follows and counters, rocking Jinder. AJ rolls Jinder back into the ring and drops Jinder with a forearm from the apron. AJ springboards up but Jinder hits the top rope, sending AJ crashing to the mat, hitting his ribs on the top rope on the way down. Jinder scoops AJ on his shoulders and nails a big Gutbuster for a close 2 count. We get replays as Jinder keeps control. Jinder places AJ on the top and rocks him with a right. AJ is tangled up now as Jinder takes advantage. Samir and Singh cheer him on from ringside. Jinder climbs up for a superplex but AJ slides down. Jinder counters the counter and grabs AJ's neck. AJ counters that and brings Jinder to the mat with an Electric Chair.
They trade shots now. Jinder with a nice knee. AJ with a clothesline. AJ comes back with a forearm. AJ with a splash in the corner. AJ scoops Jinder up but his ribs can't hold him up. AJ manages to deliver a big Ushigoroshi but can't get the pin. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Jinder avoids it and works AJ over. Jinder runs into boots in the corner but ends up dropping AJ for a close 2 count. More back and forth. AJ with a suplex and a bridge for another pin attempt.
AJ with more offense until Jinder counters and floors him with a forearm. Jinder with a Musclebuster from the middle of the ring for another close 2 count. Jinder looks to put AJ away but AJ nails a pele kick. More back and forth. Jinder blocks a Styles Clash attempt. Jinder sends AJ back to the mat from the corner and follows up by flooring him with a big kick. AJ still kicks out at 2. The referee warns Jinder to stop grabbing AJ by his hair. Jinder looks to be going for a super Khallas from the corner but AJ jumps up and hits a pele kick. Jinder is stunned on the top. Styles drops him to the mat. AJ looks to be out of gas as he collapses. AJ goes to the apron and springboards in for the 450. He hits it but can't make the pin as his ribs are damaged.
The Singh Brothers try to drag Jinder out of the ring but AJ pulls back. AJ leaps out and takes them down on the floor. AJ hits a Styles Clash on one of the brothers. AJ ends up spring-boarding in for the Phenomenal Forearm but Jinder ducks. Jinder with a knee to the back of the head. Jinder with The Khallas for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Fans chant for AJ as Jinder can't believe it. Jinder grabs AJ and mocks him, calling for a Styles Clash. Jinder can't get the Clash up. Styles drops him into the Calf Crusher in the middle of the ring. AJ keeps the hold locked and tightens it as the referee checks on Jinder. Jinder crawls for the bottom rope but AJ rolls him back and tightens the hold. Jinder taps out.
Winner: AJ Styles
- After the match, AJ stands tall with the WWE Title as his music plays. We go to replays. AJ holds the title as Jinder recovers at ringside on the floor. Clash of Champions goes off the air with AJ raising the WWE Title.

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